Donny Adi Wiguna, ST, MA
I was born in 1970 in Bandung, Indonesia. I grew up there; my elementary school was SDK 1 BPK, my junior was SMP Providentia, and my high school was SMA St. Aloysius, graduated in 1989. I am very fortunate to have good family and friends, though we weren't rich, my family was a common middle class overseas-chinese in Bandung.

I went to Maranatha Christian University, took Electro Technic Faculty, majoring in Control System. Back then, I was very fond of computer and networks. I did some programming in Basic, C, Pascal, and Assembler, as part of the control system I made. 5 years later, I graduated in 1994.

Then I worked in companies:
1994 - 1995, PT Bauma Kencana Murni
1995 - 1997, PT LG Astra
1997 - 1998, PT Sigma Cipta Caraka
1999 - 2005 Dialogue Group
2006 - Now Sequislife RePro Agency

My last position in Dialogue Group was a Department Head. Since 2006, I joined RePro Agency as business partner, we created Savingplus and become #1 Agency in Sequis. Currently I'm still a core Management in RePro as we've grown to many cities in Indonesia.
Donny Adi Wiguna
That's me when I was a Department Head in Dialogue group, 1999-2005
Blue Ocean Net  - RePro Agency blog
Sequis Life
Pikiran Donny - my blog
Contact Me
Urban Ministry

In year 2000, I took a study in Theology, majoring in Urban Ministry from Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Bandung. I graduated in 2003 as a Master of Art in Urban Ministry. This study is important to me, a milestone in my life. I learn about God, His works and His will, and all gave me a new perspective about work.

Let's look around; how a person's work has any meaning? I live in an urban society, living an urban life, but what have I done to make a difference? This is another way to ask a question: what is the purpose of life? -- but in more practical terms.

I am a Christian, I do believe in Jesus, and I am sure that He has a plan for me, as for anybody else who follow Him. I then started to do a ministry by mailing lists, since 2002. But then, I also thought about my work, my job, and how did I make any difference? People face many challanges, most troubled, in their financial conditions. Urban people in Indonesia couldn't set their finance right, because so many illiteracy in finance. They didn't get proper education about finance in school -- I don't know what has they learned.

In RePro Agency, we do a lot of education to people, about investment and insurance and financial planning. We did good; hundreds have participated as agents, and thousands have their insurance policy and investment plans. We achieve more than anybody else in this business, even Sequislife -- the principal -- approve our ways to do business. That's good!