- 03/11/00 08:02:34
- 03/11/00 07:16:34
Kyle W. Shedron - 02/08/00 08:41:33
I live in: Tennessee, US
How I found this page.: MSN search
Thank you for compiling such an extensive list of quotes on love and friendship. Even if the words are not my own, the feelings expressed in the quotes are.
Tiffany Rose - 02/07/00 22:14:56
My Email:JNCdrose@aol.com I live in: Alabama
How I found this page.: sufing the internet
I love all the stuff on this. I was tring to
find something to write to my best friend and my
boyfriend and I came across this page.See my boyfriend is like my best friend too and it's hard to find stuff that say "I love you" and "your my best friend" all in one saying. Some have "your my best friend" and some just say "I love you". But now I foun
the write stuff to say to both of them.!!!! Thank you so much
Antosha - 02/05/00 00:46:25
My Email:antoshagibson@hotmail.com I live in: Trinidad & Tobago
How I found this page.: I was just browsing, looking for a poem to send to a good friend of mine
Your site is excellent. It makes good reading, good relaxation
Tysheema Hunter - 02/04/00 09:38:12
My Email:tysheema@yahoo.com I live in: Germany
How I found this page.: just looking for poems
Meghan - 02/04/00 01:33:43
I live in: Vancouver Canada
How I found this page.: Searchign the net
This is an awesome page! I found all the poems and quotes I was looking for, to give to a friend of mine.
James - 02/03/00 00:55:24
My Email:Fire321fighter@aol.com I live in: Maryland
How I found this page.: Yahoo search
Renee Jones - 02/02/00 01:48:34
My Email:babybear18@kiddonet.com I live in: 1010 S. street
Love the page!!!!!!!
Renee Jones - 02/02/00 01:47:18
Serafina - 02/01/00 22:33:47
My Email:an-gel@home.com I live in: Maryland
How I found this page.: hotbot
Hey whoever you are! I'm really into collecting quotes so when I did a search for quotes and poems and things like that I stumbled across this here page. You did a wonderful job on it; it must have taken you forever to do! Well, not much else except keep
p tha good work. Talk to you later!
Cat K. - 01/30/00 20:47:43
My URL:http://-
My Email:marmalade_jam@hotmail.com I live in: Ontario, Canada
How I found this page.: surfing the net
great work.. loved your friendship poems!
anonymous - 01/30/00 20:44:27
My URL:http://???
I live in: Canada
Fav. GeoCities URL: yours
How I found this page.: geocities
Loved everything. Great quotes! Sent one myself.
SHERRY SLOAN - 01/30/00 01:46:52
My Email:sassy23cheeks I live in: montreal,canada
How I found this page.: surfing the net
good work, the friedship poems where great!!
Donna - 01/27/00 16:04:48
My Email:doncampmobile@home.com I live in: Alberta, Canada
How I found this page.: browsing
Julie - 01/25/00 03:54:25
My URL:http://expage.com/page/jvsquotes
My Email:jv613@aol.com I live in: Ohio
Favourite External URL: Inspirational Quotations: The Collection (sorry, no URL)
How I found this page.: Surfed on in
Really awesome page. Ive been collecting quotes for awhile and ur page is just so awesome. plz keep updating! ill definitely be coming back. Thanx alot! :o)
suzette - 01/25/00 00:10:41
My Email:suzette134@html.com I live in: pleasanton
How I found this page.: searching 4 poems
i love the quotes
Shaunna - 01/22/00 04:03:32
My Email:ssablack@mediaone.com I live in: Ypsilanti,MI
merry - 01/21/00 18:59:15
My Email:MACole18@aol.com I live in: new hampshire
How I found this page.: through alta vista quote page
i think it has a nice set up. i didnt read any of the quotes yet.
Gwen Rowley - 01/20/00 18:47:04
My Email:artos7@hotmail.com I live in: Raymond Alberta Canada
How I found this page.: looking for friendship poems
Hi my name is Gwen and I,d like to hear from anyone who would like to corespond with me your Canadian friend Gwen
Gwen Rowley - 01/20/00 18:45:38
My Email:artos7@hotmail.com I live in: Raymond Alberta Canada
Gwen Rowley - 01/20/00 18:45:04
Christie Cauble - 01/19/00 14:05:26
My Email:caublecl@brevard.edu I live in: NC
How I found this page.: friendship poems
- 01/17/00 06:19:05
carissa chan - 01/17/00 04:34:08
My Email:carissa82@usa.net I live in: malaysia
How I found this page.: surfing
well..i really love ur homepage because it is full of information
PAMELA - 01/15/00 23:23:06
My Email:SPAMMY726 I live in: NJ/BOSTON
Elesha - 01/15/00 23:17:59
My Email:eleshasiggins@hotmail.com I live in: Australia
How I found this page.: was just looking for some poetry and came across it through altavista
I have really enjoyed ready all of the quotes and poems,very interesting and keep them coming I will be checking regularly,by the way my fav quote i found was.
Only your real friend will tell you when your face is dirty......very true..
ROMA C - 01/15/00 04:30:04
How I found this page.: SEARCH ENGINE
Lynn - 01/12/00 21:15:55
I live in: Canada
How I found this page.: Looking for a peom to send
Thank you
You made a dark sad day a brighter one
valentina - 01/12/00 16:12:34
My Email:valtase@primus.com.au I live in: australia
How I found this page.: just looking up love poems
i would really love to be updated with all the latest stuff u have .....i really love the quotes u have they are really special i love them plz send me more
Liz - 01/09/00 19:24:49
My Email:smartone10@juno.com I live in: Chatt.
How I found this page.: search engine
Great page! I love it...it's got so many great quotes...
nancy - 01/09/00 19:23:22
My Email:nancyvh@wanadoo.be I live in: belgium
nancy - 01/09/00 19:23:12
My Email:nancyvh@wanadoo.be I live in: belgium
Gill Mesce - 01/09/00 12:35:44
My Email:maln40@pipex.dial.com I live in: Bury UK
How I found this page.: Atlavision
All excellent, thankyou.
Gill Mesce - 01/09/00 12:35:01
My Email:maln40@pipex.dial.com I live in: Bury UK
Hollie - 01/06/00 21:38:13
My Email:APHA 001@aol.co, How I found this page.: I was looking for Friendship Poems.
Your page was filled with great peoms and I really liked the way that everything looked. I just want to say thank you for having all of those great quotes and peoms, they helped me out a lot!
~*AmY*~ })i({ - 01/05/00 21:41:01
My Email:valygrl238@hotmail.com I live in: CoNnEcTiCuT
How I found this page.: just lucky i guess :o)
HeY wHaT uP? rEaL cOoL pAgE...lOtS oF gOoD qUoTeS & pOeMs...KeEp Up ThE GoOd WoRk! :o)
Natalie - 01/05/00 07:19:38
Great site Here's another quote for you to add. Good friends are hard to find, hard to lose andd impossible to forget.
Erin Neumen - 01/03/00 19:10:11
My Email:eeneumen@hotmail.com I live in: Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I love inspirational poemtry and quotes...thanks for this site...:)
vikram - 12/28/99 20:39:37
My Email:vsingh_in@usa.net I live in: varanasi the city of god
Favourite External URL: icq.com
Fav. GeoCities URL: not yet
How I found this page.: through icq
i feel very nice and realy feel happy after visiting ur siteand thanks for giving me words to explain my feelings to my friend
Diana Ables - 12/23/99 02:05:44
My Email:Durga4x4@yahoo.com I live in: Mississippi
How I found this page.: search for friendship quotes
I really enjoyed visiting!!!!!!!
Naghma - 12/22/99 15:37:22
My Email:mini_7@hotmail.com I live in: Dubai UAE
How I found this page.: Through Geocities search
Its a nice site I likes it A LOTTTT!!!
Crystal - 12/21/99 15:19:51
I live in: CANADA
Crystal - 12/21/99 15:18:57
jennifer - 12/20/99 00:17:17
My Email:jennie2312@yahoo.com I live in: texas
How I found this page.: search
i like your poems, but i have my own to share with you:
I need you now
My friend, I need you now,
Please take me by the hand.
Stand by me in hour of need,
Take time to understand.
Take my hand, dear friend,
And lead me from this place.
Chase away my doubts and fears,
Wipe the tears from off my face.
Friend, I cannot stand alone.
I need your hand to hold,
The warmth of your gentle touch
In my world that's grown so cold.
Please be a friend
And hold me day by day.
Because with your loving hand in mine,
I know we'll find the way.
i found this poem in a chicken soup book.
Cassie - 12/18/99 15:47:25
My Email:cassie_20@hotmail.com How I found this page.: through search.com
I really enjoyed your page. I write poems myself and just looking at ideas inspires me. I've searched through a lot of homepages lately and I've found so far that yours is the cutest! I really like the little boy and little girl at the first of it(the
nes with the valentines) and I like the little birdies!
Jamal - 12/16/99 16:03:09
I live in: New Mexico
How I found this page.: Searching for poems for school
We are collecting quotes and poems for a scrapbook for an English class I really liked your site, especially the older quotes!
RAND™ - 12/15/99 08:33:44
My Email:rand.3@usa.net I live in: Manila, Philippines
How I found this page.: altavista: "friendship poems"
hi. i admire the effort and dedication in putting up this home page. it's definitely cool. and inspiring. i collect love and friendship quotes myself, so i can really appreciate the work done here. keep it up, and keep on smiling. ;)
here's a quote especially for you. 'hope you like it.
"Friendship is the best foundation for a happy and lasting relationship."
Heather - 12/14/99 00:09:45
My Email:reese_drake@hotmail.com I live in: USA
How I found this page.: Search
Good page. One of the best I've seen.
Tabatha M - 12/13/99 01:05:49
My Email:little_charmer2@hotmail.com I live in: Kansas
How I found this page.: through "love quotes"
You've done a very nice job. Keep up the good work.
HEATHER - 12/11/99 02:34:44
I live in: U.S.A.
How I found this page.: JUST BROWSING
andrea gallo - 12/11/99 02:14:29
My Email:theprincessaj@aol.com I live in: UsA
Favourite External URL: dont know
Fav. GeoCities URL: dont know
How I found this page.: metasearch.com
i dont have a website yet but i was wondering if yuo could give me some ideas?
andrea gallo - 12/11/99 02:14:09
My Email:theprincessaj@aol.com I live in: UsA
Favourite External URL: dont know
Fav. GeoCities URL: dont know
How I found this page.: metasearch.com
i dont have a website yet but i was wondering if yuo could give me some ideas?
TANIA WANG - 12/10/99 23:16:45
How I found this page.: MY FRIEND E-MAILED ME
Leya - 12/10/99 03:58:32
My Email:none I live in: Riverside, CA
How I found this page.: trying to find quotes about friends for an assignment
I think your page is pretty. I printed out alot of your little designs for my project, which I'm doing on my friend who doesn't know.Well thanks for allowing me to visit your wonderful site.
Renee - 12/01/99 01:37:53
My URL:http://www.compu-ad.net/public/kids.htm
My Email:emma@compu-ad.net I live in: Hesperia
 Visit Noah's Ark Christian Store !
jen mulder - 11/28/99 18:50:47
I live in: michigan (usa)
How I found this page.: yahoo search
very cool!! nice job.
chris - 11/28/99 05:22:28
My Email:chriscpd@aol.com I live in: nashua,nh
How I found this page.: internet
hi. really loved your poems. i have been looking for poems about frienship and this is the closest i have gotten. i have been looking for one in particular called Friends Are Gods way of taking of us.. it is a beautiful poem. was planning on giving it to
y girlfriend as a birthday gift. putting it a frame. but i losted it. thought i had saved it. would you know of this poem or where i could find it? i would greatly appricated it. if you don't i could send it to you, so that you can put in your web pages.
hank-you very much. chris
Betty Williams - 11/26/99 17:02:51
My Email:bettylee_10@hotmail.com I live in: California
How I found this page.: searching for poems
Kat Carroll - 11/22/99 16:19:36
My Email:kat1209@yahoo.com I live in: Pensacola, Florida
How I found this page.: search engine
So far I have enjoyed reading your poems alot and I have told alot of friends about it.
Thank you for the great poems.
Kat Carroll
Heather Glenn - 11/18/99 18:53:06
My Email:hglenn15@hotmail I live in: Douglas, Wy
It is a very cute web site!
Cindy - 11/17/99 20:17:48
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~cinny67
My Email:cinny67@yahoo.com I live in: Missouri
How I found this page.: search
I love your page and would love to link it to mine but I'm just starting and don't know how LOL..... and mine is just now starting so if you look and have any suggestions please let me know :) I'm a computer dummy
Tiffany - 11/16/99 03:19:21
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/bballchic50/Tiffany.html
My Email:Swat50@aol.com I live in: Pennsylvania
How I found this page.: I don't remember
It's awesome. I love quotes, I have them all over my door, and my notebook for school :) It's an awesome page. I'll keep myself updated. Good luck and feel free to look at my page:)
Julie - 11/14/99 00:12:02
My Email:awjd@netrover.com I live in: Canada
How I found this page.: SEARCH FOR POEMS
Great Job
Tricia Bender - 11/10/99 21:24:50
My Email:tbender@vt.edu I live in: Virginia
How I found this page.: goto.com
Diane Wolfe - 11/06/99 22:49:33
My Email:butterbuttons@juno.com I live in: Pennsylvania
How I found this page.: surfing
I enjoyed your friendship pages extremely....this is one of the best poem sites I have come across. Very well done....I will be back to see what is new.
Erik Wollebrants - 11/05/99 19:48:15
My Email:erik.wollebrants@pandora.be I live in: BELGIUM
How I found this page.: on my search for love poems and quotes on the net
Great site. If all sites would show so much loving, the internet would be paradise for everyone!
A whole lot of huggs from Belgium.
B.mae - 11/05/99 03:11:51
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/bmaescraftcorner/welcomepg~ie4.html
My Email:bmae1@hotmail.com I live in: WV
How I found this page.: surfing
Very, Very, nice. Keep up the good work, I'm going to tell my friends about your site, I know they will love it.
Carly - 10/31/99 09:39:08
My Email:amitie17@hotmail.com I live in: Australia
Favourite External URL: ???
Fav. GeoCities URL: ???
How I found this page.: search from GoTo, under poems + quotes
I haven't gone through it yet, but i'm sure its great
because you are an aussie
Narasimhan.A - 10/29/99 13:45:59
My Email:narasim12@hotmail.com I live in: India
How I found this page.: By Searching in Geocities
Dear Sir,
The Web site on Friendship is very super and cannot be explained in words.
dominic rodriguez - 10/26/99 23:11:02
My Email:none I live in: ohio
How I found this page.: seaching
Emily - 10/26/99 17:40:54
My Email:efrench@kirklin.com I live in: Omaha, NE
How I found this page.: Dogpile Search
This is a great web site. I love to read poems and send them to others.
kelly - 10/22/99 20:00:09
My Email:batkat@thenet.net.nz I live in: New Zealand
How I found this page.: MSN search
Thankyou, i found what i needed and i will be back!
You have so many wonderful quotes, it made my heart churn
Sabrina Borgquist - 10/15/99 03:32:19
Here's a quote,
"Together forever, never apart. Maybe in Distance, but never at heart."
Melissa Cox - 10/14/99 15:13:23
My Email:melissac@ajweller.com I live in: Louisiana
Dez - 10/11/99 21:43:04
My Email:dez_13_@hotmail.com I live in: NY
How I found this page.: Using a search engine
I love this page! I was looking for a senior class quote, and your page helped me out. I love poetry and quote, esp. ones pertaining to love and friendship. Thanks for this site, and keep up the good work!
Gerald Busch - 10/11/99 04:22:23
My Email:gbusch98@yahoo.com I live in: Sask. Canada
How I found this page.: Search for friendship poems.
Cassie - 10/10/99 13:34:34
I live in: Ware, Mass
This page really helped me out with some stuff i had to do for student council. thanx a lot! this page is a great idea! :)
- 10/05/99 04:22:43
Yvonne - 09/29/99 01:25:55
My Email:YGreen6840@aol.com I live in: Louisville,Ky.
How I found this page.: from the internet
I really love your poems! they are very beautiful
and they touch my heart in so many ways !
Lindsey Earnest - 09/27/99 18:09:27
My Email:Lindse104@aol.com I live in: Blue Bell
How I found this page.: a friend told me
i love this, it was a great idea, if you ever send anything out plese send it to me.
Patrick - 09/27/99 06:13:39
I live in: Texas
How I found this page.: altavista.com
I like the quotes!
sandy - 09/21/99 23:06:17
I live in: ill
Aishah - 09/21/99 00:32:16
My Email:aishahsayang@hotmail.com I live in: Singaporelady@HK
How I found this page.: browing the web
Love all your quotes and poems collection ... found about this site just last week and still have not covered everything you have here. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing them ... :-)
This one's for you ... "Love touches and enliven the lonely soul" - this one is my own.
- 09/19/99 10:37:34
really cool page
Anne - 09/09/99 23:26:02
My Email:lowflyer65@usa.net I live in: Norway
How I found this page.: Surfed on it
You have a great site here, los of good stuff. Love Anne.
Kat - 09/09/99 02:10:04
My Email:katida@hotmail.com I live in: Regina
How I found this page.: through geocities search
I think your page is great and the poems are great. Some of them brought tears to my eyes and that is a good thing. Thanks for creating such a worderful site and keep adding poems all the time.
Col - 09/07/99 01:34:10
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~col.smith
My Email:col.smith@bigfoot.com I live in: Sydney, Australia
I wanted to reply to the comments of the previous signee, but as they did not leave a contact name, I will reply here in case they return.
1. I conciously avoided adding music as it only increases the time my pages take to load.
2. The concept of this page is "Friendship & Love Quotes", not 'famous quotes by famous authors'. However, MOST of the quotes do come from famous authors if he/she had checked out the achives as well. I will continue to use ANY quote related to Friendship
or Love, no matter who the author is.
- 09/06/99 21:06:00
i didnt think it was too good. try to put music on and also put famous quotes on it by famous authors.
Edna Shelby - 09/02/99 18:59:20
I live in: Star City, AR
How I found this page.: My nephew, your friend, Paul
I did enjoy your friendship quotes. Keep up the good work. I'll visit again.
Teryn - 09/02/99 01:43:15
My Email:AzCutie15@aol.com I live in: AZ
How I found this page.: Through yahoo
I love the quotes :) I collect poems and write them down so I enjoyed reading these.
Kara - 08/25/99 23:36:30
My Email:Waznicki@aol.com I live in: Maryland
How I found this page.: Aol Netfind
I love this page! I love reading friendship poems and quotes and sharing them with my true friends! This is a quote that I made up
"Friends are the only people that will offer to help carry heavy bricks on your back"
trina - 08/22/99 15:14:55
My Email:cjcd@cwcom.net I live in: london,england
How I found this page.: just by chance
i must thank you for all the wonderful quotes and cards that you have on your site......there are just so many...i wanted to send a card to all my friends....even the ones without a computer...thank you again
it has been fun.
Stephanie Andrews - 08/21/99 00:43:01
My Email:spiffersandrews@netscape.net I live in: Canada
How I found this page.: search
I think your page is wonderful, I've been searching for friendship poems all over the internet and this is the best page I've come across so far. I want to thank you for respecting the author's rights of their poems that you have displayed on this page.
John Switzer - 08/15/99 20:50:01
My Email:qcman3@hotmail.com I live in: dalton,ohio
How I found this page.: browsing
Angela - 08/13/99 01:49:24
My URL:/CollegePark/Gym/7480/
My Email:MsAng19@aol.com I live in: in my room....hehe....Rockville, MD
How I found this page.: I was looking for quotes from aolnet and they gave me this
real neat... my page is like nothing compared to your's... I'll put your page as a link on my page. I love quotes... i collect them too!! They're good. Check ya out later!!
Rese - 08/12/99 04:40:16
My Email:rese143@yahoo.com I live in: NY
How I found this page.: through hotbot.com
I thought that this page was phenomial!! You have great quotes, alot of which I didn't find on other friendship pages.
lorna - 08/12/99 00:01:27
My URL:www.i-linkww.com/ir/lorna
My Email:lorna_k@email.msn.com I live in: Hawaii
Favourite External URL: www.i-linkww.net
Liked your poems and quotes.....check out my site www.i-linkww.com/ir/lorna Aloha, Lorna
jennifer - 08/10/99 06:51:39
My URL:http://none
My Email:coolwaters18@mailcity.co, I live in: philippines
Favourite External URL: i cant decide
Fav. GeoCities URL: i cant decide
How I found this page.: through yahoo!
i like yer page. It's cool and nice....i hope there could be more poems about friendships.
roxanne - 08/09/99 16:23:42
My Email:rockidodle@aol.com I live in: new york
How I found this page.: just browsing
nice job. keep up the great work and i enjoy reading the quotes...
Sam - 08/09/99 05:06:26
My URL:http://i.am/SamNuni
My Email:SamNuni@yahoo.com I live in: Big Apple
Favourite External URL: Http://i.am/SamNuni
Fav. GeoCities URL: www.geocities.com/tokyo/temple/7307/
How I found this page.: Links from guestbook
Hi there, your homepage is great! Checked out your other homepage too, it looked really nice too. And the pet photos are great. Keep up the good work!
laura - 08/09/99 00:37:16
I live in: florida
How I found this page.: a friend
annie madsen - 08/08/99 18:03:59
My Email:madsen_annie@hotmail.com I live in: idaho
How I found this page.: surfing the web
Gazza - 08/08/99 04:00:42
My Email:flash@i-o.net.au I live in: Austrailia
How I found this page.: surfing
Well done Col, what a great site, a place to visit
to excape the crazy and very suppressive world that we live in.
A question for ya
How can winning be winning,
If winning means that someone loses?
Sarah - 08/06/99 02:50:44
My Email:sorry work computer I live in: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
How I found this page.: I used the search engine
I think this is great, I have a book of all kinds of sayings that I love to write, read, and, update it.
Lynn - 08/05/99 11:23:21
I live in: Minn.
Favourite External URL: --
Fav. GeoCities URL: --
How I found this page.: search engine
Hieee! I've been surfing through quotes page and u'ev got a really nice thorough page here!! I've been planning on adding a quotes section on my web page and when I do, I'll be sure to add your site to my links! It's wonderfully done..I loev the backgrou
sd!! Good job!!

courtney taylor - 08/03/99 17:59:49
My Email:ae52184@aol.com I live in: ohio,hamilton
How I found this page.: looking threw
it's cool:)
sheryl - 07/30/99 14:44:59
My Email:ceilidh.sutherland@ns.sympatico.ca I live in: Nova Scotia, Canada
How I found this page.: search.com
Dear whoever made this page;
I love this page i come here all the time when i'm looking for quotes for my boyfriend. Quotes are some of my favorite things in the whole world. They help me tell my best friend, who is also my boyfriend, just how much i love him and how special he
s to me! thank you so much for this....... Sheryl
Glori - 07/29/99 22:04:34
My URL:Sorry, this is my work computer.
My Email:" " I live in: Miami
Favourite External URL: don't know
Fav. GeoCities URL: love poems
How I found this page.: Looking through diff. poems.
I love your web page!You have very interesting quotes!You have nice love poems too!Thanxs!Keep up the good job!Good luck!
ian - 07/29/99 14:42:08
My Email:ianissimo@hotmal.com I live in: philippines
Favourite External URL: my web.page
How I found this page.: just clicked on qoutes
i really liked your page,hope this simple note may
encourage you more.bye! god bless!
p.s-pls. linked your page to mine,the addres is
Jemma - 07/27/99 23:46:31
My Email:Calipsia6@aol.com I live in: New york
How I found this page.: Aol netfind
I really liked your pages, and i think its great that you have them because its so hard to find good quotes all in one place like this. Thanx a bunch!
Christina - 07/27/99 23:04:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wy/sweetdreams/index.html
My Email:cj_tinkerbell@hotmail.com I live in: Virginia
Favourite External URL: ------------
Fav. GeoCities URL: --------------
How I found this page.: sufing web
i like your page alot it's sort of interesting .
Skye - 07/27/99 13:00:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Location/6553/index2.html
My Email:skyblue0906@hotmail.com I live in: Ontario, Canada
Favourite External URL: http://www.crosswinds.net/seattle/~torra/maeve_sinbad.htm
Fav. GeoCities URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/2858/index.html
How I found this page.: Searched in Yahoo for Friendship Quotes
Love your site, and I hope you don't mind if I used some of your quotes (about 2) on my website.
I was hoping you could help me find the author of this great quote that I want to use.
"You may conquer with the sword, but you are conquered by a kiss"
I think it's by a Daniel something or other.
Thanks, and once again, awesome page.
Tom & Sharon Ball - 07/27/99 05:28:14
My Email:t+sball@Lewiston.com I live in: Lewiston, Idaho
Favourite External URL: not sure.
Fav. GeoCities URL: not sure.
How I found this page.: "inspirational" search word
We love sites like these. Especially if you need "lift". Keep up the excellent work. We will continue to enjoy it.
Faith Pierce - 07/21/99 05:24:36
My Email:allybrooke@yahoo I live in: Nebraska
How I found this page.: stumbLed upon it
I thought that this was a great site
olga - 07/16/99 23:52:43
My Email:obalvarez@hotmail.com I live in: here
How I found this page.: I love quotes
Eva - 07/14/99 19:10:47
My URL:http://thrill.to/Spiritje
My Email:Spiritje@mail.dma.be I live in: Belgium
Favourite External URL: http://lovingyou.com
How I found this page.: search engine "Alta Vista"
You've got a very nice webpage!! I like it!!! Keep up the good work!!
Please also visit my page with love&friendship quotes, a "Love Dictionary" and lots more.... (& please sign the guestbook, thanks!)
Eva - 07/14/99 19:08:53
My Email:Spiritje@mail.dma.be I live in: Belgium
Favourite External URL: http://lovingyou.com
How I found this page.: search engine "Alta Vista"
You've got a very nice webpage!! I like it!!! Keep up the good work!!
Please also visit my page with love&friendship quotes, a "Love Dictionary" and lots more.... (& please sign the guestbook, thanks!)
Sherryl - 07/14/99 14:46:31
My URL:http://webtv
My Email:sherrylz@webtv.net I live in: Mississippi
How I found this page.: search
Sherryl - 07/14/99 14:44:55
My URL:http://webtv
My Email:sherrylz@webtv.net I live in: Mississippi
How I found this page.: search
Erica - 07/06/99 01:58:38
My Email:jconn5414@aol.com I live in: Indiana
Eva - 07/02/99 18:51:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/8292
My Email:Spiritje@mail.dma.be I live in: Belgium
Favourite External URL: http://www.netdotcom.com/angel.cards/cards.html
How I found this page.: Alta Vista (search engine)
This is a verrrrrrry nice page!!!!!! I love it!!! The quotes are really beautiful!!
Also check out my page for some love & friendship quotes (& sign the guestbook please) Love, Eva.
Michelle - 06/22/99 16:58:17
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/CramPl/nautyshell/index.html
My Email:nauty@bellsouth.net I live in: USA
Favourite External URL: Lovestories.com
How I found this page.: web search
Sparkle - 06/20/99 15:08:21
My Email:quetee148@aol.com I live in: New Mexico
How I found this page.: Through a search
Very inventive quotes. Some very good research and enjoyable. This quotes can soothe the soul.
Vivian - 06/18/99 04:38:29
My Email:cutiebabe_2003@yahoo.com I live in: Taipei,Taiwan
How I found this page.: ICQ
out of all the friendship poems...i like the one "Some Friends are Forever"..it'z one of my favorite......Your page is kewl......
JILL - 06/15/99 20:16:12
My Email:pointefan@aol.com I live in: ar
How I found this page.: web search
Alice - 06/12/99 21:04:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz/madhatteur
I live in: The Wonderland of Music
Favourite External URL: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/mklimas
How I found this page.: Luck
Globe by-Lady Gabburp's Designs Studio
- 06/11/99 21:47:05
My Email:bball1005
Isleifur Gislason - 06/09/99 07:22:31
My URL:http://www.slim-line.com
My Email:isleifur@slim-line.com I live in: Iceland
Favourite External URL: http://www.nettelephone.com
How I found this page.: an other guest book
I had a nice visit with you and have you in my favorites so I can look in now and again.
Please take a thoughtful look at my site, you can click on my picture to find out about me and my country.
To Learn About The Herbalife Opportunity and How To Help Others While Helping Please Visit my Site.
Paul Wallace - 06/01/99 13:01:14
My URL:/Heartland/Oaks/1387
My Email:paulwa@ipa.net I live in: Arkansas
Favourite External URL: www.teenhub.com
Fav. GeoCities URL: www.geocities.com/~boocat1
How I found this page.: Mrs. Abney told me
Mr. Col,
I just added a link from my pagee to your background test page and thought you should know. I enjoy your page very much!
Paul Wallace - 06/01/99 13:00:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/1387
My Email:paulwa@ipa.net I live in: Arkansas
Favourite External URL: www.teenhub.com
Fav. GeoCities URL: www.geocities.com/~`boocat1
How I found this page.: Mrs. Abney told me
Mr. Col,
I just added a link from my pagee to your background test page and thought you should know. I enjoy your page very much!
Kerry - 05/31/99 18:30:39
My URL:http://www.matnet.com/~fireice
My Email:snowgodkm@yahoo.com I live in: Alaska
How I found this page.: surfing
Thank you very much for sharing your pages. I really enjoyed my visit.
Melissa - 05/23/99 18:00:39
Wisin Suhendra Setiady - 05/21/99 00:57:33
My URL:http://welcome.to/wisinss
My Email:wisinss@yahoo.com I live in: Jakarta - Indonesia
Favourite External URL: http://www.cisco.com
Fav. GeoCities URL: http://welcome.to/wisinss
How I found this page.: Geocities Search
Great pages for friendship. I should search for more. Thanks!
piper - 05/20/99 12:53:35
My URL:http://home.earthink.net/~kittera
My Email:thepipes@yahoo.com I live in: california
Favourite External URL: not sure
Fav. GeoCities URL: not sure
How I found this page.: alta vista search engine
I just wanted to say that this is a wonderful website. I enjoyed myself here for a few good hours, as it was my first visit. I have also collected quotes and was happy to see so many that i have never seen before. Also, the backgrounds on every page were
eautiful. keep up tha good work!
melissa - 05/16/99 22:55:27
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/babidoll44/
My Email:romntkgrl@aol.com I live in: pa
How I found this page.: lucky
lseay - 05/15/99 22:39:33
My Email:lseay@mciworld.com I live in: sc
How I found this page.: looking for frienship poems
the frienship poems are great.thanks.
Jae - 04/30/99 18:06:24
I live in: Tyler, TX
You Have alot of great quotes. Keep up the good work!!!!!
Diana - 04/20/99 18:04:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~binoswife/index.html
My Email:binoswife@webtv.net I live in: Virginia
Favourite External URL: all
Fav. GeoCities URL: all
How I found this page.: Viewing another guestbook
I just love your pages.... They are great.... I will visit all the time... Please keep up the great work... Visit me sometime ok and be sure to sign my guestbook so that I will know that you were there....
Miki - 04/05/99 15:44:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5582
My Email:miki4@geocities.com I live in: Colorado
How I found this page.: scanning web pages.
Hi. I'm a community leader for Geocities! I really love your page. Great work.
Alexa - 04/01/99 10:57:09
this is a great page. I found exactly what I was looking for. Hope you have many more quotes to come.
Marie - 03/19/99 22:19:24
My Email:lustdove@webtv.net I live in: Oklahoma
How I found this page.: just surfing
I love poems. I really enjoyed your site. Thanks..
Ada-Belinda - 03/19/99 00:33:01
I live in: minneapolis,mn
How I found this page.: the daily motivator
thank you for being here! i just had a terrible falling out with on of my best friends and reading the quotes helped me see it another way.
my favorite saying: "LOVE IS THE ANSWER,WHO CARES WHAT THE QUESTION IS" thank you again. AB
Mandy Fromm - 03/18/99 02:31:35
My Email:mandy013@juno.com I live in: Richmond, Virginia
How I found this page.: Juno Search
I loved the friendship poems and quotes, they were great!! Thanks!
Rebecca Zemba - 03/15/99 18:01:47
My Email:rzemba@hotmail.com I live in: Carney, Michigan
Favourite External URL: www.hotmail.com
Fav. GeoCities URL: n/a
How I found this page.: It came up on the Mamma.com search engine
I love quotes, espically when they deal with such preicous things as a friendship! :-)
- 03/13/99 15:00:56
I live in: yankton s.d.
Bobbi Cats - 03/10/99 20:49:40
My Email:bobbicats@mail.utexas.edu I live in: Cedar Creek, Tx.USA
Barby - 03/10/99 01:30:25
My URL:/~boocat1
My Email:rmabney@ipa.net I live in: Arkansas, USA
Favourite External URL: www.spiritonline.com
Fav. GeoCities URL: Besides mine--this one, of course!
How I found this page.: Hmmmm--I wonder? LOL
Col--the page looks great (the wallpaper is so pretty) and I love the new quotes you've added! I'm glad that you have renewed your interest in your pages again--I so enjoy coming here and reading the quotes. Take care, and I'll visit with you soon--man
warm hugs to my dear friend.
Barrie Tapp - 03/07/99 23:02:11
My Email:rbhjtapp@arn.net I live in: Amarillo Tx
Devon Hastings - 02/23/99 02:00:38
My Email:devo@csinet.net I live in: Indiana
I think your page is good. I didn't know where to write this, but I have a quote for you.
"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget."
-- G. Randolf
Jo (you know who?) - 02/19/99 06:19:05
My Email:mannion@f1.net.au I live in: Sydney
Favourite External URL: whatever.com
Fav. GeoCities URL: Cols Page!
How I found this page.: Hmmmmmmmm
Sheeeeeeesh Col....you have a great page! I think you could give me many tips. I love the theme and I think you are very talented!
Barby - 02/12/99 22:53:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~boocat1
My Email:rmabney@ipa.net I live in: Arkansas, USA
How I found this page.: You told me! :o)
Col--the pages are looking great! I love what you have done with them--and the site map really makes it easy to use!
Many, many hugs and much love to my dear friend.
Diana Carper - 02/06/99 01:20:49
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~binoswife/fkey.html
My Email:binoswife@webtv.net I live in: Virginia
How I found this page.: Just surfing
Great page... Keep up the good work... Diana
Tess - 01/30/99 01:59:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Cafe/6525/index.html
My Email:tesstempler@hotmail.com I live in: Victoria, Australia
How I found this page.: thru friendship ring
Love ur site..and will be putting a link to it on my web page soon...
and will be back later to browse some more...
CJ - 01/21/99 03:39:14
My Email:carla@r2d2.sabine.k12.la.us How I found this page.: accident
Wayne Ray Stone - 01/19/99 16:42:18
My Email:WayneRock@aol.com I live in: Sylmar, CA
How I found this page.: looking around
Just started looking at your site.
Heather Ulanas - 01/13/99 03:37:56
My Email:h.ulanas@uws.edu.au I live in: Sydney Australia
Hi Col,
Just browsing. Hope all is going well for you.
- 01/12/99 16:03:56
jenni - 01/11/99 23:03:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/SouthernRose
My Email:jdouglas@global.co.za I live in: South Africa
How I found this page.: it was sent to me on ICQ
fantastic page!!
Katie Gianfagna - 01/11/99 00:27:09
My Email:katy_4@hotmail.com I live in: Pennsylvania
How I found this page.: net search
I have found your web page very interesting and plan to go back to it. Could you please give me a quote or a poem with the words "Baby Blue Eyes" in
Jason - 01/08/99 13:08:35
My Email:jlsinbad@hotmail.com I live in: Malaysia
Favourite External URL: dono
Fav. GeoCities URL: dono
How I found this page.: infoseek
i really loved all the poems and if it is not to mush of trouble can u send me any other poems like the one u have in this page to me
if u can thanks a lot
Cristine - 01/06/99 08:34:06
I live in: Australia
love the friendship poems!!!
angel - 01/05/99 08:23:51
My URL:http://none
My Email:angel_080278@hotmail.com I live in: singapore
How I found this page.: search
love it
thank you
Kathleen - 01/01/99 20:02:46
My Email:fstptch291@aol.com I live in: Tennessee
How I found this page.: searching for good friendship quotes
I have been to a lot of quote pages, but the ones you have set up are awesome. I really enjoyed them so much.
Katrina - 12/28/98 18:47:13
My Email:trina03@hotmail.com I live in: Swedesboro, NJ
How I found this page.: looking for friendship quotes
this was really great. i'm making a collage of pics and quotes for my bf and this helped soooo much! thanks!
"A part of you has grown in me,
together forever we shall be,
never apart,
maybe in distance,
but not in heart"
An angel wrote:
Many people will walk in and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
hope you like them!
Torii - 12/26/98 01:08:54
My Email:bouchetv@mpx.com.au I live in: Australia
Favourite External URL: www.marianne.com
Fav. GeoCities URL: Yours and Lollie's
How I found this page.: Divine intervention
Torii - 12/26/98 01:06:39
My Email:bouchetv@mpx.com.au I live in: Australia
Favourite External URL: www.marianne.com
Fav. GeoCities URL: Yours and Lollie's
How I found this page.: Divine intervention
Lydia M. Vallejos - 12/21/98 19:06:03
My Email:lydia.vallejos@state.co.us I live in: Denver
How I found this page.: searching for quotes
Very nicely done!!
Kathi Andrews - 12/07/98 07:02:05
My Email:kandrews@ogilvy.co.za I live in: Cape Town