Dana & Tiki's Guestbook

I would love to hear any input you may have for me about anything on my page!

01/29/00 01:13:37
My URL: Visit Me

i like mr blue sky love sid norwich england

01/27/00 18:17:17
Name: Rosie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Bintly 7 year old (Macawa) & Precious 3 months (lovebird) Play any insturments?(What?): N/A Age: 20
Location: Houston, Texas occupation: Secretary How did you find me?: On a link page Those Majestic Macawas

I Love your site. I would love my macawa to be as playful he is 7 years old but I just got him 1 week ago. He bites, and seems to be always in a bad mood, maybe it is bacause we just got him and he needs to get used to us. If you have any advise please -Mail me Rosie@Globemedical.com Thanks

01/26/00 06:06:24
Name: elizabeth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): sun conure, and a lot of other animals including 2 other birds Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 19
Location: st louis, missouri occupation: medical assitant How did you find me?: I was looking up info on macaws because i want to get one soon and found your site

You have a very pretty macaw! I can not wait to get mine!

01/22/00 17:05:16
Name: Brian Clark My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Birds, Cats, Dogs Age: 33 Location: Ohio
occupation: Consultant How did you find me?: Dogpile search for "Tiki" - What a surprise!

Kewl Birds. Love the pictures. My family has been bird fans since one April in Michigan when a lost Cockatiel showed on the picnic table cold and starving. Very sad, but three days laters he was doing very well. Orig. owner was never found. Family ha kept him and my sister has become quite the parrot fanatic. I like Cockatoos, but I think her next bird will be an african grey. Anyway, I had great time looking at you photos. You Macaw is spectacular! Btw, Tiki-saurus is a great nickname.

01/03/00 07:53:22
Name: david My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): dog,goat Age: 33 Location: alaska
occupation: geophysical How did you find me?: alta vista

cool bird hawaiian dude

12/27/99 12:40:13
Name: Micke
My URL: Visit Me

Great pictures! You´re obviously taking very good care of your birds.

12/16/99 15:27:59
Name: Lori My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Blue & Gold Macaw, German Shepherd, Cat Age: 33 Location: Columbus, Ohio
occupation: Office Manager How did you find me?: Searched the web for Macaw sites.

Hello, I loved your pictures. I am a Macaw Lover. I do own a Blue and Gold named Roxie. She is 2 years young. She is my whole life. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your site. Lori

12/12/99 00:18:42
Name: Bill My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Hyacinth Macaw and Senegal Parrot Age: 24 Location: St Louis
occupation: Car Dealer How did you find me?: Link from another macaw page

Great site. Nice pics of your Macaw! If I could just get mine to hold still long enough for the camera...

12/11/99 04:47:06
Name: joe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): snake Play any insturments?(What?): hoe Age: 45
Location: house How did you find me?: computer dumb ass


11/18/99 23:01:51
Name: Mike My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): None Play any insturments?(What?): None Age: Old
occupation: Not sure How did you find me?: Your Mom -- Really

Cool page -- Your mom was right you did a nice job of creating your own web page.. Mike

11/14/99 08:18:13
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

11/03/99 02:02:07
Name: Darrell Hitt My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Cocker Spaniel Play any insturments?(What?): No Age: 60
Location: Waycross, Georgia occupation: Retired How did you find me?: Link from a friend

Great site. Enjoyed browsing through it. Have had the priviledge of visiting San Diego a few times...really loved it...especially the San Diego Zoo.

10/29/99 13:28:03
Name: Læffi My URL: Visit Me
Age: 18 Location: Norway
How did you find me?: Just Surfed Inn

I think you could put in some more pictures of some cars! But your page looks Ok to mee :)

10/15/99 00:22:49
Name: jimmy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): dog cat Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 20
occupation: i work out im a body builder How did you find me?: i can find anyone because i work for the fbi

whats with the questions bye the way lamburginis can kick a ferriri's ass but ferriri's are still cool

10/13/99 17:36:49
Name: Mickie Ratel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 30birds,1 dog &2 cats Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 60
Location: New York City occupation: Receptionist How did you find me?: 'Tooville

Love your birds, just gorgeous. Great photos especially the beach pix of Tiki.

10/08/99 20:01:10
Name: T. Al. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): pit-bull Age: 20 Location: Sheffield
occupation: student How did you find me?: altavista


10/01/99 08:58:54
Name: Chich My URL: Visit Me Pets? (What kind?): cat
Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 15 Location: melbourne
occupation: student How did you find me?: very reliable source


09/24/99 19:55:38
Name: Phyllis Collins My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 6 parrots Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 62
Location: Lyles, TN occupation: Retired How did you find me?: Up at Six/"Too" Chat

My husband & I have 6 parrots - 2 Green Cheeks, 1 Cherry Head, 1 Half Moon (all conures) 1 Blue & Gold and of course 1 U-"Too". The "too" is the light of my life. His name is Cuddles and he is the most loving pet we have ever had. I treat him like a fine piece of crystal. He talks but mostly love things. I really enjoyed your web page. Maybe I'll talk to you again. Bye Phyllis!!!!

09/24/99 16:27:34
Name: Debbie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 Labradors Play any insturments?(What?): Just my stereo! Age: Um...Um...45
Location: shi KA' go (Chicago) occupation: ER tech, soon to be RN How did you find me?: Heartland Web Ring

Hi Dana! Love all your pages. Cute bird! My husband and I had a '67 Chevy Impala many years ago. It was HOT! Wish we still had it. He has a '56 Chevy BelAire that he's working on. Check out my web page and go to Jim's page to see a couple of pix of his car.

09/20/99 19:06:15
Name: matthew My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 1 yellow nape, 1 scarlet Play any insturments?(What?): trombone, baritone, soprano recorder Age: 30
Location: Indiana occupation: Teacher How did you find me?: scarlet search

I liked your page, especially the photos of Tiki. She is gorgeous. Where did you get her? My baby scarlet is coming in November from Blackstone aviary in California. Any Scarlet advice for me?

09/20/99 13:50:39
Name: Paul & Belinda My URL: Visit Me
Pets? (What kind?): U2,CAG, Cherryhead Conure Location: The Netherlands
How did you find me?: link from Tooville Album

Super page and such beautiful fids! We envy you the Macaw and don't have the space or courage to raise one. Thank you for sharing with us.

09/08/99 00:20:03
Name: gregory My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): dog(dobie/german pointer) Play any insturments?(What?): guitar and native flute Age: 40
Location: christmas fl. occupation: artist How did you find me?: researching tiki

I am a wood carver and I spealize in polynesian tikis. visit my site I will send you a link via email. I liked the pics of your bird he's really beautiful. I do large tropical birds in cypress from time to time. If you like I'll send you a pic jpeg fil

08/27/99 00:14:17
Name: hugh My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): bandg macaw Play any insturments?(What?): guitar Age: 41
Location: palm springs occupation: architect How did you find me?: web ring

beautiful birds...cool music too, love dire straits!

08/23/99 23:55:34
Name: Rachael My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): M2, 2 cats Play any insturments?(What?): guitar Age: 32
Location: Vancouver How did you find me?: surfing

Your baby is just beautiful!!!!! Please, do pop by and visit my site! Aren't Moluccan's the best?

08/18/99 07:13:21
Name: Judy H My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 3 birds, four cats Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 52
Location: California occupation: retired How did you find me?: 'Too ville

What a beautiful Macaw, and such wonderful pictures. The personality of Tiki just pops right out at you. Thank you for sharing your birds Judy H

08/15/99 03:05:57
Name: Julie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 9birds, inclg an M2 Play any insturments?(What?): Me or the Bird?Smile Age: Me or the bird?Smile2
Location: Detroit,Mi occupation: The bird is a nut, I am a lawyer. How did you find me?: Via Up at Six Chats

Very nice website and photos. I'm trying to do something similar, but need a little more experience before launching. My M2 is a little girl, six years, very sweet but nutty. I've had her since before she had feathers. My previous sign in here I goofe up. That was me also.

08/15/99 03:01:35
Name: Julie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): 9birds incl.M2Charley
Play any insturments?(What?): Me or the bird?Smile


07/20/99 17:42:11


07/16/99 22:59:14
Name: Uncle Bob My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Too Many Age: Too old! Location: JAX, FL
occupation: Goof Off How did you find me?: Stacy's Link

Neat site Dana! Hadn't seen it before. Got linked through Stacy's site that you gave Aunt Barb when she was visiting last month. Gotta go. See ya. WOW! what a bird. Can't wait to see it at Xmas when we visit. Love Ya, Uncle Bob XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

07/10/99 17:14:15
Name: Playmates Now! My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): de que vas Play any insturments?(What?): el teclado Age: 25
Location: España occupation: Estudio How did you find me?: Altavista

Muy bonita tu paginita. Conoces algun sitio con buenas imagenes (grandes) de Ferrari. Date una vuelta por mi pagina por favor

07/06/99 21:53:13
Name: Nay & Cherrie My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Name it we have it !! LOL Play any insturments?(What?): None Age: 31 &32
Location: Texas occupation: Domestic Godess & Quenn B How did you find me?: Strickly for the birds web links

Tiki is soooo Beautiful !!! Queen B really wants one. Is she an easy bird to maintain? Thanks for sharing your Tiki with us! Nay & Cherrie

06/23/99 20:40:07
Name: Birds?dru
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): Parrots

Dana, the pics of Niki and Tiki are great. I can see that Niki is very happy.I will have to come by and see her and your new place. We all miss her. Oh yeas, and the baby, is a doll! :-)

06/06/99 18:47:17
Name: Kelly Cavett My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 3 tiels, 2 budgies, 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 rats and a lizzard Play any insturments?(What?): No Age: 34
Location: Idaho occupation: Court clerk How did you find me?: chat

Gorgeous birds. Thank you for sharing with everyone!

06/03/99 02:48:34
Name: Dee
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): B&G
Age: older than you, hehe How did you find me?: Macaw Connection

Hi Dana, You have have a very nice web site. Your birds are very pretty and I hope your bird wins the contest! Good Luck!

06/03/99 02:48:19
Name: Dee
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): B&G
Age: older than you, hehe How did you find me?: Macaw Connection

Hi Dana, You have have a very nice web site. Your birds are very pretty and I hope your bird wins the contest! Good Luck!

05/31/99 01:01:46
Name: nick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): dogs, cats, and surrogate parrots Play any insturments?(What?): nope Age: older than you
Location: california occupation: who know's? How did you find me?: bathroom stall

looks good!

05/31/99 01:01:26
Name: nick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): dogs, cats, and surrogate parrots Play any insturments?(What?): nope Age: older than you
Location: california occupation: who know's? How did you find me?: bathroom stall


05/24/99 19:20:19
Name: Rhonda Mooney My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): yes, Socks the cat Age: none of you business occupation: working girl
How did you find me?: your mother

nice web page - you go girl....I'd like to bring Jessica out someday soon (like a saturday) to see the birds and the rest of ya... take care - RLM

05/24/99 16:21:12
Name: Valerie Giles My Email: Email Me Play any insturments?(What?): Baritone horn, piano
Age: 39 Location: Lehigh Acres, FL occupation: work for your mom
How did you find me?: your mom

We had such a nice time when you came to visit. Wish you could have stayed longer. My girls enjoyed meeting you! (& me too)

05/24/99 07:09:50
Name: Malcolm Grift My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 20 Location: South Africa occupation: Student
How did you find me?: Through Alti Vista Search

I dig ferrari

05/19/99 05:35:10
Name: DAVID T. WOOD My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): CONURES,SEVERE&SCARLET Play any insturments?(What?): SAX/CLARINET Age: 45
Location: SACRAMENTO occupation: PHARMACY TECH How did you find me?: NET


05/12/99 08:25:31
Name: markus juutila My URL: Visit Me Pets? (What kind?): dog ,dobermann
Play any insturments?(What?): bong Age: 17 Location: kotka
occupation: neekeri How did you find me?: alta vista net search

your pics were wery intrest.

05/11/99 06:17:42
Name: tertte My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): er Play any insturments?(What?): tert Age: ertert
Location: tert occupation: etet How did you find me?: tert


04/19/99 16:15:26
Name: Daniel Strøm My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): cat Play any insturments?(What?): none Age: 14 years old
Location: norway occupation: i go at the school How did you find me?: i watch your homepage

it was a very good homepage and it was fine pictures of the car i looked at.

04/14/99 15:48:57
Name: Lynette My URL: Visit Me
Pets? (What kind?): 1 Cockatiel Play any insturments?(What?): Piano
Age: 12 How did you find me?: I was looking for some imformation about birds but this website was not quite what I was looking for

It would be better if you give imformation about birds instead of talking about your dum bird

04/13/99 04:28:27
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 3 Dogs, 4 Cats, 2 birds; A M2 named Max and a Lilac Crowned Amazon named Mickey/Cuddles/Greenbird/ Loudmouth(Whatever pops into mind when talking about him) Play any insturments?(What?): Flute, Piccolo, and Alto Sax occasionally Age: 16
Location: San Diego occupation: Student How did you find me?: You gave me your "Card"

Cool site. I wish my family's birds were that sociable(At least with me anyway). Are those cars yours?

03/25/99 07:24:08
Name: tim My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): birds
Location: oregon How did you find me?: upatsix

great pictures i would like a scarlet some day

03/25/99 06:32:00
My URL: Visit Me

Ahhhhh.....The Music is still there, lady!!!

03/20/99 18:11:23
Name: sue m My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): pr dyh, pet dyh, pr napes ( on eggs), umbrella,. african cape, pr alexandrines, b/g macaw. a shih tzu, a yorkie and and english shepard! Play any insturments?(What?): no but my daughter plays the flute Age: 46
Location: michigan occupation: audiologist/exec director How did you find me?: upatsix

have you had others birds before? where did you buy Tiki? how old was he or she when you got it? what would you suggest in terms of buying or raising a scarlet so that they stay tame and sweet? how would you describe the personality of yours? is it a he or she? what kind/size cage does tiki have?

03/03/99 05:46:56
My URL: Visit Me

You still need to get rid of the music, Lady!!

02/23/99 01:48:56
Name: Ted My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Lazy cat Play any insturments?(What?): Speedometer Age: No
Location: Far out occupation: Reproduction How did you find me?: Your Aunt


02/19/99 21:53:50
Name: Art Douglas My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): birds Play any insturments?(What?): keyboards, 'bone Age: constantly
Location: So Cal occupation: computer systems How did you find me?: links from macaw.org


02/13/99 20:56:32
Name: Robert My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Scarlet Macaw Age: 30 Location: WV
occupation: Electrician

Get back to ya later. Just found ya and I need to go. I would like to just talk to some other people that have Scarlet's. I got mine at 2 weeks old and now he is almost 7 years old. Later

02/12/99 02:46:28
Name: paulie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): cat/dog
How did you find me?: guestbook

Loved all the pictures.

02/12/99 01:08:48
Name: SeaDweller My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Location: Italy
How did you find me?: guess it!!!!!!

Nice site!!!!!! But pls don't put a Ferrari at the same level of a "AND A 64 CHEVY IMPALA SS 409 CONVERTIBLE !!" there is a difference between them! Drive 'em and you'll understand what I mean!!!!!!!!! We are talking of speed. Are they on the same level? Let me know!

02/07/99 23:15:55
Name: Amy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Scarlet Macaw, Cockatiel, 2 siamese cats Age: 26 Location: Winona,MN
occupation: Customer Service How did you find me?: a link

We have a Scarlet Macaw and have been dying to chat with another. Tiki is 4 months younger than Spritz and was wondering if Tiki is nippy? In your pictures he looks very well socialized, is he? We unfortunately live in neighborhood where a neighbor of urs has cats that rome and hunt wild birds so needless to say, it's not safe to take Spritz outside. Tell me about Tiki and the wonderful life you guys share! :) Amy

02/07/99 17:09:54
Name: Barb My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): kitten Play any insturments?(What?): violin Age: 48
Location: Seattle, WA occupation: Parish Administrator How did you find me?: Up At Six

Hi! Thanks for sharing those great pictures of Tiki! I have been researching parrots for over a year now, trying to decided what would be best for me and the parrot. I am gone during the day, so that eliminates of few of them right there. I think I have na rowed it down to a B&G Macaw or a male Eclectus. They both have friendly personalities. I am a little concerned that the B&G's size...but they are certainly not as big as Tiki!!!! Now that my kids are raised, I really want to have a friend to come home at night and the weekends. The kitten is my daughters, but he will go with her when she moves into her own place in 6-12 months. It is always so helpful to talk with other parrot owners...there is SO much to learn!!! Thanks again! Barb

02/01/99 02:57:59
My URL: Visit Me

get rid of the music!!!!

01/30/99 09:13:27
Name: Wes My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 parrkeets hopping to get macaw Play any insturments?(What?): record Age: 10 Male
Location: Mapelton Utah occupation: hoping on owning a pet stor How did you find me?: www.search.com

i really like your bird i ether what a scralet macaw of blue ang gold if you could help me with any thing I would apricheate it thaks for your time bye:Wes

01/22/99 18:46:40
Name: YOUTH JAM My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): N/A Play any insturments?(What?): ALL Age: 12-18
Location: BROCKTON, MA occupation: CHECK IT OUT!! How did you find me?: MY SHOE TOLD ME TO COME HERE!...


01/18/99 10:22:33
Name: Bobbie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): birds, dogs, horse, cats Play any insturments?(What?): no Location: Arkansas
How did you find me?: on RTC

Great site, nice talking with you on RTC

01/18/99 02:36:59
My Email: Email Me Age: 27
Location: GEORGIA occupation: BRICK MASON


01/14/99 22:22:08
Name: Slawek My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Play any insturments?(What?): doublebass Age: 37 Location: Porto
How did you find me?: don´t know


01/09/99 18:27:45
Name: aam van den bos My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): ara ararauna Play any insturments?(What?): i am afraid nothing Age: 43
Location: Rotterdam Holland occupation: auditor How did you find me?: parrot magazine

i enjoyed the pictures of your beautiful parrot greetings and success with your births aam

01/05/99 18:23:08
Name: Teddy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 shetland sheepdogs, and a bunch of other stuff Play any insturments?(What?): I can still play anythng with a reed Age: 18
Location: La Mesa occupation: student How did you find me?: I was cleaning out my wallet and i found your card and thought I'd say hi

Hey Dana whats up? Nada here. Hey drop me a line sometime K? Ya still have a great page. Hows school doin'? Hope to talk to ya later. Bye.

01/01/99 02:25:05
Name: Tiki! My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): Budgies
Play any insturments?(What?): several How did you find me?: Looked up my name =)

Your Tiki is absolutely gorgeous. I'm proud to share my name with him. Happy 1999 to you both! Tiki

12/14/98 17:58:45
Name: Avery Lee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 dogs, turtle, ducks Age: 22 Location: Jax, FL
occupation: ex-student How did you find me?: dah!


12/05/98 21:08:27
Name: Robin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Lovebirds and Great Danes Play any insturments?(What?): Highschool Orchestra (several years ago hahahahaha) - Viola Age: 41
Location: Wisconsin occupation: Artist and Mother How did you find me?: Up at Six Chat

Dana, I enjoyed your site. Tiki is beautiful and I enjoyed looking at what a 64 Impala could be if properly cared for. My Impala wasn't a convertable and if I remember correctly, the interior was blue. My poor Chevy was so rusty when I bought it that I taped over the metal and spray painted it (It looked great at night hahahahahahahahahaha). I can also remember wiring the cross over pipe to the frame with a coat hanger (got more than a few strange looks from the neighbors that day but it's years ago now LOL) Thanks for the look at the cool pictures, see ya later.

11/27/98 11:42:37
Name: Niki and Robi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Two humans Age: 3 and 4 Location: Germany
occupation: Parrot How did you find me?: Parrot Ring

SQUAWK-Hello! We are two little red bellied parrots and we thought that your page is just........ well, really eggciting. Visit ours and maybe drop us a mail.

11/07/98 00:49:46
Name: Amanda (the clarinet one) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): fish. just fish. Play any insturments?(What?): clarinet, saxophone (i'm moving up in the world!) Age: 16
Location: Santee occupation: Band geek. How did you find me?: checking out Jared's book, figured i'd check up

Your sight looks great! One of these days I'll start my own... once marching season is over. We miss you dearly, and hope u come back to visit more often.

10/29/98 22:45:08
Name: Pete My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): birds
Age: 72 Location: Pennsylvania


10/24/98 03:55:05
Name: LOREN SKELLIE My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): DOG/SHNAUZER Play any insturments?(What?): CELLO Age: 13
Location: ERIE, PA How did you find me?: MY MOM


10/23/98 17:37:51
Name: Granny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 1 Jardines boy african parrot, 1 cocker spaniel girl, 1 shorthair birl cat Age: "old" Location: California
How did you find me?: cruisin'..

what a gorgeous GORGEOUS Tiki you have! I guess if I was granted a wish...a Tiki is what I would have...and FAST!! I hope she lives forever with you.....good luck and happy birding!! Granny~

10/20/98 21:33:35
Name: Aunt Sissy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): standard schnauzer Age: guess Location: Erie, PA
occupation: Office Mgr/Telecom Coord. How did you find me?: your mom

Hi Sweetie: Hope you are enjoying your first year in college. I enjoyed browsing your webpage. Love, Aunt Sissy

10/15/98 04:53:01
Name: Gloria Robles My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 50 Location: San Antonio, TX occupation: Retired
How did you find me?: Altavista Search

Your web site is great! Tiki is a beautiful bird. I recently lost my cockateil and would like to get another bird from a breeder. I have not been able to find a breeder in San Antonio. Can any one recommend a reputable breeder in Texas? Thank You!

10/08/98 19:28:35
Name: maria My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): iguana (he's name is Igoo) Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 20 something
Location: san diego occupation: office manager How did you find me?: you

love your web site, it soooo cute.... :)

10/04/98 12:21:50
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

10/03/98 00:09:20
Name: mona My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 cockatiels Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 29
Location: ohio How did you find me?: altavista

I love birds and I'm looking to buy a macaw.

10/02/98 22:18:37
Name: BJ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 people Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 1 year and 7 months
Location: San Diego occupation: Lazy guard dog How did you find me?: followed the scent


10/01/98 01:54:45
Name: Kady My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): pied split to lutino Cockatiel

Nice page, I love macaws!!!!!!!!!! I'll be back for another visit! Kady :) and Beaker :>

09/25/98 16:54:46
Name: Jason Baird My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Sexy Lori Play any insturments?(What?): Armpit Age: 25
Location: Columbus, Ohio occupation: Recruiter How did you find me?: Webring

Been here, done that, sexy bird, off to the next site.

09/13/98 04:54:21
Name: stacy
My URL: Visit Me


09/12/98 04:57:38
Name: darlene My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 dogs and birds...... Play any insturments?(What?): piano Age: 41
Location: va occupation: sales How did you find me?: karens web page

my dream is to have a scarlet, i got bit by a blue and gold, but that dosn't stop me from wanting a large bird...

09/07/98 19:11:29
Name: nick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): dogs and cats Play any insturments?(What?): absolutely nothing Age: 19.7
Location: la jolla occupation: sales clerk How did you find me?: a bird told me

amazing! cool! knarly! awsome! outstanding! smelly! Those are my comments.

08/31/98 13:42:03
Name: Mark Chen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 42 Location: Taiwan occupation: Trading
How did you find me?: From ALTA VISTA

I like your page very much.Also your TIKI.

08/10/98 15:56:34
My URL: Visit Me


08/08/98 18:12:42
Name: tony My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): macaws cokatoos Age: 28 Location: miami florida
How did you find me?: internet

you have beutiful birds

08/05/98 21:14:12
Name: Melissa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): A very loved Cockatiel named "Konk" Play any insturments?(What?): French Horn, Trumpet, Bassoon Age: 16
Location: MN occupation: student How did you find me?: National Cockatiel Society links

- I really enjoyed all of the pictures of Tiki! I have been thinking of gettong another bird, preferably a larger one like Tiki. What kind of a vocabulary does he have? Thank you. -Melissa

07/23/98 14:02:04
Name: Brekke My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Cat, 2 dogs, soon to be cockatiel Play any insturments?(What?): Used to play Piano Age: 13
Location: Florida occupation: student How did you find me?: Friend

I really liked your bird! Tell Tiki that I said HI!!!!!

07/18/98 00:54:19
Name: Cindy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): greenwing macaw named zazu and other parrots Age: 36 Location: Chattanooga TN
occupation: Housewife&breeder How did you find me?: macaw connection

you have a great site, you macaw is so beautiful I have a greenwing she is pretty also I bet you are proud of yours I bet want to tell you your site is wonderful.......bye bye

07/10/98 20:12:42
Name: Jo-Anne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 3 cats, 1 dog, 1 hamster and fish Age: 14 Location: wales
occupation: studant How did you find me?: looking for imformation on birds

great page, I realy enjoyed it.

07/06/98 23:49:01
Name: Rachel Moothart My URL: Visit Me
Pets? (What kind?): 3 dogs, 5 goats Play any insturments?(What?): piano
Location: Oregon How did you find me?: Macaw owners links

I liked your pictures of your Macaw, Tiki. I want a Blue and Gold Macaw someday. My mom says we have to learn more about them. Thanks for the pictuers. They were fun.

07/02/98 07:33:13
Name: Charles Walker My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Macaws Military & Greenwing Age: 44 Location: Nevada
occupation: Haul Truck Operator How did you find me?: Looking in Yahoo

My birds are new to but i love them, I have many other pets also.

06/24/98 00:00:07
Name: Les Finstad My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Blue and Gold Macaw,cat, poodle Age: 51 Location: Conway Springs, Kansas
occupation: Lead man at Boeing How did you find me?: Searched for Macaws in Yahoo I believe


06/17/98 00:31:40
Name: Jared McCarter My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 4: Beagle, Cat, two parakeets Play any insturments?(What?): Drums, piano, bass, guitar, and I'm a world class kazoo player Age: 16
Location: La Mesa, CA occupation: I'm a full time student, but I moonlight as a boxer How did you find me?: you told me about this page. =)

You're rad and we're all gonna miss you sorely in the Blue and Black Brigade!! You got a cool page.

06/15/98 00:20:38
Name: Amy Marchman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): cat, parakeet & cocatiel and hopfully a macaw in the near future Play any insturments?(What?): not lately Age: almost 30!!!
Location: Amarillo TX occupation: Respiratory therapist How did you find me?: searching for macaw info

I just love macaws and can't wait to own one!!!

05/30/98 14:29:20
Name: dana owens My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): dog (shepard boxer mix) Age: 45 Location: ohio
occupation: machinist How did you find me?: browsing dana


05/19/98 22:57:47
Name: Angela My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): birds(5) cat (1) Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 26
occupation: Groomer How did you find me?: upatsix

Great page.

05/15/98 06:25:10
Name: Sean Crandell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Chihuahua Age: 25 Location: San Diego, CA
occupation: Attorney (soon to be) How did you find me?: father - Paul Crandell

My dad told me to check out your Ferrari. I'm a car fanatic so I dialed right up and took a look. I like it! How much horspower and what will it do the 1/4 mile in?? I know Ferrari's are fast but have no idea what kind of actual peformance they are cap ble of? I just graduated from law school and will start work in August with the District Attorney's office as a prosecutor. I currently drive a 1987 RX7 Turbo II. I like the latest generation of RX7s, the 1993-1995 model, after 95 they quit importing them. if ou are really into cars you'd like one of these. Twin turbo charged rotary engine. only has 255 hp but 0-60 is 4.9 seconds. I will either soup up my current RX or save for the twin turbo. Either car can be modified for $5000-$10000 and will then do the 1/4 mile in low 11 second range. maybe then I'll come after you in your Ferrari... ha ha. Nice car!! -Sean

05/15/98 06:27:14
Name: Sean Crandell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Chihuahua Age: 25 Location: San Diego, CA
occupation: Attorney (soon to be) How did you find me?: father - Paul Crandell

My dad told me to check out your Ferrari. I'm a car fanatic so I dialed right up and took a look. I like it! How much horspower and what will it do the 1/4 mile in?? I know Ferrari's are fast but have no idea what kind of actual peformance they are cap ble of? I just graduated from law school and will start work in August with the District Attorney's office as a prosecutor. I currently drive a 1987 RX7 Turbo II. I like the latest generation of RX7s, the 1993-1995 model, after 95 they quit importing them. if ou are really into cars you'd like one of these. Twin turbo charged rotary engine. only has 255 hp but 0-60 is 4.9 seconds. I will either soup up my current RX or save for the twin turbo. Either car can be modified for $5000-$10000 and will then do the 1/4 mile in low 11 second range. maybe then I'll come after you in your Ferrari... ha ha. Nice car!! -Sean

05/14/98 15:52:44
Name: Chris My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 6 cats Age: 41 Location: England
occupation: Internet/Intranet How did you find me?: Random search

Very nice site, but very slow when I viewed, sorry I had to give up

04/25/98 03:08:21
Name: Kimi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 36 birds Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 40
Location: Niceville, FL occupation: Forklift driver How did you find me?: rescue

Your pictures are sooo nice. Such a pretty bird!

04/19/98 20:10:11
My URL: Visit Me


04/17/98 02:51:12
Name: Catie Pets? (What kind?): 11 eastern box turtles, 2 African Sulcata tortoises, 1 dog, 1 cat, Several Ants Play any insturments?(What?): Saxophone
Age: 18 minus 5 months Location: San Diego occupation: Want to be a Biologist
How did you find me?: Gave me your card

Nice web page!!

04/17/98 02:49:00
Name: Catie Pets? (What kind?): 11 eastern box turtles, 2 African Sulcata tortoises, 1 dog, 1 cat, Several Ants Play any insturments?(What?): Saxophone
Age: 18 minus 5 months Location: San Diego occupation: Want to be a Biologist
How did you find me?: Gave me your card

Nice web page!!

04/16/98 17:45:01
Name: Ellen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Yes, two budgies and two lovebirds (and four baby lovebirds!) Play any insturments?(What?): I used to play classical guitar Age: 35
Location: The Netherlands occupation: secretary How did you find me?: Website of Saba, the green-cheeked amazone

Hi, Great site you have. It was a pleasure to surf over your site. I will be back sometime! Bye from Holland, Ellen & her birds.

04/15/98 22:48:09
Name: Jeri My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Dog-Pomeranian Age: 29 Location: Australia
occupation: SAHM How did you find me?: Heartland Webring

Your site looks great. Keep up the good work.

04/14/98 14:11:05
Name: Kim My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Location: Ontario, Canada
How did you find me?: GeoCities

I enjoyed my visit.

04/08/98 08:01:25
Name: Valentina My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 budgies and 2 babybudgies Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 32
Location: Milan, Italy occupation: Computer science How did you find me?: RTC www.petbird.com

Congratulation to Tiki! He is a very bautiful bird Love from Italy Valentina , Mafalda&Augusto and their baby-budgies

04/05/98 13:36:54
Name: WALLY MACK My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): YELLOW LAB ENGLISH BULLDOG COCKATEIL Play any insturments?(What?): NO Age: 52
Location: MICHIGAN NEAR DETROIT occupation: CONST.SUPER How did you find me?: BROWSING THE NET

Iam purchasing a yet tro be hatched baby greenwing. It will be totally weaned when I

03/22/98 15:45:42
Name: Cheryl My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Raise all kind of parrots (primarily Amazons) and have 3 dogs and 1 cat Play any insturments?(What?): Played flute and piccolo all the way through college - concert band, marching band and orchestra (got band together for our 20th HS reunion - we weren't bad, but can play the stereo better now!) Age: 39
Location: Oklahoma occupation: Raise parrots and part-time free lance paralegal (husband Woody - FSI - builds flight simulators) How did you find me?: upatsix bird chat

Very nice page, Dana - Tiki is beautiful, and so lucky to have such a bright young lady for his person! Please visit our site and see our critters!

03/18/98 08:35:41
Name: chad My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 great danes, 2 LSC Toos,1 shamrock macaw Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 29
Location: orange, texas occupation: pipefitter

cool page, i bookmarked it for future!! chad

03/16/98 06:10:04
Name: Mary My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): CAG, BFA, Red Vented Too, M. Conure, quaker, and two tiels Age: 49 Location: Wis
occupation: nursing, now domesticated engineer How did you find me?: chat

Dana and Tiki Great looking bird, in fact beautiful!

03/02/98 11:37:46
Name: Angela My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 dogs, 5 cats, 2 birds Age: 43 Location: Germany
How did you find me?: link in another guestbook :-)

Hi Dana and Tikki! I've found the link to your site in another guestbook. Your pages are really very nice, I love Tikki, wonderful bird! I enjoyed my visit here, the stories and the pictures very much and I'm sure to return to visit this lovingly made pag s. Greetings from Germany, Angela and her cats, dogs and birds

02/14/98 05:00:17
Name: Debbie My URL: Visit Me
Pets? (What kind?): Tiara the cockatiel and Rainbow the budgie Play any insturments?(What?): piano and flute
Location: Chicago How did you find me?: you signed my guestbook

Great site! Tiki is oh so adorable! Loved all your pictures. :) Thanks for the link!

Yo's Place
Drop by Yo's Place again sometime and say hello!

02/06/98 19:16:33
Name: Bonita Walker My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Scarlet Macaw Age: My age 47 Baby's 1 yr Location: Midwest
occupation: Antique dealer How did you find me?: Aol

Thank you foe sharing your beautiful Scarlet Macaw with us.I just got mine in Oct. and he was 1yr in Dec. abd A handful, since he had been in A pet shop for quite some time.I have other birds but never even considered A macaw even though I admire those wh do have them.It quite an adventure and i truley enjoy it.B.Walker

01/24/98 10:36:21
Name: dave My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): birds australia cockatoos and lorikeets Age: 43 Location: australia
occupation: electrician How did you find me?: on the upat six chat

very nicely done

01/24/98 10:33:18
Name: Cheryl My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Lots of parrots Play any insturments?(What?): Flute - marching band all the way through college! Age: 39
Location: Okla. occupation: Parrot breeder/paralegal How did you find me?: from chat

Dana - Tiki sure is pretty - he must be a lucky bird.....see you back at chat.

01/24/98 01:41:02
Name: J. Kobelka My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Birds!, dogs, fish Play any insturments?(What?): Trumpet Age: 20
Location: Ohio occupation: student at Ashland University How did you find me?: macaw connection

What a cute webpage!!! Very well done. Congrats and good luck in the future!

01/23/98 04:17:50
Name: Cindy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Greenwing Macaw cockateil,finches Age: 35 Location: Tennessee
occupation: Bird breeder How did you find me?: Macaw connection

Tiki is a beautiful bird and your page was very nice and your bird was something special I have a greenwing macaw baby it's name is Zazu and I am getting a citron crested cockatoo soon.Thanks for a very nice page..........

01/19/98 06:53:51
Name: Psitacus My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Yellow Front Amazon, African Greys, Tiels, fish and hampster Play any insturments?(What?): he he he I wish Age: 28
Location: Arizona occupation: Domestic Godess How did you find me?: Keith's home page

Tiki is cute! And I love the peeking eye!! Great work, I love the pictures!!

01/13/98 07:06:50
Name: larry L My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Niles the African Grey Play any insturments?(What?): guitar Age: 37
Location: memphis occupation: aircraft inspector How did you find me?: YOU gave me your address :)

your scarlet is beautiful!!! may you both enjoy a long lasting relationship (say...60 years or so!!) Larry(same as your dad!!)

01/13/98 06:29:14
Name: Joanie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): dog and four birds Play any insturments?(What?): flute and piano Age: 56
Location: Nebraska occupation: full time bird lver

REally a nice page and love your pics!!!!! You did a great job

01/09/98 05:19:49
Name: Daysleeper My URL: Visit Me
Location: Indiana How did you find me?: was surfing

You have been visited by the one, the only Daysleeper

01/02/98 14:34:28
Name: Sherri My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 Tiels, Blue&Gold Macaw, Chihuahua Play any insturments?(What?): can't play a note! Age: 31
Location: Maryland How did you find me?: Surfing

Hello! Tiki is beautiful. Santa just gave me a B&G Macaw. He's 6mo. old, Named him Toby. Boy! can't they get spoiled quick!!! Got any advice I can use? or things I can look forward to? This is my first one and I hear they go throught terrible twos? hat sounds like fun. You did a great job on your page. Take care.

12/28/97 05:47:56
Name: Darryl Shaw My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Scarlet Age: old Location: N.C,
occupation: Truck Driver How did you find me?: Macaw link

Just looking around. And we have a scarlet He's almost 6 now and just about has us trained!

12/25/97 06:52:28
Name: Kitty My URL: Visit Me
Pets? (What kind?): Birds ...many! Play any insturments?(What?): piano
Age: 21 Location: S'pore

Nice page!Not much to say!Just hope to know u better

12/25/97 02:33:58
Name: Kathy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Severe macaw, cat Age: 43 Location: San Francisco
occupation: hotel communications How did you find me?: Ghandct web page

What a BEAUTIFUL bird! Looks like Tiki likes the beach!-

12/17/97 02:58:19
Name: Joshua My URL: Visit Me Pets? (What kind?): Greenwing
Play any insturments?(What?): Clarinet Age: 16 Location: Wa
occupation: Pet Store How did you find me?: connection

I own two vochiles. One is a jeep that is a 1952 Willy, and a truck that is a 1967 Chevy pickup. My dad own other classic cars and trucks.

12/17/97 02:44:56
Name: Josh My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Greenwing Play any insturments?(What?): clarinet Age: 16
Location: WA occupation: pet store How did you find me?: Macaw connection

Your bird is cool

12/11/97 21:36:22
Name: Chris My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Two cockatiels, and a Militar macaw hopeful ; ) Play any insturments?(What?): Guitar Age: 15
Location: California occupation: Student How did you find me?: I'm Stalking you; )

Merry Christmas!! 12/11/97 16:09:15
Name: Joey Carr My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): (3) cats,(2) dogs, (1) rat Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 18
Location: Santee occupation: Student How did you find me?: Talked to you (DA)

Hello I was here you web page is cool I like your bird.

12/05/97 14:36:03
Name: Joe
My URL: Visit Me


11/30/97 02:41:50
Name: jsj My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 1 B&G Macaw Play any insturments?(What?): violin Age: 12
Location: Georgia occupation: bird breeder How did you find me?: The Macaw ring

Hi,Tiki is beautiful i am getting a baby B&G in about 4 months.I'm also going to breed congo african greys.Aren't macaws Great?

11/29/97 17:01:18
Name: Judy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): cockatiels Play any insturments?(What?): no Location: GA
How did you find me?: web ring

Your page is great!

11/18/97 18:46:34
Name: Nick "the never get to speak too" Windle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): fee, fi, foe and thumb Play any insturments?(What?): manual transmission Age: as many years as your bird's tail is inches long
Location: LIBWEB\internet access station occupation: I really don't know but, it seems that I'm always getting yelled at when I leave the chains on the emergency exit doors. How did you find me?: biology experiment

hey whats going on. There is a guy next to my station looking up dirty pictures. I wonder what for? Probably for some sort of speech or research paper. YEA right!I was going to leave you a comment yesterday but I thought that you probably wouldn't check i . So what do you go and do. You checked it.Thanks. Whom ever took those photographs of tiki sure did a good job. I wish I could meet him. Right now your sitting in third period at west hills. Na Na Na Nah na! I'm not. see you later(if your lucky) Nicholas 11-18-97 @10:46am

11/10/97 01:49:27
Name: Mindy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 27 budgies, 1 tiel, 1 lovebird, 1 Indian ringneck Play any insturments?(What?): piano Age: 13
Location: CA occupation: Budgie breeder How did you find me?: I found this page a longtime ago and bookmarked it.

I love your page! Tiki is just the cutest! I have plenty of small birds now, but when I get older I'll buy a big bird too.

11/09/97 06:21:32
Name: Chris Paterson AKA Slothman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 cockatiels Play any insturments?(What?): Guitar Age: 15
Location: Thousand Oaks California occupation: Sudent How did you find me?: Through Upatsix chat!

Nice page! Just followed the link from the chat! Is that really you bird on the skateboard?! I want a macaw someday...

11/09/97 01:24:31
Name: Amanda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Angel the Beta Play any insturments?(What?): Clarinet Age: 15
Location: Santee occupation: student, musician, and all around pain How did you find me?: you gave me the address

We beat Grosmmont! We rule! (It's okay, I'm IN the band!) :-)

11/07/97 01:54:10
Name: mike blaze My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 4 parrots Location: Toronto Ontario occupation: Systems Administrator
How did you find me?: surfing

Tiki is sure a beautiful bird. I have a severe macaw called Tika. (pretty close) I also have a African grey called buzz, a sun conure called sunshine(what else) and a red lorie called cherry. Even though the lorie is one of the smallest birds he is the he ruler of the bunch, and he scares all of the rest of them most of the time. A parrot is a great friend to have.... Mike

11/05/97 11:15:47
Name: Sharon My URL: Visit Me
Pets? (What kind?): Green Winged Macaw, Goffin Cockatoo, Canary, Yellow Lab, Cat, Chinchilla Age: 29
Location: New Jersey How did you find me?: Bird Chatter

Your Scarlet Macaw is a beautiful bird. The macaws are alot of company and are also very comical.

11/05/97 03:45:44
Name: Valerie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 dogs,3 congo greys and lots of breeder gouldians and other finches also quakers and cows! haha! Age: 37 wow! Location: alabama
occupation: self imployed. construction How did you find me?: on bird chatter!!

Hi. i think you have a beautiful bird and lovley site!! I have always wanted a scarlet. maybe one day i will get one! Is she a screamer like blue and golds? Nice visiting with you!! valerie

11/05/97 01:49:24
Name: Debbie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Birds, birds and more birds! *s* Play any insturments?(What?): Are you kidding??? Age: now, that's not nice to ask! *LOL*36
Location: Oregon occupation: Own and operate a aviary How did you find me?: Macaw list

You have a wonderful Scarlet Macaw. She is very lovely!

11/03/97 13:30:22
Name: patty My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 40 Location: FLorida
occupation: bird tec, How did you find me?: on the net

i have 18 macaws and 2 AGC just love them,

10/28/97 16:34:26
Name: Cindy Patterson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Zoo!!! 2 dogs, 3 birds, 3 cats Play any insturments?(What?): fiancee is a drummer Age: 32
Location: Charlottesville, VA occupation: Office Manager How did you find me?: surfing

Tiki is beautiful. My fiancee wants to add to our flock with a Greenwing Macaw.

10/25/97 18:33:45
Name: Darrell Griffin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 3 kids (haha!) Play any insturments?(What?): Bass Trombone Age: 40
Location: Lakeside CA occupation: Technical Manager How did you find me?: You recommended you.

Hi Dana, You have a real nice page, and I think the car pictures are a great touch! :)

10/24/97 05:37:15
Name: Aaron My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Green-Winged Macaw Play any insturments?(What?): Digital Age: 19
Location: Albany, NY occupation: Student - MicroComputers How did you find me?: Browsing the web

Great sight! I love those pictures of your macaw.

10/22/97 23:56:59
Name: Greg My URL: Visit Me
Pets? (What kind?): Amazon,Samoyed(dog),iguana,ferret Location: Florida
How did you find me?: petbird.com

Beautiful bird, I've always thought the Scarlet Macaws were the prettiest.

10/21/97 17:48:59
Name: SDSU study person nick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): dust mits Play any insturments?(What?): keyboard and mouse Age: six months
Location: beach occupation: Lion tooth cleaner How did you find me?: chemical reaction

Just thought that I would leave a message for you. I thought that it might make you more cheerly than your usual happy self. I am about to look up "EARTHQUAKE!"'s on the internet and I got into a silly mood. I'm making everybody around me a little anger. H WELL!!That's too bad for them isn't. seeya around. may be or next lifetime or this afternoon. Who knows. nick

10/17/97 22:02:08
Name: Zeker My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Dogs, Birds,Cats Fish Turtles Play any insturments?(What?): All 7clarinets, Saxaphone, Trombone, Oboe Age: 15
Location: Santee Ca occupation: student How did you find me?: Dana Told me

Yo Dana How's it going. It worked, The pen mark. Nothing Much Happening Here. Homey T had fun on his test. Well- See YA-- Cool Bird I still say teach it to hunt the giant crows. Homey Z

10/10/97 18:24:07
Name: MARY My URL: Visit Me
Age: 24 Location: FLORIDA


10/05/97 05:54:46
Name: Lee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): Amazon w/attitude
Location: Oklahoma How did you find me?: Upatsix RTC

Dana...Tiki is beautiful!! I love your website! Thank you for sharing......Lee

10/04/97 05:48:50
Name: Carol My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Rotty and 'Tiel Play any insturments?(What?): Bits and pieces of all Age: as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth!!
Location: Perth, West Oz occupation: Clerk & Cat Judge How did you find me?: Pet Talk page

just to let you know I found you, and loved your pics of Tiki. Tiki is a maori name (NZ) for a talisman.

10/01/97 04:54:44
Name: Jerry Bookter and Sweetheart My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): WC Pionus, B&G macaw Play any insturments?(What?): Radio Age: Young enough to remember how it was, old enough to have foregotten how to do it
Location: Columbia SC occupation: Self-employed gadfly How did you find me?: I jest surfed right on in!

Tiki's a doll. I just got a B&G myself, and lemme tell you, macaws are wonderful!

09/29/97 01:39:58
Name: Walter My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): macaws,umbrellas,greys Age: 54 Location: KY
occupation: retired How did you find me?: BirddieRing


09/28/97 20:37:01
Name: Heather K. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 dogs, Irish Setter and German Shepard part something! 2 cockatiels, and 2 frogs Play any insturments?(What?): I play the piano Age: 14
Location: CT, USA How did you find me?: Just surfed on

I love your page! You've done a great job! I hope you can come and visit my page too! And sign the guestbook!

09/28/97 08:00:26
Name: Marie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): birds, dogs Play any insturments?(What?): I'd love to....piano Age: 35
Location: FL occupation: computer nerd How did you find me?: RTC


09/24/97 19:12:21
Name: Jarrett My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Chihuahua Play any insturments?(What?): Guitar --- a little! Age: Ancient
Location: Alabam' occupation: Paper Co. Ret. How did you find me?: Surfin' the streets of Heartland Prairie

You have a beautiful page! The pictures are great. Come visit my page sometimes:->

09/22/97 02:10:55
Name: Tiki's other favorite My URL: Visit Me Pets? (What kind?): you tell me
Play any insturments?(What?): my mind Age: - 5 billion Location: sunday study session
occupation: face washer How did you find me?: chemistry

I'm supposed to be washing me face after studing geology. Guess not. Suprised? Probably not. :,) I taking to long and your wondering where I went right now. see ya, gotta go study with you. nicholas

09/20/97 16:13:49
Name: teddy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 2 shelties and 2 desert tortises Play any insturments?(What?): bari sax and many more Age: 17
Location: La Mesa occupation: student How did you find me?: you told me about it

Dana cool web page! You did a great job on it. Tiki is really beautiful and the impala is awsome. Please don't email me you can guess why.

09/18/97 18:31:05
Name: Mr. Windle My URL: Visit Me Pets? (What kind?): you know
Play any insturments?(What?): you don't know Age: 3 thousand yrs Location: SDSU
occupation: bird rack How did you find me?: you know that too.

I found it!! Aren't my computer skills wonderful. Just thought I would let you know. I had to read 5 chapters of 20-40 pages each and I got board and found this. 9-18-97 nick.%)

09/12/97 05:07:32
Name: michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): cats,dogs,yellow nape , grey,iguana Play any insturments?(What?): flute Age: 25
Location: FL occupation: humane society How did you find me?: upatsix chat

Tiki is beautiful!!!

09/10/97 18:42:14
Name: Alysia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Siren, the Severe Macaw & fish: angel fish, ell, re-tailed black shark & a Rafael catfish Play any insturments?(What?): Piano, flute Age: 32
Location: So. California occupation: Artist/Graphic Designer How did you find me?: Macaw Chat

Tiki is very beatiful! Great pictures - looks like you had a great day at the beach.... Alysia

09/09/97 17:47:21
Name: Judy My URL: Visit Me Pets? (What kind?): cockatiels
Play any insturments?(What?): nope Age: not a chance Location: Ga.
occupation: housewife How did you find me?: surfing

Enjoyed visiting your web page

09/09/97 04:37:51
Name: Ginny Rein My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 5 tarantulas, 3 cats, 3 dogs,8 ferrets,1 peachface lovebird,2 parakeets, and I'm going to be getting a scarlet macaw soon! Play any insturments?(What?): clairenet(for a while) Age: 15
Location: Anchorage, Alaska occupation: odds and ends How did you find me?: through Up At Six

Love the pictures of you scarlet macaw!!!

09/06/97 01:12:16
Name: Alex My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): rottweiler, saltwater,python,iguanna,geckos,cat Play any insturments?(What?): drums,guitar Age: 23
Location: southern CA occupation: student How did you find me?: info for parrots

Nice site, the mix of birds and cars is different but appealing. You may like to include a pict. of yourself...Alex.

09/05/97 20:20:50
Name: Rosemary Yelvington My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 4 budgies--3 named Henry & Tweedie, Archi the Senegal, 1 dog named Friskey (17 yr old dachshund), and Kitty Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 49
Location: San Diego State Univ. occupation: Secretary How did you find me?: Bird Chatter

I enjoyed looking at your pictures.

09/04/97 22:49:05
Name: paula My URL: Visit Me Pets? (What kind?): Maine Coon cat, Sun Conure
Play any insturments?(What?): sing Age: 54 Location: New England
occupation: sales How did you find me?: conure chat


09/01/97 13:35:58
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Blue and gold macaw and a lab/golden mix Play any insturments?(What?): no sorry not musical Age: 29
Location: Erin,TN occupation: Nurses Aide How did you find me?: real time chat

Good luck in school dana, keep thinking avian vet,avian vet...... pushy ain't I????

09/01/97 08:24:47
Name: alan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 3 cats i dog i cockatoo Play any insturments?(What?): none Age: 35
Location: essendon melbourne victoria australia occupation: unemployed How did you find me?: you told me LOL

your bird is sooo cute can i have him

08/30/97 15:56:34
Name: Bob Woerner My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Nanday Conure, Cat Age: 30 Location: Clearwater, FL.
occupation: Technical Support Specialist How did you find me?: Bird Buddies Queue

Very pretty Macaw..!! Found your page on the bird buddies queue. My site is also there and I'm still waiting to be moved to the index. Don't know what the wait is. San Diego is awesome...my parents live in Chula Vista.

08/30/97 09:12:16
Name: Elly Jordaan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Birds (11), one cate Play any insturments?(What?): Piano, flute, guitar, English handbells Age: 39
Location: Ventura, CA, USA occupation: graphics artist How did you find me?: I was invited!

Thanks for a very enjoyable visit. Tiki is absolutely gorgeous!

08/29/97 03:43:21
Name: Phil My URL: Visit Me Pets? (What kind?): Dusky headed conure
Play any insturments?(What?): harmonica Age: 46 Location: S.F.Bay Area
occupation: Sales How did you find me?: conure chat

fantastic shots. did Tiki get in the surf?

08/28/97 07:45:25
Name: Kathy My URL: Visit Me
Pets? (What kind?): Hyacinth Macaw Age: 47
Location: houston


08/25/97 21:10:15
Name: Jane Gavin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): LSC Too,32 Tiels,1 Rosella, 2 Kakariki,1 Zebra Finch, 1 Cat, 1 Rabbit, Lots of Goldfish and many, many wild Frogs. Play any insturments?(What?): Nope Age: 46
Location: WIGAN, Lancashire. Great Britain. occupation: Housewife How did you find me?: Upatsix RTC

Dana, really enjoyed chatting with you and am indebted to you for helping me out with ICQ. Tiki looks so gorgeous, you really are lucky!

08/24/97 13:40:46
Name: mark jefferson aka mark UK My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): elvis...yellow winged blue front amazon and bertie...double yellow headed amazon Play any insturments?(What?): only my organ! Age: 31
Location: london, england occupation: TV graphic designer How did you find me?: upatsix chat

hi super babe dana ! nice chatting this morning. Love the piccy of your bird on the skateboard! Tell your dad i like his mondial, my favourite ferrari is the 1976 glass fibre 308, elvis and bertie say hi! see you soon Mark UK x x

08/24/97 07:45:06
Name: Amber My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Parrots Play any insturments?(What?): no Age: 23 (24 next week!)
Location: Arizona, USA occupation: Vet tech How did you find me?: Up At Six

Love Tiki!!!! Dont forget to come see my page and sign my guestbook!

08/16/97 03:15:50
Name: Gwen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): birds (all kinds) Location: FL occupation: Hobby bird breeder
How did you find me?: Macaw Connection

Hi, Just looking at some of the other pages here on The Macaw Connection. Be sure to check out my pictures here on the same page...

08/12/97 21:01:36
Name: Sandy Webb My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): dogs, cats, gold fish, Play any insturments?(What?): Radio Age: 13 + 24 -99 +2 (good luck)
Location: go out there somewhere occupation: you got me How did you find me?: your mom

Hey Dana, This was a real kick reading and seeing your web site! You certainly are one talented teen!!!!!

08/12/97 09:23:17
Name: R.Bekker My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): greenwing Macaw B&G Macaw
Play any insturments?(What?): No Age: 25 Years Location: The Netherlands
How did you find me?: By Macaw Chat

I am crazy about macaws and i love the pictures you have I will e-mail you in one of these day`s because i have some questions. Have a nice day. raymond

08/12/97 09:21:06
Name: R.Bekker My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): greenwing Macaw B&G Macaw Play any insturments?(What?): No
Age: 25 Years How did you find me?: By Macaw Chat

I am crazy about macaws and i love the pictures you have I will e-mail you in one of these day`s because i have some questions. Have a nice day. raymond

08/12/97 07:34:45
Name: Roostor My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): d/y Amazon Play any insturments?(What?): Bass Guitar Age: 47
Location: Houston, Tx occupation: Railroad Conductor How did you find me?: Chat Line

Thanks for the invite to look at Tiki...very beautifull....not sure yet what Macaw I will get...but I will be getting one soon....I love 'em.

08/11/97 10:14:12
Name: ron My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): birds,cats,mice Play any insturments?(What?): guitar,drums, bagpipes Age: 30something
Location: new zealand occupation: PRESS PHOTGRAPHER How did you find me?: you directed me here

great page Dana..well done!

08/09/97 09:01:19
Name: alex My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 38 Location: ohau occupation: breeder
How did you find me?: ^@6


08/08/97 18:57:26
Name: Tracy Blackledge My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Umbrella Cockatoo Age: 29 Location: San Diego
occupation: Computer Programmer How did you find me?: Up At Six RTC

Dana, Tiki is beautiful!!! Give that sweet baby a big, beaky kiss from Giggles. Your page is GREAT.

07/30/97 22:55:23
Name: Tanner My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): turtle,U2,Cag,WFA Age: 35 Location: Rancho Cucamonga
occupation: Artist How did you find me?: met you on Chat

Tiki is sooooo pretty,I think we need to see the both of you though.

07/30/97 04:11:44
Name: Stephanie Duncan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Nikki a Blue and Gold Macaw, Suzi a Rottweiler and Spooky a cat. Play any insturments?(What?): No, not talented enough. Age: 27
Location: Kansas City, MO occupation: Receptionist How did you find me?: Your mom gave me your address.

I met your mom July 29th on the phone at work. One of the girls she works with (Rhonda) told me about you and had me talk to your mom. I'm in Kansas City and I work for Satellite Engineering Group, Inc. Tell her I said hello. I will have pics of Nikki on my page soon. By the way Tiki is gorgeous. You have done a wonderful job raising her. Later. Stephanie & Nikki

07/29/97 15:52:22
Name: Maxie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Pets? (What kind?): Birds, Dogs, and a cat
Age: 34 Location: California

I loved your pics of Tiki! she is Beautifull!!! I would rally love to have a pick of her on my page and put a link to your page. Let me know Dana. You can e-mail me! hehehehe She is such a happy bird! Maxie

07/29/97 09:51:21
Name: Colin Harris My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): Hahn's macaw called Charlie and rabbit called Thumper Play any insturments?(What?): Drums! Age: 28
Location: Sussex, UK occupation: Computer Analyst/Programmer How did you find me?: Macaw Chat (& Keith's new web page)

Very nice pictures. Keep them coming.

07/28/97 09:59:13
Name: Sen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): 1 peachie, 1 dog (sorta) Play any insturments?(What?): the didgeridoo poorly. Age: 24
Location: Hobart Tasmania Australia occupation: student ( soon to be a desk-top publisher part-time) How did you find me?: upatsix

Great page and cute bird!!!!

07/27/97 21:34:23
Name: Becky L. Pets? (What kind?): too,noble,sengal,and many others.
Age: 41 Location: Leona Valley, CA occupation: Birdmom and housewife
How did you find me?: up at 6 bird Chat room & Bird Chatter

Enjoyed talking to you late nights in the chat room. Thank you for making me feel Welcome. You are doing great keep it up.

07/27/97 18:29:21
Name: Michelle My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): B&G Macaw, Marco Age: don't ask Location: Connecticut
occupation: homebody How did you find me?: Macaw Chat


07/27/97 17:13:29
Name: jett My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): rocky-blue&gold macaw bobby-white eyed conure Play any insturments?(What?): guitar Age: 36
Location: norfolk va occupation: outside sales How did you find me?: macaw chat

tiki is a beauty-i am thinking of breeding my blue & gold male eventually with a scarlet-he is 3&1/2 now. is tiki a girl? jett

07/27/97 16:49:38
Name: patte Pets? (What kind?): birds, dogs, cats
Play any insturments?(What?): piano Age: 52 Location: Illinois
occupation: Craft Business How did you find me?: Upatsix

Great Site!! Thanks.

07/27/97 15:59:28
Name: marti My Email: Email Me
Pets? (What kind?): birds, cats, dogs, horses,goats Age: older than dirt! Location: Iowa
occupation: paramedic, research associate How did you find me?: macaw chat

Tikki is georgous!!!!!

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