Michael P. Kenefick Jr., Sara Halverson-Kenefick and Family

Email address: kenefick@copper.net
Residence: Hilliard
State: OH
Country: USA


The Kids are growing. In summer 2004, both can now ride their bicycles with out training wheels.

Kris will start kindergarden soon and Sydney will be in her 2nd year of preschool.

Kris and Sydney will try to play soccer later in 2004. Practices start soon. Games are played in September and October.

To quote the famous song, "... the times they are a changing...". Well, Sara and I have had our second wonderful baby. Sydney Michel Kenefick was born on April 19, 2000.

We have had some good news in the past few years. On Novermber 10, 1998 Sara and I had our 1st child, Kristofer Mikal Kenefick. Everyone swears he is a Gerber Baby:) Soon Kris will be four. He is walking and talk and of course getting into trouble 8>). Sydney is now two. She has been going through the terrible twos since she was 9 months. She is now walking, trying to talk and most definetly getting into mischief.

This is our second attempt at a Home Page! We have celebrated our 8th year aniversery and working toward our nineth. The former Sara Halverson and I exchanged vows on May 25, 1996 in Dublin, Ohio.

I attended college at Columbus State Community College and Franklin University. I obtained an AA and BS of Business Management from each school, respectively. Sara is an 1984 alumni of West Virginia Wesleyan College. Her degree is in Elementary Education.

Well, Sara and I have been married over eightx years. Things are still pretty good. We do fight like other couples! Sara had our 1ST and 2ND child. Kristofer arrived November 10, 1998 about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Sydney arrived April 19, 2000.

I was born and raised in the eastern Ohio village of Wintersville. Most of my relatives live in Ohio and the North Panhandle of West Virginia. I have 3 sisters, 2 step-sisters, 1 brother and 1 step-brother.

One of my sisters, Bridgette Kenefick-Osz, is the genealogist in the family. She is tracking several branches of her family and both sides of our parents. Bridgette has contructed a home page of her own. She has several pages of information that may be of interest to genealogists. Visit the Land of Osz if you would like to exchange information. Relatives may want to visit The Official Un-official Kenefick Reunion Web Site.

My wife was born in Western Wisconsin, specifically Menomonie. She has 1 brother and 1 sister. Her father and mother moved to West Virginia when she was ten. Many of her relatives live in Wisconsin / Minnesota and are named Smith (this is not a joke). The Halverson relatives are smaller in number than the Smith side. These relatives are scattered about the USA. Sara's father and mother, Jim and Lillian, may be contacted via E-Mail.

I have an alternative E-Mail address. Use this E-Mail location for the less important information or correspondance.


I am currently employeed with Unisys Corp. I work on a major contract involving sorter and financial products. I am a repair person. Old information has come from the company, I used to work for years ago. The parent company sold them to a competitor, Sarcom. When, I left Micro Center, Inc. I worked there for almost 5 years. My last position involved working in the Service area of Corporate Sales Micro Center. On a daily basis, I contacted vendors to resolve critical issues, researched part info. This may range from getting proper credit(s), to retrieving misid'ed parts.

Sara is currently working at Wal-Mart. She works as a cashier part time. She is involved on a daily basis in assisting customers, correcting inventory variance and adjusting prices down (usually).


We have only a few interests. I pretend to play golf:), I am lousy at the game. One day I will be able to spend more time at the driving range:)

I also like to be able to make my computer work like a computer should!!! I leave the top on my "kit bashed" PC now more than ever. I have finaly got some new equipment and no longer fight as much with my computer. Now, if I could just get find search engine to do a true "and" or a true "or" function search, I would be happy (I wrote this before google was even thought of).

I bicycle, but not to the extent that I should:( I don't own any fancy bike. Just basic transportation. As of late the kids and I go for rides together. We vist local parks and ponds near our home. Some times we remeber to take bread crumbs for the geese and ducks.

I have a large sized shot glass collection. At last count, I had over 150 shot glasses and/or little bottles of alcohol. The last time I counted / inventoried was about eight years ago. I have since purchased or received many more glass bottles and shot glasses. Feel free to send me free samples from your company or organization 8>)

Sara has a few hobbies. She is a member of her church choir. She likes to bike ride with me.

Place to go when your are bored

  1. Switch Board
  2. Big Book (Business locator)
  3. Who's Who (Name search)
  4. Google
  5. A Link to many Links (count: 600+)
  6. Mutual Funds - Fidelity MUTUAL FUNDS (The people holding my retirement fund.)
  7. Monster Job Search (by company is best I find.
  8. Goddard Space Sciences Pictures
  9. Central Ohio and national jobs, corparate home pages
  10. Centralized Recruitment, State of Ohio

Counter Since it was re-installed 12/15/2008.