What They Said!

Lisa Wells Duke - 12/24/00 16:05:50
My Email:lduke@daisytek.com
How did you get here: LDS
Searching Surnames: Wells

I was looking for relatives of Claiborne & Eliza Wells of Alabama in the 1850's. I am also interested in brother/sister's of my grandfather Walter Bud Wells (grandson of Claiborne & Eliza) from Alabama and Texas.

pat winters garrett - 11/07/00 04:29:34
My Email:garrettpwg2earthlink.net
How did you get here: browsing
Searching Surnames: winters

Thank you for having this site. I have traced my great grandfather to Halifax Co. N.C. His name is John Winters and he married Rebecca Green. Their children were Robert,John,Charles and William. I don't know if there is a conection with your Winters or no . Thank you again for this site.

Sonya Dean - 10/19/00 00:31:15
My Email:Sonyad40475@yahoo.com
How did you get here: Rootweb.com
Searching Surnames: Burns

Your web-page is a wealth of information!! I am so glad I found it! My curiosity has lead me to your web page and all I can say is Thank You! :o)

GERRI HOSKINS CLAIBOURN - 09/16/00 16:29:20
My Email:dgclaibo@hit.net
How did you get here: websearch


Joann Reynolds - 09/09/00 17:53:37
My Email:JReyn57049@aol.com

I had the pleasure of visiting with Floyd Wells several years ago in the home of James Cruse of Plainview,TX. I loaned him a box of McCarty infomation to take back home.

Violetta - 07/29/00 17:34:27
My URL:http://www.LAEstates.com
My Email:violetta@pacbell.net
How did you get here: Lisa sent me!
Searching Surnames: none

Hey.. the zoo photos were cute! I'll have to show you mine someday. I took some good ones at the LA Zoo years ago! Also went to Tippi Hedrin's Shambala out in Acton. 60 acres of well treated rescued wild animals...a great place! You should go if you never have Later.. Violetta

Ann Rheney - 06/25/00 20:47:44
My Email:ARheney
How did you get here: Bettye Burns referred me to this site
Searching Surnames: Burns, Billings

Many thanks for your information!!!! I was so excited to find it. I am a descendant of Harriet Burns and David Crockett Billings. (They were my great great great grandparents.) The will by John Burns Jr., posted on your site, proves Harriet's parentag . I both researching my ancestors and writing a book of family history for my extended family. Your site provides many pieces to the puzzle. I appreciate the work you have done to make this material available to us all. Ann Billings Rheney

Tammy Fields - 06/25/00 18:28:13
My Email:FieldsRTI@aol.com
How did you get here: Clay county Web site
Searching Surnames: Burns and Begley

I come thru Granville Burns who married Nancy Begley. Their daughter Sally married Willis Sizemore and had a son Alexander Sizemore. Alexander married Betty Shepherd and had my grandmother, Flora Sizemore. I would love to share what I have if you are intr sted. Tammy

Tammy Fields - 06/25/00 18:25:52
My Email:FieldsRTI@aol.com
How did you get here: Clay county Web site
Searching Surnames: Burns and Begley


Robin Wells - 06/23/00 10:32:16
My Email:mims2000_99@yahoo.com
How did you get here: websearch
Searching Surnames: Wells/Turner/McNeil

I am trying to find my families history. Thank You:

Gerri HOSKINS Claibourn - 06/17/00 21:57:19
My Email:dgclaibo@hit.net
How did you get here: Surfing the Web
Searching Surnames: Al/Alfred Bowling line, Asher Dillon line, Thomas Marcum line,Jesse Roberts & Nancy Anderson line,Jim HOSKINS line,Jobe Bolling/Bowling line,White, Britton,Lewis,Begley,Hensley,Sizemore,Nancy Baker line,Hacker

Very good genealogy! I am interested in the Action Roberts-Hacker marriage and their children.

Mary McKnight - 06/10/00 23:44:01
My Email:fritz1@ctnet.net
Searching Surnames: Slusser

I was just trying to find anything on Slusser and I came across your name thought i'd say hi!

Sherry Barrett - 05/21/00 16:57:05
My Email:mombear92@hotmail.com
How did you get here: browsing
Searching Surnames: McCarty, Powers, Cox, Parker

I really do like what you have put together here. We seem to have a common link - Michael McCarty. Keep up the good work and I'm sure I'll come back to visit again.

Nina Aughinbaugh - 05/18/00 00:12:49
My Email:junebug658@aol.com
How did you get here: checking on Burrns
Searching Surnames: Burns,Bradburn,Bates,Owens,Arney, McKinney


Carol Zangerl - 05/15/00 09:27:59
My Email:caruz@arkansas.net
Searching Surnames: McCarty - Boddie

Very Good Web Site! I am searching for the parents of Henry McCarty b. ca 1825 in S.C. m/ Sarah E Brannon b.18 Feb 1842 in Augusta, GA. Both died in Faulkner Co., AR. Family tradition states his father was a John MCCarty from Ireland, mother's name ? Bo die from England. Henry's death certificate, signed by his grandson states His father was John McCarty; mother, Jane Howell. I'm glad I found your site thanks to "Kim" Carol Zangerl

terri kenney - 04/29/00 05:01:38
My Email:terrik@egyptian.net
How did you get here: don't remember
Searching Surnames: Hubbs

I am a Hubbs decendent from Willis Hubbs, in the Southern Illinois area. John Hubbs was a revolutionary patriot from England, that's about all I know, and why I'm researching. My father's name is Earl Wilson Hubbs, with brothers Robert(Bob), Keith, Lee( eceased), and 2 brothers dying shortly after birth. 1 sister Frieda(deceased). Any more information you have would be greatly appreciated. My father tells me alot of his family hails from Hurst-Bush Illinois, Herrin Illinois, and generally Williamson a d Jackson counties in southern Illinois. Thank you for your webpage. Terri (Hubbs) Kenney

Betty Walker - 04/28/00 02:56:11
My Email:bwalktx@txcr.net
How did you get here: Rootsweb looking for Midkiff
Searching Surnames: Midkiff

I am so sorry to hear of the death of your father. I had the pleasure of corresponding with him in November 1996. He was unable to provide me with any family information but was kind enough to answer my letter even though he had recently lost his wife an had also suffered a stroke that left it very hard for him to write. My connection to the Midkiff's is through my great great grandmother, Emily Midkiff. Emily was a sister to Candace Midkiff that married Ellis Peter Bean (also known as Peter Ellis Bean) and Isaac Jesse Midkiff (which was Mr. Well's Midkiff connection). E ily married Samuel Turner in Nacogdoches Texas in 1839 and died in 1860 in Trinity Co., Tx. At the time I had put together a story on Candace and sent it to him for his enjoyment. I hope that he did. You have put together a wonderful tribute to your parents. Sincerely, Betty..........in Texas

darla wells - 04/22/00 18:51:29
My Email:tdonavan@se-tel.com
Searching Surnames: wells

i would like to know how the wells family started.And to see the family tree.

Nina Aughinbaugh - 04/22/00 01:08:22
My URL:http://junebug658@aol.com
My Email:junebug658@aol.com
How did you get here: pjcarpe
Searching Surnames: Burns,Bradburn,Bates, Arney, McKinney

I enjoyed reading the wills and hope I can make a connection.

STANLEY YULE - 04/05/00 17:05:45
How did you get here: SURFING
Searching Surnames: YULE


lois - 03/29/00 06:17:03
My Email:las2000@mailcity.com
How did you get here: browsing
Searching Surnames: collins,chandlers,barger,savage,

The surnames on Floyd Martin Wells side, my family are descendants the Collins, Chandlers, Barger, Johnson, and the Savages from Exmore, Nasswasdox, Painer, Franktown, I found your family tree to be very interesting and from what I see we could be relate . I would truly appreciate it if you could confirm this relationship.

lois chandler - 03/24/00 07:20:26
My Email:las2000@mailcity.com
Searching Surnames: chandlers/collins

very interesting and well put together

Sandy Halbur - 03/20/00 06:36:41
My Email:sandmand@gateway.net
How did you get here: looking up Yule
Searching Surnames: Yuleshare or Zuleshare

Trying to find a name or place Yuleshare or Zuleshare. Possibly English or Scottish lines. Leaving this week for AU/NZ to find anything there (Yule Island in the Auckland Island Group). Symbol is a lion. Email address to expire about mid April. Any co ments later, mail: Sandy Halbur, 443 E Bank St, Fond du Lac, WI, USA 54935.

Thurman Lane - 03/03/00 03:16:38
My URL:/Heartland/Farm/8430/
My Email:thurlane@msn.com
How did you get here: Lane and Allied Families Web Ring
Searching Surnames: Land-Collier-Dobbs-Vance

Hello; I just stopped by on my never ending quest. You have done a wonderful job on your web site.

Connie Anderson Johnston - 02/26/00 22:22:59
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/j/o/h/Robert-F-Johnston/index.html
My Email:eastbluebird@cs.com
How did you get here: Rootsweb: World Connect: Merry Webb
Searching Surnames: Webb, Burns, Richards, Roach, Anderson, Carr, Rutledge, Williamson, many more

LOVED your site!!!--The best and most thorough I've ever seen!!! I am a descendant of Merry Webb and Elizabeth, thru Charles Burns and Mary Webb (Alexander, Jonathan I, Jonathan II, William Alex, Walter Clint, Velma Burns Anderson, Curtis, Me). Do you h ve more detail on Charle Burns' coming to America? Do you have anything more on Merry Webb and Elizabeth? (I've seen various versions of who their parents were -- all I'm fairly confident with is that Merry Webb b. 1697 or Henry County, VA, married Eliz beth ) Would very much appreciate any source info. you can share with me. Will be happy to give you what I have on the Burns and Webb lines with sources -- this goes for any cousins who may read this. Thanks, Lisa, for all your work!!! br>
- 02/26/00 22:12:56


Bettye Burns - 02/24/00 20:13:50
My Email:BETTYEBURNS@prodigy.net
How did you get here: another Burns Family researcher told me about it.
Searching Surnames: Burns,Parchman, Griffin,Thomas,Hightower,Scott

Your site is a wonderful tribute to your Father Floyd. He was a great help to me when I first got started in my family research about a year ago. I last spoke to him on the phone during the summer. I did not know he passed away until I sent a Christmas Card and your sister Karen wrote me a letter and sent me the tribute cards from his funeral. Your father left you a great gift of all his research and it is a wonderful thing you have done to put it all on the internet. The last time I spoke with him he was still very much interested in the family genealogy and wanted to know about everything I had found since speaking with him before. My Christmas card to him was to let him know that I had found some new information and would try calling him after the olidays. Pat, Lisa, Karen and the rest of your family have my deepesst sympathy. The Burns Family has lost the most dedicated researcher.

willard raymond burns - 02/16/00 22:05:06
My Email:burns@vvm.com
How did you get here: search engine
Searching Surnames: burns

i saw where you were researching names , mine is burns , if you are interested i will send you the burns family history as far back as 1801,let me know . raymond burns

Gerry Slusser - 01/30/00 06:24:04
My URL:http://www.geocities/gsluss
My Email:geraldo@nctimes.net
How did you get here: Your guess

The detail is incredible. How did how did you get all those ancestors? I must get back to work on my geneology someday soom. Love, Gerry

Ronnie Burns - 01/10/00 05:23:05
My Email:rburns@venus.net
Searching Surnames: Burns, Depew, Hacker, Bowling

Hello there. You have a nice web page. Thanks, Ronnie Burns, Salem, Indiana

Lori Lane LaRue - 01/10/00 01:03:42
My Email:Rider@highland.com
How did you get here: Web Search (luck)
Searching Surnames: Lane-Schultz

I am having a hard time finding my Lane family. I know that my grandparents hail from Williamsburg, KY. And, a place called Sandy Flatts. I'll keep on looking! My grandfather was Claude Lane- and I believe his dad was Jack. My dad is Stonney Lane. W sh me luck-I've a feeling I'm going to need it!

Jerri Brooker - 01/08/00 22:05:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pointe/2099
My Email:msgelati@earthlink.net
How did you get here: Geocities Webring
Searching Surnames: Wells, Griffith

My husband's gggrandmother's name was Paulina Wells. What we know about her: M John Griffith, both died in 1873 and are she is buried at the John Johnson Ranch in Wilderville, OR or at Alturas, CA. Any info would be great. Thanks.

Charles Burns - 12/22/99 16:57:10
My Email:jvilleneuve@mindspring.com
How did you get here: search for information on family
Searching Surnames: Burns

I do a periodical search for information on family. My father Charles Burns passed May 1978 from a train wreck in WVA.

terri kenney - 12/22/99 05:07:06
My Email:terrik@egyptian.net
How did you get here: surfing web
Searching Surnames: hubbs

My maiden name is Hubbs. My father's name is Earl Hubbs. The little I know about my father, he does state his family is from the southern Illinois area. Any clues? I'm probably related to you all. Feel free to contact me. Terri

Ruby (Robin) Chatham - 12/20/99 00:02:08
My Email:rchatca@netscape.net
How did you get here: Search-Zilphey Burns
Searching Surnames: Burns/Wilson/Fields/Hacker/Smith/Gabbard/Turner/Burris

Thanks for putting the William Burns information on-line. William Burns Sr and Sarah Bishop are my Great-Great-Great Grandparents on both my mother and father side. Their sons, John married to Louisa Combs (Mother's line -Fields) and William Burns Jr. m rried to Rachel Asher (Father's line- Wilson/Hacker), are my Great-Great Grandparents. I am still looking for family in clay country as well as Jackson and Owsley and Giles country in VA and Letcher country in KY. Always more to do than have time. I fou d information on the Burns line in DAR records as well as a family group sheet in the Broderbund Family Tree Maker Delux Edition III cds. I think the family group sheet for Zilphey Burns was #0852 or just #852. The Zilphey Burns is listed as a male but think this is in error. She seems to be (when juggling with other records) my great grandmother. My Dad - Daniel Wilson his parents-Elisha Wilson and Rachel Hacker and Rachel's parents are Julius Hacker and Zilpha Burns and Zilpha's parents are William urns Jr and Rachel Asher. The records I mentioned may be of help to you. I have DAR records for William Burns and a couple of others. Let me know if you would like copies. Robin Chatham, 2640 W. Rialto Ave., #61, San Bernardino, CA 92410 and email rchatca@netscape.net or phone 909-888-6906. Most of my immediate family lives in Indiana and aunts on my mother's side.

Larry Jordan Montgomery - 12/10/99 22:30:19
My Email:plcm@quicklink.net
How did you get here: Hacker Cousins
Searching Surnames: Burns

See my email dated 12-10-1999 after posting I came here and everything was working. Great Site !

Tim Recks - 12/10/99 06:12:57
My Email:TRECKS1999@aol
How did you get here: Family tree
Searching Surnames: Rek, Reck, Rex, Recks

Seasons greetings What an wonderful site you have put together. I just wish I would have found some relationship on it. Warmest regards Tim

Daniel Wells - 12/08/99 23:11:25
How did you get here: Interested in family tree
Searching Surnames: Wells

Would like to know if anyone knows my granfather Herburt Wells. Born 1902. Lives with me in Corsham, Wiltshire, South West England. Keep on rocking!!!

T. Karen Wells Farley - 12/01/99 17:43:42
My Email:tkaren244@hotmail.com
How did you get here: Researching Wells name
Searching Surnames: Wells, Hughes

I was hoping to find something about my dad's heritage. No sucess yet. James Columbus Wells married Julia Hughes. Julia died when my dad, J.C. Wells, Jr. was about 6 years old, around 1917. They had moved from Tx. to Ok.

edward dingwall - 11/13/99 04:23:01
My Email:ednbett@aol.com
How did you get here: curiosity
Searching Surnames: yule

Great Grandmother Elizabeth Yule 1840-1916 from Dundee Scotland immigrated to US Abt 1860 married John Dingwall Dundee Scotland Settled Plains Pa,lived in Plains until her passing. Out lived 3 husbands Dingwall Owens and Hughes. Have not found a link in t e US to date.

Pamela Hacker Stevens - 10/10/99 00:58:07
My Email:misdazy@webtv.net
How did you get here: pure luck!!!!
Searching Surnames: Burns Hacker

Wow what a site! Such a goldmine of info,your daddy would be proud. Are there any Cherokee Burns?

bg/tx - 09/26/99 06:06:29
My Email:beemont@usa.net
How did you get here: From your Boma post

We visited the San Diego Zoo a couple of years ago. They had just brought the Panda's in but they were still in isolation and not open to the public. We thoroughly enjoyed the zoo!! Onda, you have beautiful pictures of the animals and the flowers. I ha e enjoyed browsing through your web-site. Thanks.

Margaret Johnson - 09/26/99 01:53:25
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/j/o/h/Margaret-F-Johnson/
My Email:Marge1938@hotmail.com
How did you get here: Was just browsing and came across it.
Searching Surnames: Wells

I am searching for my Wells Family. May Great Grandfather was Felix Wells and was born in Texas around 1856 possibly in Smith Texas and married Ida Fredrick and she was from Wood Co. Texasin or around 1856. My Grandmother was born in Camp Co. Texes. in 18 6. Also I did enjoy reading your web sight and you really have done a great job.

Richard Sumner - 09/26/99 01:21:26
My Email:pdugan1217
How did you get here: aol

Lisa, I've never seen a snow leopard...wonder were his original habitat is. must be northern China or Siberia! right? maybe?........rick

Richard Sumner - 09/26/99 01:11:00
My Email:pdugan1217
How did you get here: aol

I guess I wasn't in the '65 reunion in Cresson, but I see Steve,mom,dad,grandad,helen,you,Karen,Kristi,Gram,aunt Ora,& others but I don't remember being there...but I was 5 yrs.old in '65. oh well.

Marie Bohndorf - 09/20/99 04:52:39
My Email:marieb@qni.com
How did you get here: reference on BOMA

Very Nice I hope someday to see your Zoo. I am a Docent at the Kansas City Zoological Garden.

Ron Webb - 09/20/99 02:35:48
My Email:ron@aphisrm.com

Sorry about the loss of your father. I went through the same thing with my parents and my wife's parents in a little over four years span. It is hard to say goodby, and even harder to know that I am the oldest in the family now. Dad left some big shoes to fill. I wonder, at times, if I am up to it. God Bless you! Ron Webb

Carol Cooper - 09/18/99 00:50:24
My Email:ccooper699@aol.com
How did you get here: Miller e-list
Searching Surnames: McLean, Keister, Miller, Bishop

Nice site.. enjoyed the history. I can tell you put a lot of time in research and designing your web site. Keep up the good work!

Dona HOLMES-RIZZO - 09/16/99 23:45:59
My Email:drizzo1@lcia.com
How did you get here: email

What a WONDERFUL tribute to your parents. Consider yourself EXTREMELY lucky to have both your parents of sound minds up to the end. My Mother, God Bless Her, is alive and well, surviving a horribe divorce after 52 years of marriage. My father, God Bles Him, died April 1, 1997, of Altzimers Disease. This is one of the most horrible of diseases. Unless one has gone through this, it is very hard to understand as the public has not been educated. I understand where you are coming from - as I love and oved both my parents uncondidtionally.

Mickey Baldwin - 09/16/99 12:36:21
My Email:mousemb@aol.com
How did you get here: Thru Miller group
Searching Surnames: Miller

Treasure your memories of your parents. This genealogy brings comfort to you. Thanks for sharing.

mary maxwell - 09/15/99 23:01:15
My Email:maxwll@worldnet.att.net
How did you get here: hood county mail list
Searching Surnames: mccreary/ gregory/ etc.

I think your tribute is so touching and pretty, and not only to your father, but to both parents. They were obviously so good, because they raised wonderful children. p.s. our daughter lives in Pecan Plantation - we love the Granbury area

Sonia Caldwell - 09/15/99 19:28:30
My Email:soniac3@aol.com
How did you get here: friend
Searching Surnames: Robinson

What a lovely page and such an honor to your parents. I don't know if we are connected through the Robinson line, but share the same passion for genealogy as it is apparent your family does. My sincerest compassion goes to you girls. I lost my father 32 years ago and his memory is precious to me, so I know the loss.

Regenia - 09/15/99 14:23:44
My Email:Regenia.Hope@west.boeing.com
How did you get here: Clay Co list on rootsweb
Searching Surnames: Hope, Manners, Overstreet, Robinson

My heart and thoughts are with you. I lost my father 10-21-98 and there is a big hole in the world where he belongs Regenia

Sherry Mann - 09/15/99 13:32:11
My URL:http://www2.itexas.net/smann
My Email:sman@itexas.net

Lisa, it's a lovely tribute to two very wonderful people. I think of Uncle Floyd every time I work on my family history. The work he did has made mine so much more simple. I'll always be grateful. Love, Sherry

Jean S. Mueller - 09/15/99 04:43:10
My Email:srmueller@earthlink.net
How did you get here: Hood Co. list
Searching Surnames: Morrison, Pinkston, Schweikhard

In the spirit that Thomas Love and Parthenia had and in their faith in the Lord accept my condolences. Thank you for posting Parthenia's letters. I have wondered if my research about Emaline's spouse being killed by indians was correct and now I see tha it was. As a Morrison, Parthenia is an in-law, but I find her one of my favorites to research. This would make us kissing cousins of some sort. Great web-site.

Mary Dee - 09/15/99 02:18:54
My Email:maryd2@gte.net
Searching Surnames: Mattan

Please accept my wishes that the Lord will give you much comfort in the lost of your loved one (My Dad has passed away too and I still miss him but knowing that he is is heaven gives me peace and I keep remembering all our good times and the love he gave y husband and children) Take care, God Bless all of you

Anonia Ciesluk - 09/15/99 01:51:54
My Email:anoc53@aol.com
How did you get here: Garrett list
Searching Surnames: McElroy,Coons,Duboise, DuBois,Wingate Garrett, Carter, Miller, Eger, Ciesluk, Schuchardt, Schill, Grossmann, Sperling

He who has touch the hearts of so many is never truely far away and lives on forever in those he has made glad. His life's work will live on in his family and friends. I salute his life and his memory.

Cheryl Harper - 09/15/99 01:42:12
My Email:7j8i9m@foothills.net
How did you get here: McCarty board
Searching Surnames: Jeremiah McCarty

God bless your family in this time of sorrow

Elwood Robinson - 09/14/99 21:39:06
My Email:erobin@bancom.net
Searching Surnames: Robinson

Well done

Kay - 09/14/99 17:59:23

Wonderful tribute. God bless you all in your sorrow.

Nancy Miller Lorz - 09/14/99 16:53:07
My Email:toots@toolcity.net
How did you get here: Message on e-mail
Searching Surnames: Miller/Hunter/Wheeler/McClincy/Hoover/Grove

A beautiful story. My condolences on the recent loss of your father. Nance

Nellie Dwyer - 09/14/99 16:51:11
My Email:NDwyer@aol.com
How did you get here: ClayKY list

Beautiful job, girls!! A lovely tribute to 2 wonderful people. May God comfort you in your loss.

gene hacker - 09/14/99 16:21:36
My Email:ghack@heart.net
How did you get here: kylist

very nice

Rose Marie ROBINSON Dickman - 09/14/99 16:18:25
My Email:mommadid@inlink.com
How did you get here: Robinson/Robertson Exchange

This is such a lovely site. The tributes are movtivative and lovely. This is a great and loving family.

Jan Bohler - 09/14/99 15:48:16
My Email:jbohler@bellsouth.net
How did you get here: from Robinson List

I thought that yall did a wonderful job and it is a beautiful tribute to your father.

Mary Myers - 09/14/99 15:22:05
My Email:bigj@primenet.com
How did you get here: address in E-mail Robinson list
Searching Surnames: Robinson - CrosswaitCrosthwaite) Burris

A very nice tribute to your parents. Mary

Lorene Burns Noennig - 09/14/99 15:14:46
My Email:LoreneMBN@aol.com
How did you get here: Burns rootsweb
Searching Surnames: Burns, Tharp, Pierce, Ryan, Stokes, Saffrit, Brown, Wilson, Baker Cowden, Fullerton, and Baker

What a beautiful tribute to your parents. I did not know your father, but from the tributes to him he must have left his mark on www. Your parents would be proud.

Bonnie Mills Herrera - 09/14/99 15:10:27
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/h/e/r/Bonnie-Herrera/
My Email:bonni14
How did you get here: Your message posted on the Knox co list
Searching Surnames: Wells, Barton, Rhodes, Gibson, Mills, Shelton, Blakley, Fuson, all from SE KY

What a wonderful site you have and a wonderful memorial for your parents. Bonnie Mills Herrera

Lorene Burns Noennig - 09/14/99 15:10:06
My Email:LoreneMBN@aol.com
How did you get here: email sent to me


Connie Jones - 09/14/99 14:48:29
My Email:sfj@btigate.com
How did you get here: email received on BURNS listing

Noticed Betty "Red Deer" CRAWFORD wife of Revolutionary ancestor. I'm assuming Betty was an Indian. I am searching the Ransom BROWN family m. Eliza Anna STEPHENS in Zion Lutheran Church at Oldwick, Hunterdon Co., NJ 1841 I heard Ransom had some Indian blood in him. Ransom and Eliza Anna's children from 1850 NJ Census: Marilda b. 1843 NJ Theodore b. 1845 Nj Adaline b. 1846 John b. 1848 Elizabeth b. 1850 Probably more children after 1850 Census. Find Theodore in Bureau Co., IL in 1867 married to Evaline RICH. Connie

Joseph C. Grimes - 09/14/99 14:39:07
My Email:Jgrimes832@aol.com
Searching Surnames: Grimes,Barber,Jenkins,Crabaugh,Weaver ,Webb

So sorry for your loss.I understand. I lost both my parents at the sametime 22 years ago. They are not lost, for they are forever in your heart. Joe

Connie Jones - 09/14/99 14:38:25
My Email:sfj@btigate.com
How did you get here: Received an email with BURNS list
Searching Surnames: Burns, Harriman, Brown, Yates, Lynch, Chandler, Snider

Thoughts and prayers are with you all. Website great!! My husband's BURNS and HARRIMANS from Kellerton, IA. Connie-Wyoming

Kristi Wells-Bevis - 09/14/99 14:32:41
My Email:drkwellsb@aol.com

This is a lovely page in loving memory of two of the best people God ever created.

Marcia Garrett - 09/14/99 14:31:45
My Email:jdg1014@ligtel.com
How did you get here: McCarty rootweb
Searching Surnames: McCarty, Bliss, Adair, Bonar,James & Garrett

That is a very nice page to your parents. I started my research in honor of my Grandma who wrote alot down in an old Math Book so I'm trying to finish it. We need to keep the past around for the kids to k

Jocelyn Brabham Barrett - 09/14/99 14:12:02
How did you get here: Hood Co., TX
Searching Surnames: AUGLEY

What a wonderful tribute to your parents! My sincere sympathy extends to each of you at your loss. My own father died in 1971 at age 61 and on my 32nd birthday. I am not related in any way and not even related to any one from Hood County, but am trying to find that elusive AUGLEY family and located a Rob AUGELEY in Hood Co. in 1901.

masterson - 09/14/99 14:02:54
My Email:mastsn@flash.net
How did you get here: mail from hood co.

Thank you I enjoyed that Junior Masterson

redharp - 09/14/99 13:08:18
My URL:http://GTE/rharp7
My Email:rharp7@gte.net

i am just a genealogist who has researched the wells name for various people, to you and anyone i helpd on the wells name, who may be related ,please accept my condolences your friend red ha

Mary - 09/14/99 12:35:06
My Email:MaryG74667@aol.com
How did you get here: mailing list
Searching Surnames: Burns, Burritt, Gladding

What a wonderful site. Condolences on your loss. My dad died in 1992. Though I miss him, he seems always to be hanging around. Your father was an obvious presense... he sure left his mark on the WWW!!

Phyllis WilsonCarpenter - 09/14/99 04:33:23
My Email:PRCarpe@aol.com
Searching Surnames: Burns, Reed, Wilson, Miller, Shepard, Kennedy, Sing, Crews and many more

What a beautiful and loving tribute to both of your parents. Love does not die and memories are ours forever. God Bless.

Nada Sue Willhoit Davis - 09/14/99 04:26:02
My Email:mazzy@wf.quik.com
How did you get here: txhood L
Searching Surnames: Leffel, Willhoit, Box, Wallace

What a loving tribute. Sue Davis

Virginia Hale - 09/14/99 03:32:49
My Email:virginia@computron.net
How did you get here: Hood County Genealogical Society

Your genealogy web pages are a beautiful tribute to your families. All of you should have great pride in this accomplishment.

James winters - 09/02/99 15:56:02
My Email:jimwyser@aol.com
How did you get here: looking for "Beck"
Searching Surnames: beck

We are not related but I found it very interesting that my mother Alberta mary beck born in Dauphin co, pa. married Charles Winters and you have the same surnames in your family

Margaret Johnson - 08/22/99 03:20:41
My URL:http://familytreemaker.com/users/j/o/h/Margaret-F.Johnson/
My Email:Marge1938@hotmail.com
How did you get here: I was just looking around.
Searching Surnames: Wells, Frederick

My Great Grand father was Felix A. Wells born around 1856 in Texas and my Great Grandmother was born aroun 1856 her name was Ida "Minnie" Frederick,I believe she was born in Wood CO. Texas, they were married December 24, 1885, had three children on died t a early age. The other children was my Grandmother Nona Lou and she was born October 18, 1886 and my Great Uncle Louie was born September 25, 1892 and they both were born in Leesburg Co. Texas. I do not know if we are of the same blood line but would lo e to find out and I am searching very hard in finding my Wells family. I would love to hear from anyone who might know of this family. Thank you Margaret Johnson

Bernadette Wells- Pemberton - 08/08/99 22:21:59
My Email:bernadette@kwic.com
Searching Surnames: Wells

Hi I am not sure if I am related or not but my fathers was Edward Wells and his sisters name was Annie ELSIE and his brothers name was Chuck, my name is Bernadette Wells ( Pemberton -married name) my brothers name is Jason My mother Faye married my father but my father passed away 12 years ago from Lung cancer. Maybe we are related

Hoyt & Jerry Day - 07/25/99 20:54:57
My Email:pappy806@juno.com
How did you get here: Surfing
Searching Surnames: Wells, Duckworth, Banta

You have a very good page, keep up the good work!

Ruth Litchford - 07/17/99 05:01:15
My Email:rlitchford@utahlinx.com


Judy Campbell - 07/17/99 04:24:09
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/JCampbell/index.html
My Email:jcampbel@shentel.net
How did you get here: Miller WebRing
Searching Surnames: Sours, Miller, Zirkle, Montgomery, Sedwick

Your pages are beautifully laid out and with lots of great info. Judy

NANCY . H - 07/10/99 13:52:13
How did you get here: FRIEND


Illona van Tulden - 07/02/99 18:54:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Haven/1459
My Email:dolphindino@geocities.com
How did you get here: trough webring

Hi there Liked your site very much, really loved the pictures of the animals. I'm an animal fan myself, glad to see I'm not the only one! Greetings from Holland

Everett E. Yule Jr. ( Skip) - 07/02/99 01:40:16
My Email:bernyule@vnet.com
How did you get here: buchanan yule
Searching Surnames: yule


Sondra - 06/27/99 04:42:08


Sondra - 06/27/99 04:41:49
My Email:gsrba@egyptian.net
How did you get here: browsing
Searching Surnames: Burns in So.Il.

Some first names so familiar. Surely, IF related would be thru cousin of my maternal grandfather, A.H. "Howard" Burns of Randolph Co., Il.

Sondra - 06/27/99 04:33:03
My Email:gsrba@egyptian.net
How did you get here: browsing
Searching Surnames: Burns in So.Il.

Some first names so familiar. Surely, IF related would be thru cousin of my maternal grandfather, A.H. "Howard" Burns of Randolph Co., Il.

SHAWNIA (AKIN) PARTRIDGE - 06/23/99 05:09:36
How did you get here: BROWSING
Searching Surnames: AKIN


Lisa Stevens Redden - 06/16/99 23:47:51
My Email:gredden@cowtown.net
How did you get here: surfing
Searching Surnames: Stevens

Annie Stevens who married James McCarty is my gg aunt (her brother was my great-grandfather). I can add details on Annie, James, and their children if you'd like. I like how your site looks! Lisa

Kathy Garner - 06/13/99 22:28:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/2238/
My Email:sauder@direct.ca
How did you get here: via Scottish Genes webring

Hello, I'm on a search of genealogical websites for GARNER/GARDNER and all variations for my GARNER & Variants WebRing. Unfortunately, I don't see a match..the loss is mine! You've got a wonderful website here and it's so easy to navigate. I also have Scottish surnames on my mother's side - the MCCORMA(I)CK, MCNEILL, BAUCHOP lines. The BAUCHOP one appears to be the toughest to track. Good luck in your research and keep up the good work! Regards, Kathy Garner from British Columbia, Canada

Everett Edward Yule Jr. - 06/08/99 02:49:38
My Email:bernyule@vnet.net
How did you get here: clan buchanan
Searching Surnames: yule

I like your page. Iam also looking for my ancestors.Greatgrandfather Robert Martin YULE born 6 22 1852 . MARRIED AGNES CAIRNIE 12 2 1870 AT THE LINDSAY STREET CHURCH BY REV. GEORGE GILLFILAN .ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRACITED. THANK YOU SKIP YULE

Bill Anderson - 06/03/99 02:50:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~banderson205/
My Email:billfl@atlantic.net
How did you get here: web ring
Searching Surnames: Giltinan,Gilman,Anderson,Powers,Thomas,Ford,VanCamp

nice site,, THANK YOU BILL

Evelyn McCarty Bryan - 05/20/99 03:36:05
My Email:EVE6434@aol.com
How did you get here: McCarty Mail List
Searching Surnames: Flick, Feigles, Nuss, Hess

Thanks for an interesting page. My McCarties came to Bucks Co., PA. My imediate family stayed here.

Philip Cotterill - 05/16/99 16:59:10
My Email:philip_cotterill@hotmail.com
How did you get here: Possibly Rand Geneaology Club list, I forget.
Searching Surnames: Webb, Martin, Ferneyhough

Finding the will of Merry Webb online was a great convenience. Do you (or anyone you know) have information about his direct descendants? My great great grandfather, James T. Webb, may well be one of them, but I have not been able to connect them. James T. Webb, b. 1814 Orange Co. NC; m. Sarah Ann Ferney(hough), b. 1820 in Pittsylvania Co. VA; Sarah Ann Ferney was the daughter of Milton Ferneyhough and Martha Edwards, who was the daughter of Ambrose Edwards and Olive Martin. Olive Martin was the sister of Joseph Martin, whose daughter Elizabeth m. Merry Webb Sr. The father of Olive and Joseph was Joseph Martin, son of a Bristol merchant, William Martin. James T. Webb and Sarah Ferney m. in 1839 in Pittsylvania Co. and lived at "Leatherwood" in Henry Co. until 1841 when they moved to MO. It's these connections to Henry/Pittsylvania Cos. that make me think that James T. Webb probably had roots there. An ideas would be appreciated. Great website! -- Philip Cotterill, Silver Spring MD

Ella Allen Gibson - 04/22/99 18:45:05
My Email:Mrsg27@hotmail.com
How did you get here: ClayCo.Ky. mailing list
Searching Surnames: Allen, Burns, Hacker, Meade, Barrett

I'm so glad I found your site. I have been able to find lots of information on the Allens, but not much on the Hackers and Burnses. My great-grandmother's name was Ibby Burns. She married Adoniram "Adlows" Allen. Their son, my grandfather, Irvin "Gun" llen was born in the l880's. Also, Grandpa Irvin's wife, Ella Hacker's mother was Emily Burns. Since my Grandmother Ella was born in the l890's, I'm wondering if the Emily Burns born in l877 who's father was Jackson Burns and mother Lucinda(?) was my gre t-grandmother. If these are my ancestors, which I think they probably are, I have some holes I can fill in on your charts. Thanks for the information. I glad to be able to find something on a family other than the Allens! Sincerely, Ella Allen Gibson

Judy Bishop Storey - 04/15/99 01:14:08
My Email:gjstorey@coinet.com
How did you get here: I was sent a url by a relative.
Searching Surnames: Bishop, Estridge, Baker, Burns, Doyle, Davidson, Barrett,

My father, Robert Doyle Bishop b.10 Feb 1915 son of William Henry and Malissa May Doyle Bishop. William Henry b.11 Dec 1889 son of Robert and Sophia Estridge Bishop. Robert Bishop b. 17 Jan 1862, son of Andrew and Jennie Jane Baker Bishop. Andrew Bishop b. abt 1822 son of William and Sarah Burns Bishop. I haven't studied your research as yet, but it looks like this is my line. I knew nothing about Sarah Burns. Thank you for posting your research on the internet. I really appreciate it! You have my email address, my mailing address is P.O. Box 1265 La Pine, OR 97739.

LaRue J Pope Helzer - 04/13/99 11:42:26
My Email:lash41@itlnet.net
Searching Surnames: Pope Barnett/burnett

This is the first page I have found with george winters pope on it do you place him born 1883 anyplace had one son LeRoy Barnett Pope born 1904 n.j. can not find george born in n.j. he maried LaRue Barnett from Pa. really enjoyed how much info there was
Kim Holly - 04/02/99 17:25:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~prairiecree
My Email:kimh@cwnet.com
How did you get here: Ring Around the Prairie

You have a beautiful website. I've really enjoyed me visit here. Thanks!

Cathy - 03/29/99 04:33:16
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/ps/mtgirl/familytree.html
My Email:mtgirl@in-tch.com
How did you get here: PYFT webring
Searching Surnames: Backus, Dietz, Jackson, McDonald, Verwolf (For starters!)

You and your father have done a lot of work on your family history! Interesting and fun to read! I just started in December of '98 so have a long way to go!! Of course we all know geneology is never really finished right!

CHRIS CASH - 03/05/99 07:37:18
My Email:kissme2@inlink.com
How did you get here: just suring

You have a nice site here keep it up tring to set one up my self on the Mccolgin,s . my g-mother is ORA HUBBS her father is ROBERT HUBBS from MO. ? TENN. Her mother is MARY CUMMINS . GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU TAKE CARE

Laura Brown - 02/28/99 15:04:45
My Email:LauraB62@aol.com
How did you get here: Through Yahoo search
Searching Surnames: HUGHES

You have a great Hughes Page, though I'm still not sure if my family is linked to yours I'm fairly new to this but have come to a dead in when I come to my great, great-grand father. His son is John James Hughes. He settked in Lawerenceburg, TN and marri d _?__ Grinnell: she died and he re-married Sarah Elizabeth Campfield. I remember my grand mother talking about how her grand father had immergrated from Ireland, his name also was John Hughes. Most of my family of Hughes are from the Tennesse area. Wou d love to find a link in your family if possible. Any links you can think of ? THanks, Laura Brown (Rogersville, AL)

Laura Brown - 02/28/99 15:01:38
My Email:LauraB62@aol.com
How did you get here: Through Yahoo search
Searching Surnames: HUGHES

You have a great Hughes Page, though I'm still not sure if my family is linked to yours I'm fairly new to this but have come to a dead in when I come to my great, great-grand father. His son is John James Hughes. He settked in Lawerenceburg, TN and marri d _?__ Grinnell: she died and he re-married Sarah Elizabeth Campfield. I remember my grand mother talking about how her grand father had immergrated from Ireland, his name also was John Hughes. Most of my family of Hughes are from the Tennesse area. Wou d love to find a link in your family if possible. Any links you can think of ? THanks, Laura Brown (Rogersville, AL)

Kevin Sheldon - 02/18/99 03:56:48
My Email:ksheldon@ameritech.net
How did you get here: Hardin County Website
Searching Surnames: Sheldon, Dale, Walker, Winters, McMurphy

I was able to find quite a bit of information that I needed about the Winters Family. Thanks alot!

John Brawford - 02/17/99 05:52:54
My Email:brawford@aol.com
How did you get here: Roots Surname Page
Searching Surnames: Brawford

Found your entry on Minerva Helen Brawford. I have an Ellen Minerva (Brown) BRAWFORD in my family tree. She was born about 1824 in TN. She married John Brawford June 2, 1846 in Carroll County, Indiana. The family then moved west to Iowa. John died a t. 1870. I don't know if this fits with what you have figured out, but anything having to do with BRAWFORD genealogy has a great interest to me. Best of luck in your continued search for your ancestors. JB

Jim Webb - 02/15/99 00:01:06
My URL:http://www.ktc.com/personal/webbkerr/
My Email:webbkerr@ktc.com
How did you get here: Just Passing by
Searching Surnames: WEBB

Very nice page. Congratulations.

Linda Crawford Fraser - 02/09/99 03:16:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9943
My Email:fraserbl@idirect.com
How did you get here: Crawford Roots Web List
Searching Surnames: Crawford, LIndsay, Fraser, Shepherd, Chisholm, Renshaw, O'Connor

Enjoyed my visit to your page. Unfortunately I could find no direct connection with our family! Congratulations on a fine job!

Gary Burns - 02/06/99 11:46:06
My Email:GarDebbi2@aol.com
How did you get here: Lost on the net.
Searching Surnames: Burns

What a beautiful site! I have been working on my family genealogy off and on for about ten years. The information here confermed much data that i had found but far more important, it filled in many gaps (missing children) Thank you so much for your help. Gary Burns 5310 Verdun Dr. Columbus, Ohio 43232

Debbie Roland - 02/05/99 18:38:24
My Email:CalMus@Oburg.Net
Searching Surnames: Crawford

My Crawford was Elizabeth B.1770 in North or South Carolina who married William Ellerbe. Can you help?

mia mccarty - 02/02/99 23:57:55
My Email:wiregrrl@yahoo.com
How did you get here: yahoo clubs
Searching Surnames: mccarty

my father was the only mccarty, his other siblings were Upchurches. looking for anyone who knows any thing about any other related mccartys. his name was Clarence McCarty, lived in Missouri, born 1926, died 1990 in joplin, Mo.

Richard W. Hyland - 01/30/99 20:37:01
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~hyland
My Email:hyland@flash.net
How did you get here: Lonestar Webring

Hello...My interest not only lies in genealogy, but in the developement of my own website. Basically, I am making the rounds to see how other genealogy websites are designed. If you have the time, please pay me a visit and offer any comments or suggestion that you may have. Thank you.

Bev Spain - 01/30/99 05:42:36
My Email:Bspain8301@aol.com
How did you get here: Robinson Surname Regis.
Searching Surnames: Robinson, Shaffer, Blair, Hose

You have a beautiful site It was a pleasure to visit even if I found no connection.

Jan Ferguson - 01/29/99 00:43:50
My Email:www.jjferguson@webtv.net
How did you get here: genealogy links
Searching Surnames: McCarty

Hello Cousin, Iam descended through John Scion "Jeter" McCarty. Really enjoyed your site. Glad that most of my info matched yours. Thanks, Jan

Robyn Chandler - 01/27/99 03:16:30
My Email:mxfamily@pacbell.net
How did you get here: surfing
Searching Surnames: Winters

I am looking for a James Winters , father of a Almira Winters-she was born July 21, 1838 Pendelton, New York. Can anyone help?

Marvin Winters - 01/26/99 22:23:05
My Email:mwinters@clsp,uswest.net
How did you get here: cyndi's list
Searching Surnames: winters

Trying to trace back from Moses Winters 1779 north central Tennesse

Susan Hubbs - 01/24/99 03:58:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SHubbs/index.html
My Email:rhubbs@bellsouth.net
How did you get here: You signed my guestbook! :-)
Searching Surnames: Hubbs, Hyde, Rose, Swicegood, + MANY others

Don't know if you were waiting on me to give you a go ahead to link to my page. It's fine with me! You have a nice site!

Barbara - 01/20/99 16:48:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/6173
My Email:barbarab@lycosmail.com
How did you get here: webring

You have a great page here. It shows the many hours of work you have put into it.

Lawrence J. Winters - 01/20/99 00:54:46
My Email:LWindy@aol.com
How did you get here: Wandering Winters
Searching Surnames: Winters/ McCormick

I have a William J. Winters 1814 from Sussex County NJ. NJ is what caught my eye I have printed the line and will look to see if there is a way we are related. Thanks for all the work. L.W.

Janet Kristi Wells-Bevis - 01/13/99 20:26:44
My Email:drkwellsb@aol.com
How did you get here: The hard way.
Searching Surnames: Bevis

My son, Clay, laughed at the picture of me in the family photo album. The odd thing is, I looked a lot better then than now. Is he laughing or crying now?

Nell Powell Thomason - 01/10/99 05:27:45
My Email:billnell@flash,net
How did you get here: Fannin County
Searching Surnames: Wells, McKelva

My great grandmother was Margaret Clementine Wells. She was born in 1861. Her first husband was Tolly B. McDaniel. He died in 1895 and left her with a house full of children. I would love to know more about this woman who had such a hard life. Please ell me where to look. She died in Bonham, Texas in 1942. Her dad was Archie Thomas Wells. Thank you, Nell Powell Thomason, born Bailey, Texas.

A.J. McCarty - 01/07/99 04:02:20
My Email:McCartyac@aol.com
How did you get here: search Miller, wife
Searching Surnames: McCarty,Brown,Smith

Wm. McCarty b 1787, my gg grand father, Floyd Wells I met you and exchanged info with you. Remember, I sent you a lot. Welcome to the net. A.J.MCCarty

Bettie Myers Wehland - 01/06/99 23:54:58
My Email:BETWEH34@aol.com
How did you get here: Searching Rootsweb for BRAFFORD/BRAWFORD Surname

Your page is really well done!! Trying to find origin of name BRAWFORD with little success. I know that my original Samuel BRAWFORD came from Ireland in the early 1740's but can get back no furthur. Any help from anyone reading this would be much appreciated.

dx7fd2 - 12/25/98 00:05:41
My URL:http://www.podzilla.com
My Email:dx7fd2@msn.com
How did you get here: Please!!

If you get a chance right click on Roy Rogers and check out properties and see if you see something different. Hint look near the bottom right of the read out...

Virginia Wells Bevis (Ginger) - 12/22/98 23:56:11
My Email:OMirusO@aol.com
How did you get here: Friends in high places :)

Wow, you've outdone yourself! I'm incredibly impressed by this -- I'm not exactly a 'net surfer but this ranks right up among many of the professionally done pages I've seen. And its also amazing to see all the information Grandpa had in boxes and boxes of papers combined with what you've gathered put into such an easily accessible format. Fantastic!

Edna Pennington Burns - 12/22/98 03:50:57
My Email:mrdab@aol.com
Searching Surnames: Burns, Hignite, Bowling

Thanks for the webpage and a link with other Burns cousins. Merry Christmas to everyone.

Linda Sibley - 12/14/98 23:31:23
My Email:lmsibley@juno.com
How did you get here: cousin told me
Searching Surnames: Sizemore, Begley & Hacker


Phyllis Wilson Carpenter - 12/14/98 04:38:55
My Email:PRCarpe@aol.com
How did you get here: BURNS-L
Searching Surnames: Burns, Miller, Hart, Wilson Reed, Roberts, Sing, Hall, Brooks, Askins, Sheppard, Brownlee, and lots more!

Great Page! Boice has been a lot of help to me, too. just hope that I can connect to you all one of these days!

Tony Root - 12/13/98 21:15:10
My Email:root4321@aol
How did you get here: Burns

When I signed your gues book I hit the wrong button befor I was finished. Lydia Burns Carmack 1834 dau Joyce m _____Barger. Betty m ______ Gilbert. In the book by Leon Morris Morris Fork Ky there is 6 pages of some Burns History. It starts with Charles Burns Sr d 1789 Henry Co Va. You can E-Mail Leon at L.Morris116@aol.com Tell him you heard about him through Cousin Tony Root

Tony Root - 12/13/98 20:54:22
My Email:root4321@aol.com
How did you get here: Burns

Ibby Burns1826 Clay Co md John Carmack 2/21/1845.Son of Levi Carmack &Elizabeth Peters of Va. The 1850 Owsley Census shows them with 2 children Polly(Mary) age 6 Dob is 1-15-1844 and William age 4 months.The 1860 Owsley Census shows Ibby (Isabella) with J mes Barrett.Their marriage date is 8-25-1856 After 1870 this family went to Clay Co.My Question is what happen to John Carmack? Lydia Burns1834 m Jacob Carmack1828 Va circa 1855-1858 This family lived on Upper Buffalo Ck.Their Children are Levi 1859 made & played the Fiddle.He m Mary Baker. James(jimsey)made headstones for the people on Buffalo Ck & Newfound Ck. He m Martha Flan ery.He was a farmer on New Found Ck, South Fork of Ky River. Joyce m ________

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