John Burns Deed of Gift

John Burns Deed of Gift. 5th Oct. 1831

This Indenture made this the 5th. day of Oct. in the year of our Lord 1831 between John Burns of Hardeman Co. State of Tennysee of the first part and Bailus Burns, Thomas L. Burns, Wiley B. Burns, Samuel Burns, James M. Burns, John Burns, William Burns, Jane Butcher, Polly Burns, Nancy C. Burns, & Harriet Burns, all of the County and State aforesaid of the second part. Witnyseth that whereas the said John Burns of the first part is now posysor of considerable portions of property and having a great deal more than enough property to pay all his just debts do for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he has for his children the said Bailus, Thomas, Wiley, Samuel, James, John, William, Polly, Nancy, Harriet Burns and Jane Butcher and for the purpose of advancing them in life do kindly Bargain, Sell and Convey unto them and their heirs forever the following property to wit for their use & trust hereinafter named the West four hundred acres of land in Hardeman Co. it being the place wheron I the said John Burns now lives, also three negros to wit Hary, twenty five yrs. of age, Hannah, a woman twenty eight yrs. of age and Moses, about eighteen yrs. of age, togather with all my house hold and kitchen furniture, also my stock of cattle consisting of forty head, also thirty head of sheep, also stock of hogs consisting of one hundred head, also two mares & colts and farming utensils to have and to hold, the said tract of land and property here by conveyed unto the said Bailus, Thomas, Wiley, Samuel, James, John, William, Polly, Nancy, Harriet, and Jane, their heirs and asigns forever but this deed is upon the trust and consideration following to wit that the said parties of the second part do permit my wife Anna Burns to use and injoy the aforesaid tract of land togather with the other property hereby conveyed during her natural life she injoying and reciving at all times so much of the profits of said property as she may think fit or willing to injoy, She also to have full liberty to will, sell or use any part of the stock of cattle, sheep and hogs, hereby conveyed at her own will or pleasure during her natural life and at her death the said land and property hereby conveyed or so much thereof as then may be on hand togather with the increase thereof to go to the said parties of the second part their heirs and ofsprings forever as an undefiable inheritance,. In testimony whereto the said John Burns of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal this day and year first above written, John Burns State of Tennysee Hardeman County Court. Oct. ten 1831. Then was the foregoing deed of gift from John Burns to Baylys Burns, Thomas Burns and others was produced in Open Court and duly acknowledged by said John Burns and the same to be ceretified for registration. This of Hardeman County, State of Tennysee in book C. Pages 221 & 222 Regestors Office 19th Oct. 1831

Spelling and grammer holds true to the original document.

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