
Although, not related by blood, the Wells name is carried by my family
and our descendants. My Grandfather William Alvin (Miller) was adopted
by Elizabeth and Thomas Wells.

Geographical locations on this page.
South CarolinaNorth Carolina
Marion Co. MSCopiah Co. MS
Bedias, Grimes Co. TXNubbin Ridge, Hood Co. TX
VirginiaMadison Co. TX
Riverside Co. CA

1. Thomas DAVIS

Birth Date:	1780
Birth Place:	So. Carolina

Spouse:	Elizabeth BULLOCK
Birth Date:	1783
Birth Place:	No. Carolina

Children:	Maris Catherine

1.1 Maris Catherine DAVIS

Birth Date:	17 May 1805
Birth Place:	Mississippi
Death Date:	1835
Death Place:	Bedias, Grimes Co. TX
Burial Place:	Baptist Cemetery, Bedias, TX

Spouse:	William Thornton STONE
Birth Date:	1800
Birth Place:	Virginia
Death Date:	1835
Death Place:	Mississippi
Spouse Father:	Valentino STONE (1768-)
Marriage Date:	22 Dec 1825
Marriage Place:	Marion Co. Mississippi
Children:	William Martin
	Elizabeth Ann Evelyn
	Mary Jane

1.1.1a William Martin STONE*

Birth Date:	27 Apr 1829
Birth Place:	Copiah Co. MS
Death Date:	20 Apr 1912

1st Spouse:	Mary Jane ARIOLA
Other Spouses	Catherine SIMES

1.1.1b William Martin STONE*

(See above)

2nd Spouse:	Catherine SIMES

Other Spouses	Mary Jane ARIOLA

1.1.1c William Martin STONE*

(See above)

3rd Spouse:	Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Callender  MAYFIELD

Spouse Notes: William's cousin

Other Spouses	Mary Jane ARIOLA
	Catherine SIMES

1.1.2a Elizabeth Ann Evelyn STONE*

Birth Date:	1831
Birth Place:	Copiah Co. MS
Death Date:	5 May 1910
Death Place:	Sullivan House, Cotton, Near Bedias, TX
Burial Place:	Bethel Cemetery, Grimes Co.TX

1st Spouse:	Calvin ANDERSON
Birth Date:	1823
Birth Place:	Alabama
Death Date:	1865
Spouse Father:	Kenneth L. ANDERSON 
Marriage Date:	1849
Marriage Place:	Grimes Co. TX

Children:	John H.
	Gorgie Bell
	Sally Jane
	William Wiley
	E. Nola G.

2nd Spouse:	Thomas B. WELLS

1.1.2a.1 John H. ANDERSON

Birth Date:	1850
Birth Place:	Grimes Co. TX
Death Date:	About 1850

Notes: died of whopping cough as infant 
1850 census records of Grimes Co. TX

1.1.2a.2 Gorgie Bell ANDERSON

Birth Date:	About 1853
Birth Place:	Grimes Co.TX
Death Date:	20 Feb 1891

Notes: info from Mrs. W. A. Wells

Spouse:	COX

Children:	George

1.1.2a.2.1 George COX

Burial Place:	Wells Cemetery, Hood Co. TX

1.1.2a.3 Sally Jane ANDERSON

Birth Date:	7 Oct 1857
Laura, Rutha, Grandma Wells, Calvin, Sallie Grimes, Pink, Gordon

Birth Place:	Grimes Co. TX
Death Date:	8 May 1941

Notes: 1870 census records of 

Grimes Co. TX Spouse: Fredrick GRIMES Children: Rutha Calvin Pink Laura Gordon 1.1.2a.4 William Wiley ANDERSON Birth Date: 1861 Birth Place: Grimes Co. TX Death Date: About 1934 Death Place: Riverside, CA Notes: "Willis" "Uncle Bud" 1880 census record of Hood Co. TX 1.1.2a.5 E. Nola G. ANDERSON Birth Date: 1865 Notes: 1880 census records of Hood Co. TX 1.1.2b Elizabeth Ann Evelyn STONE* (See above) 2nd Spouse: Thomas B. WELLS Marriage Date: 6 Aug 1874 Marriage Place: Madison Co. TX Children: William Alvin (Adopted) 1st Spouse: Calvin ANDERSON 1.1.2b.1 William Alvin (Miller)WELLS Birth Date: 22 Nov 1878 Birth Place: Nubbin Ridge, Hood Co. Texas Death Date: 8 May 1928 Death Place: Acton, Hood Co. Texas Burial Date: 9 May 1928 Burial Place: Wells Cemetery Hood Co. Texas Occupation: Tenant Farmer 1.1.3 Mary Jane STONE Birth Date: 2 Dec 1833 Death Date: 10 Dec 1876 Spouse: Charles Simes MIDKIFF Marriage Date: 18 Feb 1858 Notes: Adoption Records of William Alvin Wells Granbury, Hood Co. Texas 1883
Hood Co. Record Book "C": Pages 232,272,275 to 280.
9 Nov 1883,
Jane Eaton Mother of Billie Miller and Edward Eaton Husband of Jane Eaton and Step Father of Billie Miller here by release all rights and responsibility to Bettie Wells, Signed - E. C. Edens and J. E. Edens.

8, Mar. 1884 Bettie Wells posted $1.000.00 bond and accepted full responsibility for William Edmund Miller 4 1/2 Yrs. old, till his 21st. Birthday. Witnessed and signed by John W. Jones, S. L. Tarrant, W. H. Shppard, Geo. C. Moore, County Judge T. J. Duke.

Record on William Alvin Wells-Middle name EDMUND was changed to ALVIN By Mrs. Elizabeth E. "Bettie" Wells after she Adopted him. On Nov. 22, 1878 William Edmund Miller was born to Jane Elizabeth Miller, At the home of Jane's Uncle Thomas Love "Tommie" Burns, at Nubbin Ridge, South of Granbury, Hood Co. Texas.

On May 8, 1928 William Alvin Wells died while living near Acton, Hood Co. Texas. Burried in the Wells Cemetery, South of Granbury, on Bettie Wells old home place where he grew up.


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