Bailus Burns' Last Will & Testament

March 11, 1841.

Bailus Burns of the County of Yalabusha, and State of Mississippi. Being in sound mind and memory do hereby declare and publish this to be my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills heretofore made yet, I give and bequeath unto my affectionate mother Ann Burns Three negros of the following description to wit, Gabrel a negro man aged about twenty six years, Ianny a negro woman aged about twenty six years, Bob a negro boy aged about twelve years,Second I give and bequeath unto my brother John Burns my saddle horse, Third I give and bequeath unto my brother William Burns my whole stock of cattle, Fourth I devise and request that the negros hereinafter mentioned should remain with the family of my affectionate father John Burns for and during the space of five years from the date hereof and hereby appoint and request my father John Burns to have and exercise control over said negros during the said time of five years as though they were his own negros and after which time I give and bequeath said negros to my brother Samuel Burns, said negros are described as follows to wit, Moses a negro man aged about twenty eight years, Maldah a negro woman aged about twenty seven or eight years, Sarah a negro girl aged about six years, Ned a negro boy aged about four years, Tillda a negro girl aged about two years, Emaline a negro child aged about five or six days old, I will and request that my brother Samuel Burns should pay to my sister Nancy Miller five hundred dollars after the expiration of eight years from and after the date hereof, In case the said Samuel Burns shall fail or refuse to pay to the said Nancy Miller the said sum of five hundred dollars mentioned in the fifth clause of this will the said negros therein described shall be liable and bound to pay said five hundred dollars, In Testamony wherof I the said Bailus Burns have herein to set my hand and seal this the 11th. day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one.
Balis Burns

Subscribed before us
W. H. Brown
Samuel Ward
Lodabar Miller

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