SuzyBear's Richard Simmons Site
*** I have NO AFFILIATION with Richard Simmons, the Deal A Meal Corporation, or any of the other trademark/copyright sites or items.. PLEASE do not write to me asking for Richard's autograph, photos or any nutritional or medical advice. ***
I'm a big fan of Richard Simmons and have been since his early television appearances back in the 1970's and his Never Say Diet food plan. Lots of things have changed in the nutritional field since then, even Richard's own recipes, but other things haven't. Back then, as now, motivation was a big part of any healthy weight reduction plan and Richard provided plenty of it!

He released a series of audio tapes called "Project Me" and had a list of affirmations to help one towards their weight loss goal.

He based his weight loss plan on the American Dietetic Association's exchange program and came up with


He knew a big reason we were overweight was lack of exercise, so he brought the studio to *us* with his exercise videos and audio tapes.
Move Groove Lose
Now, in December 1998, he has released his new program, "Move, Groove and Lose" that combines the counting of Deal-A-Meal with the exercise of the Sweatin' tapes.

And now, as explained in more detail later on this page, Richard has reached out to us across the Internet with the
At Home with Richard Simmons
web site.

This web page is just to let others know what a wonderful guy Richard Simmons is and how he can change your life, too. Get yourself some Deal A Meal cards or make your own and follow them. They can be adapted to suit the foods *you* like. Vegetarian? No problem! Just remember to use the Meat cards for foods like beans. I've even used the Deal A Meal cards to follow the food plan outlined by Dr. McDougall.

There's always the newsletter to keep in touch with others.
Colors of your life
Then there's his Colors of Your Life audio tape series (available on QVC)

As well as tons of other things on QVC, including dolls

Books by Richard Simmons

Exercise to a level you *and your doctor* have agreed to. Many people, me included, have some medical problems that prevent us from doing high impact aerobics, climbing mountains, or some days even walking. As much as we all hate it, we need to let our doctors know what we want to do (lose weight safely and exercise) and the doctor's job is not to berate us because we're overweight but to assist us in getting to a healthy level. If your doctor prescribes jogging 5 miles a day to a person weighing around 300 pounds with no previous exercise experience, go to a different doctor! Everyone should start out slow and build up to a safe level of exercise, not start out with a program worthy of a seasoned Olympic athlete! Slow walking for 5 minutes may be all you can do to start. Do it, and increase your speed and distance as you get more fit. Can't walk outside because of allergies or agoraphobia? Walk in place indoors to the tv, a video tape, or peppy music!

Visit my Richard Simmons Exercises Page for suggestions and reviews of some videos.

Richard Simmons Recipes

SuzyBear's Weightloss Journey 2000

At Home with Richard Simmons

Click HERE to go to Richard's Official Site

(Alternate url is

On his site you can find not only things to buy but things to read, helpful hints on how to lose then maintain that weight loss, Richard's traveling & TV schedule, and a way to write personal email to Richard after registering.
The chat rooms were finally started in February 1998 and are available to club members only. There is a monthly fee to belong to the club but the web site lists many benefits of membership, including access to the chat rooms, auditorium, email with Richard, and one lucky member will get a phone call from Richard himself.
The message boards made their debut on September 19th, 1997 and are fabulous and free! You can access them directly from the Web site or you can set your browser's newsreader to use the server as its news provider and configure them all from there. Or you can just click on them right here and each should open up. He has such topics as Cinderella Story, Eating Disorders, Catching Up, Staying Motivated, even a Teens Only place.
They're loads of fun and very active.If you need any emotional support, you'll find it here. Need info on a particular food, you'll find it here. Need a group hug, you'll find it here. Be prepared, though, for some of these message boards get over 200 notes posted A DAY!

Motivation & Starting Out
Physically Challenged
Checking In
Cinderella Stories
Eating Disorders
Platinum - Age 55+t
Teens Only
Medical Problems caused by weight
Yo-Yo Dieting
Friends & Family of those with Weight Problems
New Moms & Moms-to-Be
Walking Club

Click to subscribe to the Richard Simmons DealAMeal and FoodMover Recipe List (rsdeal) at OneList/eGroups

Click to view archives of rsdeal

This list, sponsored by OneList/eGroups, is for the exchange of recipes specific to the DealAMeal or FoodMover programs by Richard Simmons. This is for the exchange of not only recipes but ideas on how to stay on the food plan AND how to incorporate exercise into your busy life, preferable Richard Simmons' exercise videos.

This will be a list for all ages, since proper eating is essential for all ages, but adults and their problems will prevail.

Please refrain from unnecessary "me too" and "atta girl" type postings to the list - these are better sent via personal email to the person intended.

This list is unaffiliated with Richard Simmons, Deal a Meal, Good Times video, or any other aspect of Richard Simmons and his business ventures. It's solely for personal support and information exchange.

Also, this list is not offering medical advice and will accept no responsibility. Please check with your personal physician before starting any exercise program or calorie restricted diet and follow his/her guidance above all others.


Click to subscribe to mgl-dam-dieters
The Move, Groove, Lose/Deal-A-Meal Mailing list is another non-official or sanctioned list. It's still small (under 100 members) but a great source of support.

There's a group called 100+ Cyberangels, a group formed from the friendships made on Richard's 100+ message group.

Plant Your Weightloss Garden Today

First, plant 3 rows of peas;
Politeness (to yourself)

Next, plant 3 rows of squash;
Squash self-doubt
Squash indifference
Squash criticizing yourself for making human mistakes

Then, plant 3 rows of lettuce;
Let us be caring to ourselves
Let us start making little steps toward our goals Let us be a person who tries

Finish, with 4 rows of turnip;
Turn up with positive thoughts
Turn up with a Smile
Turn up with a Vision
Turn up with Determination

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