A*starz Performance Kees!
A*starz Keeshonden: Keeshond Dogs, Modern Natural Rearing
using Herbs,Keeshond Videos, Kees Pedigree Search
This page is maintained by Donna Stekli, last updated
Music is: Space Shuffle 
A*starz, Modern Natural Rearing [herbs,
vitamins, etc],
Kees Videos, Referral, Advice & Support
- We are keeshond lifestyle coordinators -
This is our Performance Dog Page, where we showcase those that are *having fun* doing Obedience, Agility, Rally, Flyball, ....
Visit A*starz Keeshonden! (regular home page)

Currently Showing/Training in performance:
"Dutch" A*starz On Your Mark
"Elton" A*starz Vanilla Sky, NAJ
"Juliette" A*starz Pure Imagination
"Nellie" Ch. A*starz Gold Digger, RN, NJC
"Valerie" A*starz Once Upon A Time
NOTE the dogs below have all passed on. Here are their performance pages:
"Bubbles" Ch. Keeshusker's Pink Champagne CD, CGC
"Chipper" Ch. BISw Keeshusker's Blu Chip A*starz, ROM, CGC, CD
"Crystal" Ercadia's Crystal Champagne CD
"Drum" Ch. Pymmint's DragonDrum Westcrest NA
"Duke" Twin Trees Duke of Earl NA, CGC
"Julian" Ch. A*starz Novel Magic Potion, OA, OAJ, AAD, SAM, RM, JCH, PS2, PJ2, PK2, EAC, EJC, OGC, CL3-R, CL3-F, CL3-H
"Katy" Dreamwood's Babes in Toyland CD
"Leah" Pymmint's Westcrest Snowbunny CD
"Mara" Pymmint's Westcrest Snowbird CDX
"Merlin" Pymmint's Westcrest Snowstorm FDX, CD
"Ravel" Ch. A*starz Bolero of Westcrest, OAP, OJP, AXJ, AJP
"Riva" Perikees Jacinthe at A*starz CDX
"Stuff" BIS Am/Can/States Ch. A*starz Right Stuff for CopyKee HOF, CHOF, ROMX, NAJ, AX, CGC, EAC-V, OJC-V, VAD. AgII, RAV-N
"Wolfie" Wolfgang Mozart of Westcrest, CD

To contact us by email Click
We are A*starz, mail: keeshond@astarz.net Thanks! for the
Member: Keeshond Club of
America, Capital
Keeshond Club, Catoctin Kennel Club, Honorary Member of Ohio Valley Keeshond Club
Keeshond lifestyle coordinators
This page is maintained by Donna Stekli, last updated