A Message from the President!

That's right, Wolf. We farmed him out to Burt's Corner, New Brunswick. That's what you do with Presidents. Maybe we have to give the children a chance to out grow their extremely mild asmatic conditions. Maybe Wolf was irritating them a bit. Maybe our erratic life is a little rough on the old guy anyway. He is 6 weeks older than Chelsea. We had him a long time. But he is happy now. He is in a loving home with no children and a female feline companion. We will make sure he has access to the Internet so we can keep in touch!

Pointers . . . and clickers(!)
- Make sure your window fills your screen. You should not have to do any paging. Let me know if you do.
- If you want to go back one picture, click on the "Back" button, top left corner in the Netscape Browser. I am afraid I have not had the opportunity to use any other browsers at this point(er!) so I don't know what to tell you if you aren't using Nestscape.
- You should be able to go back to the "main page" from any page, so you shouldn't feel trapped.
- I have expanded versions of some pictures. They are larger in every respect: They will take up more space on your screen. They take up 3 or 4 times the disk space and they take A REALLY LONG TIME to load. So you may not care to click on "bigger" where the choice exists. However, if you find you are getting a pretty good response, you may enjoy the quality of those photos.
- I hardly have any comments scattered through out. This is the most you will read anywhere! Don't worry!
- I would like to know how this all looks on your computer. Is the font too small? Are the pictures too blurry? Does everything take too long? Is it all too convoluted over all? Stuff like that.
- You can send me an email message whenever you come across my name. Just click on it. I would love to hear from you. Love Laurie
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