

Come Meet Our New Found Family from Norway




 I would like to relate to you a very true story all about how my family in Norway come to find us. It all started many years back with a Great Uncle of mine that was believed to have been lost at sea during WW1. His name was James Abbott Teal but James didnt get lost at sea he survived and made his way eventually to Norway.

James lived 40 more years and had a family and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. A few weeks ago My family received a phone call telling us that they were our relatives in Norway. Seams they found us via a TV show in Norway and then through a lot of research and through a book writen about my family. They called my uncle.

Phone calls began and we got to know our new family. I am so very glad that we have found each other after all these years. I have about 20 or more cousins now that I didnt have just a few months ago. My life is much richer for having now found them. If it wern't for a dear friend, of mine name Frode, we would have been so lost as we dont speak Norwegian, and we needed a translator. Frode was more then happy to help out.

Now days and weeks have pasted as have many many emails and phone calls. My life and our new families are much richer now that the missing link ( as my cousin Arne calls us) has been found. My family lives in the southern region of Oslojord, Norway in the village of Vestfold, not to far from Oslo. Thank you for finding us. Now the next step is meeting you face to face, and that I can hardly wait to do.


We got to meet some of our family come and see how it went.

