Michael's homepage for premature born children with a birthweight of up to 1000 gramme

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Welcome at Michael's Homepage, the homepage for and about preemies with a birthweight under and with 1,000 gramme. This is a translation of the german homepage. We are not professional translators, so if you find a really terrible mistake we'll be glad you inform us!


Michael was born on January 25th, 1996 with a weight from only 570 gramme and had to stay in hospital for nearly the whole year in 1996. We, as his parents, had a lot of questions during this long time which were mostly answered in an insufficient way. Every doctor has his own opinion how much parents can bare and how much parents are actually able to understand. Accordingly, information reached us -depending on service schedule - sometimes plentiful , sometimes sparsely. Often we worried only more through ignorance than we had to.

Why 1000 gramme?

Until some years ago, preemies with a birthweight under 1,000 grams were over here in germany (and we think, in a lot of other countries, too) registered as miscarriages and -well- waste. This is luckily not longer the case. However, there are discussions led, that deny the right of living of children only for the cost. The defenders of this thesis like to give the impression that preemies with such a low weight are "only" cripples until they die, and death would be more ethical than life for them. We want to fight this and want to show through Michael's example that even extreme preemies can develop into normal children.

The purpose of this homepage...

With this homepage, we want to help other parents to get a better understanding what happens around the extreme little preemie. We too are learning all the time and we would like to exchange experiences with other parents. Moreover, we are hoping that Michael's example will give courage to other people concerned with such a situation. The most important thing we learned from Michael's story is:

Trust your child, it knows what it's doing!

If you are having such a preemie in your family, or if you are just interested - we would like to read your opinion about this homepage (after all, it is our first HTML-trial ;-) )

Legal disclaimer

This site is strictly for private information concerning the story of our extreme small premature born son Michael. We don't belong to an institution, society or any kind of organization. We can't guarantee the correctness of the informations on this site and can't be held responsible in any way if these informations are not correct in any other case than Michael's. We are "just" parents of an extreme little preemie, and we want to inform other parents and ,maybe, give them a little bit of hope...

Please select one of the following pages:

Michael's story
Attention - a lot of hospital photographs, not recommended for sensitive persons.
Fast connection recommended.
Questions & Answers, search engine
Tips, Questions, hints etc.
Letters, guestbook
Opinions, case stories, etc.
Organisations, Homepages, books...
Michael's parents
Anke and Guido
Michael today 01/02/2000

Letters to Anke, Guido and Michael

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