I'm glad you stopped by!

Thanks for the feedback!!

11/14/99 08:16:10
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

Jennifer - 07/18/99 18:57:06
My URL:/SouthBeach/Tidepool/2657
My Email:jen3593@bellsouth.net

Hello Mom, I just wanted to tell you "I LOVE YOU!" I miss you already...... Luv ya always, Jen

Fasula, larry - 12/06/98 18:05:56
My Email:fasula@home.com
How did you find me?: looking for fasula


10/04/98 12:20:19
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

jennifer - 07/16/98 07:23:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Tidepool/2657
My Email:Jen3593@bellsouth.net
any Hobbies?: Loving my mommy
Do you like to chat?: Yes, with my mommy
Where?: where my mommy goes
How did you find me?: Your my mommy

Hi Mom, Your the bestest in the whole world!!! Thanx for your help, ALL THE TIME. I love you your daughter, jen

kag - 07/16/98 07:20:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/5749
My Email:kagster@geocities.com
any Hobbies?: I think therefore I sleep :o)
Do you like to chat?: of course
Where?: wherever you are
How did you find me?: Trough a long hard, mind boggling search of my icq contact list

Just wanted to say hi sweetie. XOXOXOXO

Debbie - 09/27/97 04:23:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/5512
My Email:daja@earthlink.net
any Hobbies?: computers, crafts/decorating
Do you like to chat?: roflol
Where?: medad's!
How did you find me?: it was just fate I guess :-)

I can't wait to see the family pictures -- and I sure could use help with Pirch, lol. Talk to you soon :-)

- 09/05/97 23:50:25


Jarrett Vick - 08/28/97 07:03:33 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/4024/
My Email:dvick@pinebelt.net
any Hobbies?: Computers and Flying
Do you like to chat?: Never have!
How did you find me?: geocities - stroll

Nice site! Neat!

angela - 07/21/97 19:46:00 GMT
any Hobbies?: b.ball
Do you like to chat?: ya
Where?: kali
How did you find me?: just serfing the net when i found u !

i love the page ots cool.!!!!!!!

- 07/18/97 22:58:25 GMT

it's cute!!

cabot - 07/18/97 04:12:29 GMT
Do you like to chat?: ya
Where?: gathering

Hey hows it going I finally got around to visit ing your sight but i have heard some bad things about these web sights that the h ackers like to mess them up. Oh well I just got some software that allows you to build your own web sight so as soon as I figure out what I want to sell I will build a web sight based on that and make a little money. But I am still thinking about it wel gota go smokee

- 07/11/97 04:28:45 GMT


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