The Family History of Michael STRAND of Leicester, UK Email:


The origins of this name are not clear, although the most populous area of the name today is in Scandinavia. It is generally considered that the UK ancestor(s) came over with the Vikings. This is something yet to be proven. The Oxford English dictionary defines the name 'STRAND'  as, "1. run aground; in difficulties, without money or means of transport. 2. Margin of sea or river etc., esp. foreshore. 3. Any strings or wires twisted together to form rope etc.; constituent filament of necklace or hair etc.." 


The 1881 census has just 283 individuals of the name STRAND located throughout the 23 counties of England, Scotland & Wales. The most populous county is Kent, with 99 individuals, followed by Middlesex with 45 and Lancashire with 34. Suffolk could muster just 13, split between 5 families. This leaves just 92 individuals in a small handful of other counties.

An analysis of the St. Catherine's Index of 704 births, covering England & Wales over the 75 year period between 1837 and 1912, shows the following distribution of STRAND's in the UK:-

Link to St. Catherine's Index of STRAND Births, Marriages & Deaths 1837-1950's


The 1881 census for STRAN(D), covering the whole country is included here, together with BOULDEN/BOULDING.

For 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871 & 1891 census, only selected areas are available for the STRAN(D) name.

St. Catherine's Index

I have abstracted and indexed all entries of the STRAN(D) name from 1837, up to 1958 for births, 1965 for marriages and 1957 for deaths. Where possible these have also been cross referenced to one and another.

Link to St. Catherine's Index of STRAND Births, Marriages & Deaths 1837-1950's

Wills Index

I have abstracted and indexed all wills (as indexed in the Probate Office), of the 96 entries of the STRAN(D) name from 1894 through to 1965, together with transcripts of some of the actual wills. Link

Family Histories

I have Family History details of other STRAND families so far not related to my own Strand name. Please e-mail for further information, to Michael Strand at

Updated 04 March 2006

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