Thought from the Pastor:
We may take for granted many of the things that make us feel safe such as our home that is a haven of peace, the telephone and e-mail that connect us with people near and far. Even the radar used to forecast the weather offers some security, for it gives us knowledge that keeps us out of or away from hazardous conditions. Coleen Zuck, inspirational author, offers a stirring thought about this sense of security, "Yet no matter how technologically advanced we become, there can never be anything more reassuring than the knowledge that God is with us." Perhaps this is the base statement with which we should begin all our thoughts and pronouncements about being safe and secure in life and living. How powerful to know, at the heart of it all, that God is a very real presence in our lives, and to know that God will never fail us. This is the Psalmist proclaiming, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear." (Psalm 46:1,2) As a constant companion, God assures us that wherever we may go, we are held safely in a loving embrace. We are forever in the care of our Creator.
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