Past Events

Past Events

Church School Closing Ceremonies

The photo above shows the closing ceremonies of the Church School before the Summer 2000 break.

Mothers' Day 2000

A highlight of worship on May 14 was a musical presentation by the youngsters. They accompanied the adult choir; at one point the children pointed to the congregation while they were singing the lyrics, ".... you are what we will become!"
A powerful message!

Ministry of Music The ministry of music was given a unique touch on Sunday, August 23, 1998 when Rosemary Bangert of St. John's congregation sang a Sandi Patti song entitled "Forever Friends". Rosemary was selected as Ms. Senior Classic Woman of Missouri at the State Pageant in June. Rosemary participates on the national level September 2 - 8 at the National Classic Women Pageant in Wilmington, Delaware. She represents Missouri, with women of all fifty states, who are taking part. Rosemary's song, "Forever Friends" emphasizes her faith and philosophy of the importance of each one of us in making a difference in home values and the need to let the harmony and compassion of Christ show forth through our lives. Rosemary and her husband Bill Bangert will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary on October 7, 1998.

Vacation Bible School

St. John's Church, Cappeln in partnership with its sister church Friedens (Peace), New Melle, sponsored an inspiring week of Vacation Bible School June 8 through 13, 1998. With an average daily attendance of 62 pupils, classes were offered to youngsters ages 3 years through 6th grade. The 1998 theme was "God's Kids Pray". The youngsters were also able to make a donation of $100.00 to the Evangelical Children's Home in St. Louis, MO by way of their daily offerings collected during the week. A staff of 14 adults assisted as well as the two pastors, Rev. Donna Buckman of Friedens (Peace) and Rev. Devin Jones of St. John's.

Guest Liturgist

      On Sunday, May 17, 1998 the guest liturgist was Mr. Hermann Rehmeyer, a naturalized citizen of the United States, who grew up in Westerkappeln, Germany. Hermann and his wife Christine live in Sunnyvale, California and have visited St. John's Church and Cappeln, Missouri several times over the years.
      Mr. Rehmeyer presented the Bible text, Matthew 7:18-23, in both English and German. He prefaced the German reading by saying, "This is how it may have sounded two generations ago when worship services at St. Johannes Kirche, Cappeln, Missouri were still conducted in German - as a way of remembering the heritage of the immigrant families who founded St. John's Church and the town of Cappeln."
      After the scripture passages, Hermann gave a brief oral history of the Gerdemann family who immigrated from Westerkappeln, Germany in the 1840's to St. Charles County, Missouri, to the area that eventually was named Cappeln in honor of their home city.

Christmas 1997
The creativity of God can take many forms. Lisa Haller, member of St. John's, crafted a scale model of the Church, especially suited for the Advent and Christmas seasons. The gingerbread church was first displayed during the 1997 season. The work, skill, and detail on the creation is such that the Congregation carefully stored it to bring it back to the sanctuary for another season of enjoyment and inspiration. Lisa, a hobby gingerbread artist, is in reality the wife of Brook Haller of St. John's and the mother of two daughters Elizabeth and Jordan. She manages her own concrete finishing business with a crew of four (during appropriate weather) and a snow removal service during winter months.

The model church is unique in its use of material. The textured roof is the imprint of a paper towel pressed into the soft icing; the tiny evergreens have candy "sprinkles" for ornaments, and the stained glass windows are jelly beans cut in half. Lisa even added the figure of Rev. Devin Jones, visible at the lower right, welcoming all to Advent and Christmas worship.

Alcoholics Anonymous Chapter

St. John's Church offered its facilities to the Greater New Melle Ministerial Alliance for the establishment of a local Alcoholics Anonymous Chapter. The first meeting was held in September, 1997 with two in attendance. The Chapter now meets each Tuesday evening in the west room of the fellowship hall at 7:30 p.m. with an average attendance of eight and often ten.

Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration

Devin R. Jones
Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration

                                       Sunday May 18, 1997

                                       Service of the Word

                                           in honor of

                                      Pastor Devin R. Jones


                                          Marilyn Jones

                                            for their

                                 Twenty - Five Years Of Ministry


                               St. John's United Church of Christ

                                        Cappeln, Missouri

Co-Concelebrants:                                    Reverend Gayle Engel
                                                     Chaplain Barbara Patten

Readers:                                             Louisa Scheidemantel
                                                     Derek Scheidemantel

Greeters and Ushers:                                 Jennifer Bote
                                                     Crystal Ellermann
                                                     Carolyn Latimore
                                                     Greg Brakensiek

Prayer of Confession

Call To Confession

	  Jesus said: you shall receive power when the spirit 
	  has come upon you, but we fear the spirit's power. 
	  Let us confess our slowness to embrace the new life 
	  of the spirit.

	  We admit to you, God of our life, that our celebration of the coming of 	
      your spirit is often an empty ritual. 

	  Through the spirit, you offer us life, but we cling to the ways of death. 

	  Through the spirit, you offer us unity, but we continue building walls 	
      between ourselves and others. 

	  Through the spirit, you offer us power, but we shrink away in fear and doubt.

	  Forgive us, O God, that we refuse the gifts you offer. Allow us to touch the 
      risen Christ that our doubt may be overcome.

	  Let us sing the dance with joy, truly celebrate your presence.

	  Let us move with courage into the world with the word of your love. 

	  We pray in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen

Reassurance Of Pardon

	  People of God, Leap up, dance. 
	  The spirit is here in healing power. 
	  Your sins are forgiven. 
	  Rise up in the new life of the spirit.

Music Ministry:                                                St. John's Choir
	       "In Gratitude We Come" ..... Directed by:   Billie Haller


Acts 2:1-5 & 14-21                            Louisa Scheidemantel
2 Corinthians 4:1 & 7-16                      Derek Scheidemantel

Sermon                                        Reverend Gayle Engel " A Heart For Ministry "

Affirmation Of Faith:                                                       

	  I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth. 
	  I believe in Jesus Christ, His only begooten Son, Our Lord.
	  He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
          He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
	  He descended to the dead. 
  	  On the third day He rose again, and is seated at the right hand of the 		
	  He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
	  I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy communion of saints, the forgiveness
  	  of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.

Moment of Prayer


Doxology:   "We Give Thee But Thine Own"

Ministry of Music:  St. John's Choir  Directed by Billie Haller

                   "Give Me The Wings Of An Angel"  
Special Greetings                                                 Lela Blesh

Special Presentations	     
	Church Council 
    	Sunday School  


Closing Hymn                                              St. John's Choir

                 "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" 

***	Thank you to the Reverend Gayle Engel, U.C.C. 		Missouri Conference Minister. 

***	We thank all the members and friends of St. John's 
	for your attendance and support in creating a special	
	day in the life of Pastor Devin and his wife, Marilyn.
Last modified 27 June 1997 This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page