About the Pastor

St. John's has been served by its pastor, Rev. Devin R. Jones, since 1972. Rev. Jones is a native Missourian and was born in Washington, Missouri in 1947. His home town is Union, Missouri. He is a 1965 graduate of Union High School, and a 1969 graduate of Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri from which he received a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Spanish and minoring in French.

Rev. Jones completed his ministerial studies at Eden Theological Seminary, Webster Groves, Missouri through which he received a Master of Divinity degree upon graduation in May, 1972. His ordination took place at his home church, Zion United Church of Christ, Union, Missouri on May 28, 1972 with his pastor Rev. John W. Stevesand officiating. Coincidentally, May 28, 1972 also marks the first Sunday of Rev. Jones' pastorate at St. John's. From May, 1972 through May, 1992 Rev. Jones served as pastor of St. John's in Cappeln and Friedens (Peace) Church in the nearby town of New Melle. The two neighbor churches had been a two point charge since the mid 1940's. In May of 1992, the two congregations amicably dissolved the yoke and began being served by their own ministers, with Rev. Jones continuing as St. John's pastor.

On May 11, 1974, Rev. Jones married Marilyn Paul. The wedding was held at St. John's Church, performed by Rev. John Stevesand. Marilyn is a native of Cappeln, Missouri and she and her family have been active members of St. John's Church for generations. Marilyn traces her ancestral roots to the Brunswick (Braunschweig) area of Germany on her father's side (the Paul family) and to Buhr (near Melle) on her mother's side (the Brakensiek family).

During the late 1980's Rev. Jones re-entered college on a part time basis to complete his credentials for the teaching profession. In 1990 he received state certification and a Masters Degree in Secondary Education through the University of Missouri at St. Louis. From 1992 through the Spring of 1996 Rev. Jones served St. John's as a bivocational pastor, dividing his time between ministry and working on the teaching staff at St. Charles West High School (St. Charles, Missouri) where he taught Spanish and French. Since the Fall of 1996, Devin Jones has served St. John's Church as its full time pastor.

The Jones enjoy gardening, travel, church life, entertaining, and the joys of conversation, fellowship and visiting with friends, family, and neighbors. There is always a warm welcome for visitors at St. John's Church, that begins in the church parsonage with Devin and Marilyn Jones.

Last update: 10 July 1998

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