Hi, Welcome to Sabu's home page.

I am a Golden Retriver and my mom needed to practice HTML so i got my own page!!

The description of my page is:

An assorted collection of stuff
Links, pictures and whatever.
Well Sabu is no longer with us. She passed away just short of her 12 birthday. We will never forgot what a great friend she has been to me through some really terrible times in my life. Her friend Dundee will try to keep this site going

Links to other pages on my site

Me, myself and I
Do you like to cook?

How about Gardening?

More me!

My mom's Diary-Ramblings from a wounded heart

Sabu passed away in March 2005 just before her twelfth birthday. Last modified October 14(in the middle of the night)-so please excuse any mistakes-eventually i will get back to them, I promise! There have been alot of changes in our lives the last few years. I would like to say one thing to everyone: Be sure to spend alot of time with family and friends, you never know when they might not be there anymore!

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