Hiya! It's nice that you could come visit my homepage. Leave me a message with your URL so that I can visit your page! Thank you for signing my book :)

Dianne - 09/21/99 09:46:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/home
Favorite URL: Mine

I love the graphis on your page. i enjoyed you page,, please try to stop over to my site too. thanks for sharring Your LOTH SIS....Dianne

brian - 06/14/99 23:25:32
My Email:brianp@appmethods.com

hi. saw your reply on "the little store" at classmates site. I graduated in '83. Currently I am employed as a graphic designer building Web sites in seattle. How are you? miss high school? I do. I'd like to go to grad school some day. Maybe after I pay of some of my current student loans or after I save a hefty wad of cash. Talk to you later. Bye. Brian.

connie c - 05/20/99 23:51:25
My URL::80/heartland/estates/6588/index.html
My Email:ccc277@webtv.net
Favorite URL: all

Hi Tami,now im signing the right guestbook.Your site has a lot of feeling's put into each page,and i can read in between your lines that your boy's are your whole life,with a lot of love in your words.~connie~

10/04/98 12:19:45
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

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