Woof! Life is good when you have doggie biscuits stashed... Woof!

Koda says... If you do the best you can at the tasks given to you, the other things in life will take care of themselves...

Click on Charlie to go directly to comics...

What's new with Koda.....

What's new with Kristie.....
The Search;

Hi to all in cyberdog land! My name is Koda, and I am a female mix between a Collie and Golden Retriever. Since I don't have very long (dog years), I will try to bark at you for only a short while.

Although I am a very attractive doggie, I am somewhat yappy, so I have listed some of my favorite true yawns, I mean yarns, for you to enjoy!

The Rescue; Boundaries; Munchkin; Favorite Dog Site; Frisbee's; Laptop; Talent; Names; Momma's surgery; Food Food Food; Charlie; Skunks; Nuts; More About Food; Dognet; News Flash October 9th; Christmas trees; Beasts; First Snow; Fire Laptop?; Grooming; Fleas; Friends; Toys; Sleepytime; Catman; Seizure; Those Darn Ducks!; More Ducks...; Schedules; Lost Friend; What's Up?; Hikes; Lumps; Peejays; Loyalty;

Twofold of the dog; Twice the fun?

Twofold the vet bill; Twice the tail wag.
Twofold the potty breaks; Twice the companionship.
Twofold the food; Twice the hand licks.
Twofold the grooming; Twice the hellos.
Twofold the destruction; Twice the toys.
Twofold the barks; Twice the protection.
Twofold the fleas; Twice the fly eaters.
Twofold the attention; Twice the love.

By Koda "in your face" Greier

I am only allowed so much time on the comepooper, so I have to go catch Charlie. Will start back on my life soon. Make sure to hit reload when visiting so you can see my new stuff.

You are guest number since December 17th, 1997. Koda's Dog Den started July 19th, 1997...

Meow. Hi! My name is Charlie and I need you to sign my Guestbook.

View Charlie's Guestbook

Psst... Click and find the "humans."

Want to see my new award? How about sniff some doggie links?(I bet you thought I was going to say behind) Just click anywhere on this wee line...

If you have any questions or comment email Charlie at phoenix@telerama.lm.com


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