This is a review of each month of Alex's life.
It will be a re-cap of highlights, accomplishments, new words, and big events. We will also chart his growth.
April 1998 - 18 months old
April was intellectually, a big month for Alex. He is learning more words everyday. Some of his favorites right now are 'school bus', 'outside', and 'thank you'. He's also learning how to put phrases together. 'Daddy's home' and 'Bye-bye kitty' are ones he uses a lot. (Even when Daddy isn't home!)
This month we took a road trip to Maine to visit Grammy & Grampy. He enjoyed the trip and did very well in the car. He loves to read, so bringing lots of different books was a great idea.
Earlier in the month Alex went to a Family Fun & Fitness Fair with mommy & grandma. We learned that he has perfect eyesight. He got to play with musical instruments, received lots of 'free' goodies and even danced to a live band -- which he loved!
He's been doing very well at the new babysitters and enjoys going there everyday. He played in the little pool last week and he loves to play in the sandbox! They spend lots of time outside -- which is probably why that's his favorite new word!
This month was also a big holiday. For Easter, Alex got to spend time with Grandma, Grandpa and even Grammy Beth was able to come down. Alex was given a slide to play on outside, which he was SO excited about when it arrived...
He had his 18 month check-up this month. He weighed in at 29 lbs. and was 33 inches tall. He tops the charts being in the 100th percentile for both weight & height. He's going to be a big boy...

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