Mom and dad met each other at work. They both worked at a tv station in the same department. They started out as friends... however they both realized they had feelings for each other when a weekend trip to Montreal with co-workers ended up being just the two of them. That was back in 1992. One year (to the day) after the Montreal trip, dad proposed to mom in Hyannisport, MA in front of the JFK memorial. It was very romantic. One year from the engagement, was the wedding. May 7, 1994. Here are some photos from the big day...

They spent a 10-day honeymoon at Disney World.

Mom has been a television graphic designer since 1991. Aside from spending time with Alex, she enjoys designing web pages - like this one! She also enjoys cooking and gardening. She may not have the greenest thumb in the world, but she enjoys it just the same!
Here's a photo of mom & Alex contemplating life...

Dad was a television director, until about a week ago when he got a new job (with the same company) as a promotions producer. He enjoys playing basketball, drawing and surfing the web. And of course, loves to spend time with Alex. Their new favorite past-time is playing with MatchBox cars.
Here's a photo of dad and Alex on vacation last fall.

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