Alex took a summer vacation! It was Mommy, Daddy, Grandma & Alex... we drove all the way to Lexington, KY. We left real early Saturday the 22nd and drove all the way to Flatwoods, WV. We were in the car for 13 hours! Alex was very good... The next day we got up early and finished the drive to Lexington. We got there by lunch. We stopped by our old house and got a photo - but no one was home so we didn't get to see inside. We then
went to the a friends house... It was great to see them again. We stayed there for a couple of hours. We then went to dinner and did a bit of shopping at the mall. (Had to get a new KY outfit for Alex!) Then we went to the hotel and played in the pool. Alex loved the pool. The next day we went to Channel 18. (WLEX-TV18) They are breaking ground for the new building this week. They had some neat new toys and it was great to see everyone. We had lunch with some people at our favorite Mexican restaurant and then went back to chat with more people. We got some e-mail addresses so that it will be easier to keep up with everyone...
The next day we left. And drove and drove and drove.... to Philadelphia. It was a long drive. But we made it. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Select in Trevose, PA. The restaurant was good and the pool was heated... and Alex still loved the pool...
he also loved to ride in the 'alligator'... (elevator) and spend some time doing just that.
On Wednesday we finally got to Sesame Place. It was very hot. Good thing it was a water park... We swam and went on an inner-tube ride. Daddy and Mommy went on a rollercoaster. Alex got to see Cookie Monster and Grover live and in person! He was very shy though... He enjoyed the Sesame Street characters dancing live on stage. And he also liked the Brass Band.
We left the following day and went home... we were all very tired.