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Alex was Teletubbie 'Po' for Halloween this year. He enjoyed dressing up like Po, his favorite character. He did wonderfully. We'd been practicing the 'Trick or Treat' part for a week, so he had that down pretty well. He was very cute. He was all cuddly and pudgy looking, because mommy had to put 2 layers of sweatsuits under the thin little outfit to keep him warm. He loved it though. He did the whole street with his daddy while Uncle Mike took video. The first house he stopped at he got lots of goodies and then he tried to go inside the house. At one house Alex got pushed out of the way by a bigger kid and Daddy had to 'reprimanded' the kid by telling how wrong it was to push a little boy like that -- just loud enough for his mother to hear down by the road... Alex had 2 'older' women tell him how cute he was (8 & 10 year olds) and amazingly enough, he was the only Teletubbie on the street!

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