This section is intended to be a humorous look at the life of a little boy: learning, playing & growing up. We hope to keep this page as current as possible, with a goal of eventually being able to update it everyday. Please check back regularly for new stories!
Thursday April 9, 1998
Alexander was recently given a small toy piano. After watching Grandma play the piano and read music, Alex's first item of business on his own little piano was to make sure that there was music to read. He picked up his little 'Daddy & Me' book, opened it, perched it on top of the piano and then he started happily pecking away at the keys.
Friday April 10, 1998
Today was the day that we discovered that Alex was left handed. He was quietly playing in the family room, so I took it upon myself to clean up the kitchen. A few minutes later, I returned to find Alex drawing all over his right hand & arm with a red felt-tip marker...
Saturday April 11, 1998
Grandma & Grandpa Easter Bunny stopped by today with lots of Easter gifts... Alex now has a wonderful slide / treehouse to play in outside. Although he absolutely loved the slide (He says 'Here Goes'each time he slides down!) his favorite part of all of his Easter presents was the green paper grass in the Easter basket... each piece of grass was taken one by one and tossed around the family room...
Wednesday April 15, 1998
After Alex's bathtime this evening, he attempted to brush his own hair. As he was doing this, he was standing next to the cat. He looked down at the cat and then started brushing the cat's hair instead!
Sunday April 19, 1998
Grammy and I were speechless this morning...
as I handed Alex his morning juice cup, he looked up and me, smiled and said, 'Thank you, Mommy!'...
Tuesday April 21, 1998
Logo & brand association took on a whole new meaning today. As I was drinking my coffee out of my NBC mug with the peacock on the side, and watching MSNBC, Alex figures out that the logo on my mug is the same as the logo on the television. And then he surprised us even more as he ran back and forth between the mug and the television, pointing at each peacock logo saying, 'NBC' - 'NBC' - 'NBC'...
Wednesday April 22, 1998
Alex and I had just gotten back from a walk and were outside collecting rocks. All of a sudden he squatted down in the middle of the lawn, in front of all of the neighborhood and all of the people driving by, and pooped...
Saturday April 25, 1998
Today just re-comfirmed how much of a little boy Alex is. He jumped in mud puddles & threw rocks down his slide.
Monday May 4, 1998
Today's story comes from the babysitter. Her 3 year old daughter proudly dressed Alex up in a pink headband and necklace. She turned to her mommy and said 'Isn't he cute...'
Wednesday May 6, 1998
Today Grandma brought Alex to visit mommy & daddy at work. As he was visiting with mommy, uncle Mike walked by. (Yes, we all work at the same place!) Daddy & uncle Mike are identical twins, and we thought that Alex could tell them apart...
I guess we were wrong. As uncle Mike walked by, Alex said, 'Daddy's Home!'

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