Alex celebrates his first birthday!
Alex celebrated his first birthday on October 5, 1997. The theme was Sesame Street. He behaved very well, for not having had a nap all day! He didn't quite understand how or why we unwrapped presents, but he sure enjoyed the toys once they were uncovered. He sat in his high chair and drank milk as his daddy and I 'helped' unwrap everything.
We had lots of relatives and friends on hand for the big event.
Grandma & Grandpa were here as well as Great-Grandma & Grandpa. Uncle Mike had the day off and was here. Uncle Jeff & Aunt Julianne came all the way from New York for the festivities. Great-Aunt Gail was also able to come. Melissa, the baby-sitter, her husband Bob and their daughter - your friend - Brianna were there as well.

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