Alex's birthday was October 6th, but we celebrated it on Sunday, October 11, 1998. The theme was Circus Fun. We had lots of family & friends for the big occasion.
Aunt Julianne made the adorable (not to mention - delicious!)'Elmo' cake.
Alex enjoyed singing 'Happy Birthday To You!', but needed help from Mommy to blow out the candle.
Guests in attendance:
Mommy, Daddy, Grandma C., Grandpa C., Grammy L., Grampy L., Great Grandma C., Great Grandpa C., Uncle Mike, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Julianne, Great Aunt Gail, and Melissa, Brianna, & Alexander Weiderhold.
Alex got more presents than we had room for! Good thing one of the gifts was a beautifully decorated TOY BOX !! (from Grandma & Grandpa C.) He got a Talking Tinky Winky Teletubbie, a BRIO Train set, a big Tonka Digger, a personalized step-stool, and LOTS of legos, blocks, balls & books. And Uncle Mike got Alex his first Tricycle!
Alex had a special visitor on his actual birthday... his Great Grandpa Sams flew all the way from California to visit Alex! Great Grandpa wasn't able to be here for the day of the party, but we thought it definitely deserved mention & a photo!!

Mommy made the invitations. Here's an example:

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