Bringing the Gospel to Jewish People
Our first purpose is to bring the Gospel to Jewish people through culturally and historically relevant methods. These include; Jewish holiday presentations, fellowship meetings, literature development and distribution, evangelism outreach (street witnessing, mail, telephone, and door to door), visitation, Bible studies, and friendship development.
Since l984, AMMI has distributed over 800,000 Gospel tracts, held hundreds of outreach meetings, and visited hundreds of people to share the Gospel. Some Jews and many Gentiles have prayed to be saved. We follow up these individuals with discipleship.
Outreach to Russian-speaking Jewish People
In 1995, we began a new phase of our ministry, outreach to some of the 77,000 Russian-speaking Jewish refugees who moved into Philadelphia. We have English classes for them, Bible studies, Jewish Holiday services, social events (concerts, picnics, dinners, retreats), and friendship development.
Most American Jews are closed to hearing about Jesus. However, many of the Jewish immigrants and refugees, are open and willing to examine the evidence for Jesus and the God of the Bible. The Scriptures tell us in Romans 10:17 that "Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ." Over the last four years, forty Jewish people have professed faith in the Lord.
Ministering to the Church
Our second purpose is to impart a vision to local churches and individual Christians for witnessing to their Jewish neighbors and friends. We have seminars on Jewish evangelism and help local churches develop an outreach to their local Jewish community.
Teaching Ministry
Over the years AMMI has taught at hundreds of churches and Christians schools in the Northeast and the South. Many of our programs focus on the Jewish feasts days which give a prophetic picture of the past, present and future ministry of Messiah Jesus. These sermons/teachings instruct Christians in the Old Testament roots of their faith. The messages are evangelistic. Some of the people who have attended these services have prayed to be saved. Many churches have used these presentation as evangelistic outreaches.
[Press Release]
[ Testimony]