Holy Father
Our Father which art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name.......
Praise be the Father who made
man in His image and then in love
died on the cross for His children.
No greater love had any Father!

Fathers Give
Parental Love and Guidance!
With a grandfather and father like
these two no wonder I had a
happy and loving environment to
grow up in.
Thanks papa.  Thanks dad.

Happy Father's Day
to my sweet
He is a wonderful husband, father
and grandfather.  He is always
there for our children -  his and
mine.  He gives of his heart, time,
and money which ever is
needed most.

And to all the fathers
in the world I wish you
a very Happy Father's Day.

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Copyrighted 1998
Total vistors since June 16, 1998


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