Sissy & Molly's World

This is Sissy & Molly's page! They really do act like sisters who really don't get along very well. Molly is the typical "little sister" and tends to pester Sissy to no end. Sissy is the grumpy older sister, who just doesn't understand why we had to bring home this "mutt". To say that these girls are spoiled is an understatment. They live better than some people I know. They love my new "business" of making and selling dog biscuits because they get to sample every batch. If you would like to see what I'm talking about, check out Molly's Munchies!! Here's some pictures of the girls, in their every day life.

Backyard Beauties
Enjoying a nice spring day in early 2005

This is as close as Sissy cares to have Molly beside her.