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March, 27 2002
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Our purpose is
exalt the blessed name of Jesus Christ by featuring
the writings of A. W. Pink. Many have gone astray
from Calvinism holding to a form of godliness but
denying its power, fixing their hope on the
"RAPTURE" and teaching that Christians are
delivered from obedience to the Laws of God rather
than the curse of the Law.
We hope you
enjoy this site and will tell your friends about it.
We are still under construction and will be adding to
the site very soon. Thanks for visiting.
Those who have
given a careful reading to Studies in the Scriptures
will have discovered the studies differ, in several
respects, from many other religious periodicals.
There is little in this publication that will appeal
to the popular reader.
If this magazine
be read as a newspaper is read, little profit to the
soul will be obtained. What we solicit from our
readers is this: First, that before taking up any
article herein the reader will lift up his or her
heart to God, and earnestly ask Him for a spirit of
discernment to recognize His truth and an open heart
to receive it. Second, that to this end the reader
will study each article with an open Bible before
him, turning to each passage quoted to see whether or
not the writer proves what he says by a "Thus
saith the Lord." Third, that he read slowly,
critically and thoughtfully what is presented in
these pages.
God has said in
His Word, "He that believeth shall not make
haste" (Isa. 28:16), and if ever there was a
time when His children needed to give special heed to
this admonition it is now. The children of God are
infected with the spirit of the world. The mad rush
which characterizes everything around us, the awful
hustle and bustle of the ungodly as they rush
headlong to eternal death, has affected the members
of the household of faith; a n d few, if any of us,
are free from it. One of our most urgent needs is to
be delivered from this feverish spirit, for it is
rapidly sapping the spiritual vitality of many of
God's people. The irreverent speed at which the Holy
Scriptures are read in the average pulpit; the rate
at which sacred songs are commonly sung; the unholy
manner in which many rush into the presence of the
Most High God, and gabble off the first words that
come to their lips, are so many examples of this
infection. And, alas, the same spirit possesses most
of us when we read the Word of God and expositions of
that Word. We earnestly ask our readers to make a
prayerful study of the words "stand,"
"sit," "wait," "tarry,"
as they are found in Holy Writ.
The title of
this magazine implies that it is designed not for
lazy people, or for those who are so busily occupied
with the things of this world, that they have no time
(in reality, no heart) for the things of God. No, it
is published for the benefit of those who are, or who
wish to become, students of Scripture. The articles
herein call for study, thoughtful perusal, prolonged
meditation. Finally, let not this magazine become a
substitute for your own daily study of God's Word:
rather let it be an incentive for further search on
your part to discover the priceless treasures hidden
(From Life of
A.. W. Pink by I. H. Murray, pp. 23-24.)