Ozzie McMutt's Country HideOUT

OzzieHello...I'm Ozzie McMutt...and I would like to Welcome everyone to my HideOUT...As many of you know I had a Sister named WillieGirl...She is Living at Rainbow Bridge Now. I had a brother...his name was Max. He is with WillieGirl now and, I sure miss both of them..I hope you have fun exploring MY site...I am going to be making quite a few changes this year...So check back, and keep your CyberTails Wagging...*WOOF*...I am suppose to be a Lab/Shepard mix...IF anyone visiting is of the same breed mixture...or you know of any doggie that is...Please have them contact me...Ozzie McMutt...I have a Look Alike Page, and I will be happy to post you there.

I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. NOT that I am that interesting...BUT, to let you get to know me better. I live in the Southern Part of Illinois....And, I came from an Animal Shelter. I was about 18 weeks old when I adopted my owners..My Mom gave me the Birthday of April 1, 1998...BUT I can tell you I am NOBODYS fool.. *HOWLS* I don't think I was abused...Like so many animals that end up in a shelter. So I considered myself lucky. I have a great life now, I have 2 adults, and one brother (Murphy-work in progress on him) trained very well. I have a big job of keeping things in order. I have a pretty big fenced in back yard to protect. Murphy is a Yellow Lab that is 5 years old (I am 7 years old, and very muture) and I am constanly having to watch him (which I might add cuts in on my sleep time) cause he is still pretty much of a puppy at heart!

I'm glad we adopted Murphy...My Mom was always saying to me..."Ozzie, trouble follows YOU around"...needless to say I was always looking over my shoulder to see if this trouble was REALLY following me....BUT now...Trouble follows Murphy around...I plan on doing a page for by Bro by the way...ALSO I am letting My Mom do a few pages too. Both of us have met a lot of nice Doggies and Humans on the net, and we want to share them with you.

A Pic of me (Ozzie McMutt) and my new Bro (Murphy McDog)

Click on Murphy's Place To see his Web Page Murphy's Place

A Gift from MzLara of MzLara's Pixel Kreations. Many thanks MzLara.

MzLara's Pixel Kreations

Secret Garden

Opt To Adopt Button Made by ME
The Beautiful O was made for me by Keeks at A Secret Garden...who is a HUGH animal lover..And of course thinks I'm cute..*HOWLS* Many, Many Thanks.

A Touch of Pixels

My Good Friend Sherice Owns A TOUCH OF PIXELS and made me this Super Cute Graphic...And I just love it...Two Paws up on this one...She thinks I'm pretty cute!!! Many Thanks Sherice. Please stop by and Check her site out. Tell her Ozzie McMutt sent ya...*HOWLS*.


November 13, 1987 - October 3, 2000.

WillieGirl's Domain has moved to Rainbow Bridge.

Thank you MzKitten for the beautiful Graphic

LOVE ALL ANIMALS....DON'T WEAR THEM! WE feel very strongly in the protection of all animals.

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.
Cecil Frances Alexander

Animal Abuse

[Graphic Memberships]

Page Design By Our Country HideOUT

Ozzie McMuttRecycle Bin Graphics

Ozzie McMuttCountry Meadows Cottage

Dang...Ain't I cute! Go check these web pages out! YOU can also be drawn.

Gift from Maidan

Animal Abuse

Taking Care Of Pixels

Yellow Flower Magical Valley

Secret Garden

My Sister Sites


Gift from Crystal purchased from Illusionairy Lines

Easter Blessings gift from Karen

Java Scripts from Dynamic Drive
Signature by Melbell
Last updated September 17,2006