Youth Group Activities

Youth Choir Gets Ready for Last Performance of the Spring
     The youth choir has been a valuable part of our church program this year.  They have sung at our special occasions and all of the participants have had a great time. For the next five weeks they will meet to prepare music for our June 14th  Children's Day Program.  If you like to sing, this is a good time to jump in and have some fun before the group breaks for the summer.
 On Easter the youth choir sang a three part anthem that prepared us for the day's celebration. Led by Adele DiBiagio and Lori Lord the group sings upbeat and fun contemporary songs. Come out this Sunday night at 5:30 p.m. to join them and bring a friend. The more the merrier.  Regular Meetings are as follows :

                                Junior Youth Group  Grades 5-8           4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
                                Senior High Youth Group                     6:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Basketball Program Evolves Into Year Round Youth Ministry
    Cliff Vanase and Fred Green made a decision at the end of the basketball season.  After  a winter filled with getting to know the kids, they decided next year was too far away.  So last month they decided to continue meeting with them all year round. On April 5th the group got together for Bible Study and then went to the Norwich Ten Pin.    This month a trip to the Norwich Navigators is planned for mid-month and a combined youth "Balloons and Barbecue" gathering  set for May 31st.

Youth Groups Come Together And Plan An Active Summer
      On March 31st our youth program sponsored a full length movie entitled, "The Ride."  The movie was great and about 45 people came out to see it.  Most of the group were under the age of 25 though and next time they hope to see more people "their parents age!"
     In the coming weeks the kids have several exciting programs planned.  On Friday May 8 they will meet at the church and head to Plainfield to go roller skating. On Sunday, May 17 the gang will meet at 3:00 p.m. at the Norwich Ten Pin for a bowlathon. On Sunday, May 31st the kids will meet at church at 4:00 p.m. for a Balloons and Barbecue Program. In June they will travel to Riverside Amusement Park. In July they will head to the beach and in August they will try their hand at white-water rafting.

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