The First Baptist
Church of Norwich
239 West Main Street, Norwich, CT
Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m.
Nine Members Welcomed to FBC Family
     It was a great day! On Sunday, September 6, 1998 we welcomed nine new members into the family. Lora Maynard and Joe Mineau,Amber,Brian and Regino Grillo all came after having professed their faith in baptism last month.  Daryl Porn, Kathy, Dan and James Hundley joined through transfer of  letter.  Curt Brockway (far right) joins the group as he welcomes them.Summer Services Were Relaxed
Service of Prayer & Healing
Wednesday, October 7 & Wednesday, October 21
Come if you need healing...
Come if you need prayer...
Come if you want to prayer for others...

What Would Jesus Do?
        On September 20 the Pastor preached a sermon that offended everyone .   He made reference to the book by Charles Sheldon, "In His Steps" and asked what it would be like if everyone stood up for what they believed and tried to do what Jesus wanted them to do. Then he got personal in his examples.
     Simply put, it might mean we would have to reconsider our priorities on Sunday morning when we let sports programs and shopping get in the way of worshipping God as a family.  We may have to change our thinking about living together outside of marriage. To live as Jesus did, we would truly have to examine the "excessive" lifestyles many of us are accustomed to in our prosperous society.  It might also mean coming out of the closet to express our views on important issues like abortion, adultry, capital punishment,  human rights, hunger and homosexuality and holding those we elect to office accountable for their votes in the legislature.  Aren't we all guilty of failing Jesus in one area or another.
     It is so easy to keep our beliefs to ourselves, but they will never be worth anything unless we decide to stand up and live out our convictions.  Like the old saying goes, "I'd rather see a sermon every day,  than hear one preached the proper way.!"
     The Pastor closed the service by calling us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world:   To stand up and stand out.

Sunday Night At The Movies
     Last week we began a video series on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m. that will continue through the fall.  The first five weeks will feature videos with Dr. Tony Campolo entitled, "I Have Decided To Live Like a Believer."  In the videos, Tony looks at what it means to be a Christian in real terms.  Using humor and examples from his own personal life, he makes the Christian life come alive.  Come and join us.  This video series will help you grow with the Lord.

Rev. Mary Anne Short Will Be  The Guest Preacher on October 11
        Over  Columbus Day Week-end we will welcome Rev. Mary Anne Short to our pulpit.  Rev. Short is the Chaplain at the Pierce Baptist Home.  After having served pastorates in the mid-west,  she settled in Brooklyn and loves the rural setting.  She is a native of the greater Detroit area where she still has some ties.
        The Pierce Memorial Baptist Home has provided spiritual care as well as nursing services to its residents for many years.  It has been a home where the elderly can still grow in their walk with God.  As the Home has grown so has its need for ministry and a few years ago, Rev. Short was hired as the first full time chaplain.  Today she ministers to the residents through regular visitation and arranges to have area pastors come in to lead Bible Studies and conduct worship services.
         This is Rev. Short's second visit to our pulpit and if it is anything like her first visit, you will be glad you decided to worship with her.  Come and hear the word she has to share. .

Missed A Recent Sermon?  You Can Hear It On Tape.
      Last week the Pastor preached a powerful sermon on the reality of the Devil.  He spoke frankly and honestly and quoted scripture and when he concluded the congregation applauded.
     "I am not one for clapping in church," one lady said, "but I was clapping in my heart."
     Over the last few months the Pastor has been preaching some thoughtful sermons about our faith and beliefs.  Curt Brockway, chair of our Diaconate, reflected on the series by saying, "I really get a lot out of the sermons that bring us back to the basics and are backed by Scripture."
     Since October of 1995 we have been taping our weekly services.  George Rezendes has made copies available to shut-ins and others who had to be away. With this recent series, a suggestion was made to remind everyone that copies of the services are available on audio tape. Recent sermons have focused on being born again, the gift of grace, being the church, the nature of sin and accepting forgiveness.
     If there is a sermon title that you missed that interests you or  you have to be away and will miss a sermon you think you want to hear, speak to George Rezendes or the Pastor and we will make sure you receive an audio tape.

Coming Soon: You Will Be Able To Access Them On The Web.

"Lets Do Church!" 
Preached February 8, 1998
"Is The Devil Real?" 
Preached February 22, 1998
"The Ants Go Marching One By One" 
Preached March 1, 1998 
"The Prescription for Joy"
Preached March 15, 1998
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