Harry Eisan
gets to church early on Sunday mornings so he can make a copy or lay out
his books. Betty says he has too many books, but Harry always has
his eyes open looking for new resources and materials. Bible Study
is his hobby. He loves the Lord and his Word and is fascinated by
how much God has revealed about Himself to us. On Sunday mornings
for the last ten years Harry has shared that with the Adult class at our
Sunday School. "He makes class so interesting," said Nancy Allen.
"He is always coming up with something to make us think."
This spring the Adult
Class is studying the book of Isaiah, the greatest of the Old Testament
There is always room at the
table for more. Join them at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday.
The weekly topics include the following:
March 1 - Recognizing
our Stain of Guilt
March 8 - Following
Orders From God
March 15 - Living by Faith,
Not by Fear
March 22 - The Light of Hope
March 29 - Payday is Coming