Mary Royce received her MBA this spring and our congratulations are in order!
Dale Adams is quite a good mechanic. If you need some work done on your car at a reasonable price, give him a call!
Guy Brown loves to watch his daughters, Bethany and Amanda, as they play soccer. He is at every game and if you are there, you might you might confuse him for the coach. Actually he isn't but they are trying to get him to consider it!
Dr. Tom Bell is moving his office. The Chelsea Clinic will be in the brand new Medical Center at Backus before long and everyone will enjoy this beautiful new facility. If you need medical attention, there is no better place to be!
Dr. Ignatz Melgey is also on the move. He is making plans to move the All Friends Animal Hospital to New London Turnpike, the former sight of Holdridge Nursery. Congratulations and we hope the move comes soon.
David Miller was so excited! He went to the Baseball Hall of fame with his parents, Andy and Nancy, and saw where all the real baseball stars hang out! He even brought home a few souvenirs.
Bob Booth continues to do his weekly Bible Study as part of his prison ministry. Talk to him if you would like to know more about it. It was this kind of program that turned Kenny Roderick's life around. It is a great ministry.
Adele and Harts Cofer were off to the races again and they watched Jeff Gordon race to another victory. I believe Dennis girardin was also in the New hampshire crowd over the week-end.
Trail Blazers
This is the first
in a series of articles about people who have served our church for many
Anna (Crouch) Bjorn began
attending church here during the pastorate of Rev. Percy Kilmister.
Anna, one of fifteen children (12 boys, 3 girls), is the daughter of an
ordained Baptist minister Her father was quite friendly with Rev.
George Strouse and when her boys were young, they came here at his invitation.
Anna, and her late husband, Elmer, had three sons, John, Walfred, and Douglas,
and they were all members. Anna served in the Women's Guild and helped
out when she could. At the same time she devoted herself to her children
and to her work at the Niantic State Farm, the Norwich Hospital and New
London County Home. Today she resides at Mystic Manor and enjoys
receiving cards and visits from family and friends..
Mary (Peckham) Merholz
was baptized by Rev. Edward Dunbar back in 1926. Her father died
when she was five and her mother passed away when she was just twenty,
but they instilled some basic values in Mary and sent her to Sunday School
at both First and Central Baptist. After seeing her brother through
a tragic illness, she came back to church and began a long association.
As a young women, she took in boarders to make ends meet and when she married
her late husband John, they continued to do this. Mary has always
been a source of joy to those who know her, for she has something good
to say to everyone. And like her name, her disposition has always
been "merry". Today Mary is living at the Oddfellows Home in Groton.