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zack@moo - 12/13/99 16:27:22
My URL:/moorecords/moohome.html

good check out Geocities.com/moorecords/moohome.html norwich's own music scene check it out!!!

Constantine U.A.Nwapa Rex - 03/23/99 17:24:04
My URL:---------------------------
My Email:2tim3@usa.net

Stockholm, Sweden. Tuesday 23- 03-1999 Constantine U.A.Nwapa Rex, E-mail: 2tim3@usa.net I am on visit at your website and thank you for standing out for Jesus Christ; Its a blessing to know that there Gods children all over the world. Please pardon me for wanting to share a need with you and your church through your visit book. Please pray for me that the freemasons who are high governmental officials bows for jesus Christ son of God and leave me alone; These agents of the devil have done me great harm and want to cover it all up. Pray that God exposes their secrets and that I obtain justice but especially the salvation of my soul in the evils the devil through his human agents tries to lay on me. Thank you and God bless you all Amen.

Scot - 03/14/99 06:02:58
My Email:jsent@cyberzone.net

Nice page Cal.....

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