Baptists have a great reputation
when it comes to music. Over the years Baptists from every corner
of New
England gathered regularly for hymn sings.
In the south, Negro spirituals arose out of Baptist congregations.
In our church we can trace the music back
to the late nineteenth century when the first organ was installed.
It was just a console but it provided a beautiful sound. By the turn of
the century a beautiful pipe organ was installed and there was talk of
solos, quartettes and other musical selections to inspire the congregants.
Our records show that in 1920 Mrs. Walter
M. Cowen was called on to play the organ and direct the choral program.
We have pictures of a youth choir as early as 1926.
Annie Cowen had a gift for music and she
demanded a lot from those who sang in the choir. As always, the members
of the choir had varying degrees of ability but she managed to get the
most out of them. Soloists like Gladys Johnson and Donald Royce were
often called on to supplement the choral singing and many of our older
church members remember the beautiful music they shared.
In 1942, fire broke
out in the basement of the Church and the whole chancel area of the sanctuary
was destroyed. As a result, the whole front section of the sanctuary
was redesigned and fitted with new pulpit, lectern and oak railings.
The old organ was replaced with a very good reconditioned organ which we
still use today.
Although the names and faces
have changed over the years, the music and the choir have remained central
to our experience of worshipping the Lord at First Baptist Church.
Today Adele DiBiagio Cofer
is at the organ and she continues the fine tradition that started over
a century ago. She leads a choir of twenty one members and works
with Lori Lord to direct a junior choir of ten voices.
As we near our Two Hundredth
anniversary celebration, there is a murmur rising that it might be time
to replace the 100 year old tracker organ with something much newer. Wouldn't
that be nice? Something new to continue a beautiful tradition very
Our choir, led by Adele DiBiagio Cofer, brings many glorious songs to
our Lord during our Sunday Services.