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St. Francis Xavier Council 6055
   •   214 Juniatta St.   •    Burlington, KS 66839   •    (620) 364-2416   •   





Council Information
St. Francis Xavier Council 6055 is located in Burlington, KS and holds their meetings in the St. Francis Xavier Church Hall, which is located in the basement of St. Francis Xavier Church, at the intersection of 3rd and Juniatta St.

The Grand Knight for the 2001-2002 fraternal year is Michael J. Olberding. You can contact the Knights by phone at (620) 364-2416, or by email at stfrancisxavier@yahoo.com

Council Meetings
Council meetings are held the second Thursday of every month, at 8:00 pm in the church basement.

About Our Council
St. Francis Xavier Council was originally founded as Council 1486 in 1910. The records and even the charter were destroyed by a flood. The council was later reorganized at Hartford, KS, and no longer exists.

St. Francis Xavier Council 6055 was founded in 1968 through the efforts of the charter members (H. Allen, W. Beyer, W. Birk, T. Collins, J. Conrad, W. Conrad, L. Decker, L. Decker, F. Haight, P. Haight, R. Haight, R. Hoag, Rev. L. Kelley, J. Kiefer, M. Merritt, T. Metzger, J. Rossillon, L. Rossillon, A. Skillman, L. Skillman, W. Finnerty, L. Hannen, R. Novinger, E. Rashford, J. Roeder, L. Sobba, R. Bouse). It was named for St. Francis Xavier, the patron saint of our parish. The Council works closely with St. Francis Xavier Parish in Burlington and St. Joseph's Parish in Waverly, providing funds for various projects, members being active participants in their parish. etc.

   Copyright Supreme Council of Knights of Columbus, 1999, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510, (203) 772-2130, info@kofc.org.

Send comments or questions to the web page editor, lonelywind@yahoo.com.