"Turn your eyes upon Jesus"

Worship at First Christian Church of Carbondale is centered around the Lord's Table.

Our focus is upon the New Covenant we have in Jesus Christ.

"Jesus has invited all believers to his table."

We celebrate the communion meal each time we worship and we invite all believers to join in this sacred meal.

After the "Call to Worship", "Invocation", "Prayer of Confession", and Hebrew reading, all led by lay persons.P> Our Minister proceeds to express "Concerns of the Parish" and to offer a "Congregational Prayer" before the "Offertory" and the "Gospel Reading".

Next the "Sermon" is followed by the "Lord's Supper" and a blessing to end the service before fellowship in the Narthex.

This is just a brief outline of the very special worship service that is accompanied by a spirit filled choir, organist, and often special music offerings. Our worship services must be experienced to be appreciated. Please join us on the corner of South University Ave. and West Monroe Street.

Worship begins at 10:30AM.

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