Welcome To
The Mission Opportunities Page
of First Christian Church of Carbondale, Il.

We believe grace is from God alone. However, we also believe we are instruments for God on earth. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 25: 40, "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me."(NRSV)

First Christian Church offers many ways to help all God's "family".

Volunteers are always needed for teaching in church school (Juli Claussen),music ministry (Martha Ellert or Dia Parr), committee work Narthex supervisors (Betty Revell), worship leaders (the Elders), greeters (Guiding Elder), cooks (Marge Schulhof), cleaning, photography, office volunteers, baby sitters, sound board assistance (Al Parr), or you may have a talent/gift to share.

Actually, there is no end to the many ways Christians can help others in Jesus' "Family". First Christian Church of Carbondale needs your input to find more ways to help.

How to find First Christian Church of Carbondale.

Back to the First Christian Church Home page.

Forward comments to: webmaster: dialparr@siu.edu

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