Surnames being researched.
Visits to this site: since December 29, 1998.
Created December 29, 1998
Updated September 9, 2006.
Cliff & Marilyn Moens Family Tree Look here for information and charts on the surnames being researched. I have over 12,000 names in my database with some of the direct lines on this page. You can contact me for more information if you think there is a linkage.
Cliff & Marilyn Moens Family Tree
Amund Amund & Ronnaug Huskelien Amundson Descendents. Andreas Thoresen & Enger Ellefsd. Gronlund Descendents The immediate family of Clifford & Marilyn Moen. Elling Andreas & Sigrid Amundsd. Dahle Descendents. Engebret & Kari Johnsd. Moen Descendents. Family Group Sheets of the families of Calmer & Ruby Moen and Eddie & Alice Gronseth. Johan Hansen & Marte Olsd. Heier Descendents. Lars Jonsen Bleie & Guro Nilsd. Lutro Haugse Descendents. Mikkel Hansen & Marthe Pedersd. Frosland Descendents. Ole Tollefsen & Beret Kittilsd. Gronseth Descendents. Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Andreas Thoresen & Enger Ellefsd. Gronlund Descendents The immediate family of Clifford & Marilyn Moen. Elling Andreas & Sigrid Amundsd. Dahle Descendents. Engebret & Kari Johnsd. Moen Descendents. Family Group Sheets of the families of Calmer & Ruby Moen and Eddie & Alice Gronseth. Johan Hansen & Marte Olsd. Heier Descendents. Lars Jonsen Bleie & Guro Nilsd. Lutro Haugse Descendents. Mikkel Hansen & Marthe Pedersd. Frosland Descendents. Ole Tollefsen & Beret Kittilsd. Gronseth Descendents. Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
The immediate family of Clifford & Marilyn Moen. Elling Andreas & Sigrid Amundsd. Dahle Descendents. Engebret & Kari Johnsd. Moen Descendents. Family Group Sheets of the families of Calmer & Ruby Moen and Eddie & Alice Gronseth. Johan Hansen & Marte Olsd. Heier Descendents. Lars Jonsen Bleie & Guro Nilsd. Lutro Haugse Descendents. Mikkel Hansen & Marthe Pedersd. Frosland Descendents. Ole Tollefsen & Beret Kittilsd. Gronseth Descendents. Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Elling Andreas & Sigrid Amundsd. Dahle Descendents. Engebret & Kari Johnsd. Moen Descendents. Family Group Sheets of the families of Calmer & Ruby Moen and Eddie & Alice Gronseth. Johan Hansen & Marte Olsd. Heier Descendents. Lars Jonsen Bleie & Guro Nilsd. Lutro Haugse Descendents. Mikkel Hansen & Marthe Pedersd. Frosland Descendents. Ole Tollefsen & Beret Kittilsd. Gronseth Descendents. Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Engebret & Kari Johnsd. Moen Descendents. Family Group Sheets of the families of Calmer & Ruby Moen and Eddie & Alice Gronseth. Johan Hansen & Marte Olsd. Heier Descendents. Lars Jonsen Bleie & Guro Nilsd. Lutro Haugse Descendents. Mikkel Hansen & Marthe Pedersd. Frosland Descendents. Ole Tollefsen & Beret Kittilsd. Gronseth Descendents. Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Family Group Sheets of the families of Calmer & Ruby Moen and Eddie & Alice Gronseth. Johan Hansen & Marte Olsd. Heier Descendents. Lars Jonsen Bleie & Guro Nilsd. Lutro Haugse Descendents. Mikkel Hansen & Marthe Pedersd. Frosland Descendents. Ole Tollefsen & Beret Kittilsd. Gronseth Descendents. Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Johan Hansen & Marte Olsd. Heier Descendents. Lars Jonsen Bleie & Guro Nilsd. Lutro Haugse Descendents. Mikkel Hansen & Marthe Pedersd. Frosland Descendents. Ole Tollefsen & Beret Kittilsd. Gronseth Descendents. Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Lars Jonsen Bleie & Guro Nilsd. Lutro Haugse Descendents. Mikkel Hansen & Marthe Pedersd. Frosland Descendents. Ole Tollefsen & Beret Kittilsd. Gronseth Descendents. Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Mikkel Hansen & Marthe Pedersd. Frosland Descendents. Ole Tollefsen & Beret Kittilsd. Gronseth Descendents. Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Ole Tollefsen & Beret Kittilsd. Gronseth Descendents. Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Ole Olson & Joran Olsd. Hovland Descendents. Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Ole Pederson & Marit Larsd. Ronningen Descendents. Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Ole Knutson & Britha O. Pedersd Sigmundstad Descendents. Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Ole Eriksen and Anne A. Fekkan Thorsrud Descendents. Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Person sheets containing additional information on various persons in the family and in the Rothsay area. You may find a link here.Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Rasmus Trondsen and Theodora Toraldsd. Midbrod Descendents. Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact
Torger Larsen and Mari Eriksd. Flatin Descendents. Contact