I will only leave one Rome pic, just because it was so wonderful...
this one is at Pompeii, with Vesuvius in the background....
I should get rid of the wedding pics....but not just yet...sorry
This next one is from when we were on a picnic at Fort Desoto Park....a lovely day, but really chilly, as you can see, RJ has a jacket on.......
and since I'm into RJ pics...here he is from our Atlantic City trip.......
Now some Mitch pics....
He had just won an award for playing chess.....and here's his old John Wayne imitation! I know he's grown since then, but still love this pic!
This is old,but fun, ...a film clip from youtube... Mitch doing his karate thing...
and another of Mitch and Sydney
And here's the princess, with dad, taken recently at Stone Mountain RV Park:
So where's the other grand kid, you ask........????
He's pushing 20 and looking great!
He looks more handsome every year...Brad Pitt beware!!!
And that's the photo album for now..........thanks for looking!!!
I know I promised to change and update "Links" and I will get to that soon.......
Here is something I found worth watching...hope it comes thru for you all...
Ok, LINKS... >
Go to Ganek,Wright& Dobkin, and click on the Residential button.
George's firm, and now also Kathy's.... Siver and Assoc.
And, once again, here are the same old others: PLEASE, anyone, visitor or family, e-mail me something new and different, ok?
Ok, now these new ones are becoming old ones, and still no help....
For the cooks in the family, "Dean & Deluca"
For us USF graduates "The new USF Bookstore"
My old favorite "The Movie Critic"
Still for GW, "Art Bell's Page"
Phil, here's one for you....Suprise,suprise!
And just for the boys, The Kiski School Page
And Kath, for you... Good ole St. Lawrence U.
And Nicole...have you been here? NIC'S SPOT!
Ok, kids...that's it for a while No new pages till I have
some more info.
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Sorry this has taken so long to clean up.... Baby Pictures coming!!!!
� 1997 lazymary99@yahoo.com
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