Welcome to Judy's Page

This is going to be my page to address all sorts of things that are important to me in my life. I'm a stay at home mom of five kids. Three are step-children and one has a serious physical handicap. My husband is a low paid law enforcement officer, and I love the fact that I am remodeling my home basically from the ground up. Things may get a little Martha Stewart here, but all my tips come from real life experience and I won't pass on any tips that I can't vouch for myself. Please cruise my table of contents below and let me know what you think.

Controls For The Music

Things to on

Please E-Mail me at Judylynn@unforgettable.com and let me know about your trials and tribulations

Please come back again, there's plenty more to come!

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If you like political discussion, please click on this flagand go see my husband's page. If you see his page, you'll understand just how hard my job really is.
My children even have a page, please click on Beavis to go visit

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