My Testimony

    Hi, my name is Tina.  I want to tell you some of the many ways God has worked in my life.  God has been very important to me from early in my life, and I really want to share with you how and why. Some of this story will be a shock to some who know me, in fact, some of this will even surprise my parents, but you must believe me when I tell you that all of it is true.

    I've loved God as far back as I remember.  I was raised in a Quaker pastor's family, and I remember as a little child going to the church to pray with my father.  To this day, my parents tell how I'd go there and kneel and pray with him as long as he would be there praying.  Before you think I was some super child, I had my "evil" side too.  My parents also love to tell the story of how I was misbehaving in church one day during the service. My mother picked me up to take me out for some discipline, and I grabbed one of the pews and called "help".

    I accepted Christ as my personal Savior quite early in my life as well.  There were revival meetings going on in my father's church, and one night there was an altar call.  After church that night, I asked my parents to explain it to me, and as soon as they did, I prayed and asked Christ to forgive my sins and come into my heart.

    My early childhood was quite idealistic.  I had a great relationship with my mother and father (who both decided that our family came first, even before the church!).  When I was about four, my sister Cyndi was born, then when I was almost seven, my brother Brian was born.  We had the usual sibling rivalry, but the three of us truly loved each other (and still do!).

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My testimony is long!!  I have decided to give you the choice of viewing it all at once, or in parts....  I do want you to realize that no matter which part you choose to read, God was there.  When men and boyfriends were abusing me left and right, God was there for me, offering me His comfort!  When I was being beat up in school, God was there for me then too!  God was also giving me His comfort during my 5 miscarriages!  Though we may run from God, He never runs from us.  He always waits on us, like the father waited for the prodigal son to return (Luke 15:11-24), watching for us to finally be brought so low that we realize we need to go back to Him.  Though many Christians are like the brother (Luke 15:25-32), we are not to look to other Christians to find what God is like.  Only God can show us that.  Please don't allow others to turn you away from God.  Learn from Him,!  Read your Bible.  It is the guide book!

Tina Watkins

 My entire testimony
 Tina: Public school punching bag and boyfriends
 Tina: Sexual abuse
 Tina: Marriage and Miscarriages - my babies in Heaven


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