The Doghouse Store

Welcome to The Doghouse Store - books and gift items. All items are purchased directly from the seller (, The Beaver's Den, Fantasy Enterprises, etc.). Please check back as we add new items.

Bouvier Gifts - gift items for the bouvier lover.

Bouvier Des Flandres: The Dogs of Flandres - Jim Engel
Herding & Livestock:
Herding Dogs: Progressive Training
Vergil S. Holland

Dictionary of Farm Animal Behavior
J. F. Hurnik, A. B. Webster (Contributor), P. B. Siegel (Contributor) 

Handbook of Livestock Management
Ricahrd A. Battaglia

The Stockman's Handbook (Animal Agriculture Series) 
M.E. Ensminger 
Canine Health & Nutrition:
Nutrient Requirements of Dogs (Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals) 
National Research Council, Subcommittee on Dog Nutrition 

Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats 
Richard H. Pitcairn, Susan Hubble Pitcairn 

Reigning Cats & Dogs: Good Nutrition Healthy Happy Animals 
Pat McKay 

The Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog 
Wendy Volhard, Kerry L. Brown

Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats: The Ultimate Pet Diet
Kymythy R. Schultze

Consumer Resources:

Food Pets Die for: Shocking Facts About Pet Food-Ann N. Martin
The culmination of a seven year investigation of the pet food industry.

The Consumer's Guide to Dog Food : What's in Dog Food, Why It's There and How to Choose the Best Food for Your Dog-Liz Palika
If you choose to use commercial dog food, educate yourself through comparing the ingredients and sources for different brands

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