AN internet web site dedicated to Craigyhill has now been explored by more than 3,000 people from across the world.

The tongue-in-cheek and highly observant look at life in Craigyhill comes complete with a home-page decorated with pebbledashing - in keeping with many of the hoooses in the area.

It describes itself as "an internet haven for Craigyhillians around the world" and indeed has prompted favourable responses from a number of the 3,202 who have hit on the site.

The impressive site includes such opportunities as "Take the Craigyhill test", "See the youth o thu thill express themsells in oor Art Gallery", "the Craigyhill Anthem", "Investment opportunities in the Craigyhill basin"; "A glossary of terms", "History Tour"; "Soap opera"; "Photies o the Hill"; "Arts, Crafts and Verse"; "Letterbox" and "Greenland Appreciation Society".

All are written in local "dialect" - and the site's own "Crazyhull Dickshunery" encourages visitors to "make more ottayer wee turn on the hill".

Words such "heedzamarley" (you're not thinking very logically); "diginabake" (punch in the mouth); "beak" (pronounced bake, meaning of the mouth); "Greenland" (a modern equipped hi-class seat of learning where most Craigyhillians attain their highest level of education) and "oot" (out as in "I'm away oot noo") are fully explained.

The site boasts a strong pride in Craigyhill, with phrases such as "Craigyhill is above Larne; physically and morally" and "Craigyhill, one o' the worlds leading mountain resorts".

There is also a firm observation of the rivalry between Antiville and Craigyhill - even the recently placed roundabouts on the Linn Road are detailed as a plot by Antiville folk "to invade and conquer the hill".

Throughout the site there are numerous mentions of well-known local folk and fun is poked at individual Larne politicians. Among the more favourable observations are:

"Some ill-informed travellers may mistake the red, white and blue colour scheme as an indication of extreme loyalist tendancies held by some of these simple hill folk, but no, the tricolouring of the shops and kerbstones in the estate is in honour of the great French explorer Jacques deStewartie who came to the estate in 1629 trading with the locals from a cart which he drove around the streets selling packets of snuff. In fact deStewartie finally settled on the hill in parkland behind the shops, an area that he loved because of its exceptionally clean and fragrant air. "Belle air!!" he cried when he first discovered this place of wonder and that rapturous exclamation lives on in the modern name of Bellair Park".

A number of Craigyhill landmarks are also included - "for aal those noo living abroad, some even by choice". Alongside pictures of the new bus stop, new shops and the Green, is a guide for exiled Craigyhillians:

"Gie yirsel a guid soakin wae cold water, sit in the fridge wae a fan blastin' away at ye an imagine the sweet soond o wains cursin' in the distance whilst lookin at these pictures. Ye should feel right at hame".

The question remains, however, just who are "Craig D. Hill" and "Garron Crescent", the two "names" who claim to "own and operate" the site?

The Craigyhill site can be found at