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Listen to Hannah Play the Piano While You Browse

Ernie Kyzer - 10/16/00 05:02:16
My URL:http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/ekyzer/myhomepage/heritage.html
My Email:ekyzer@aol.com
Just your Uncle good looking web

Jennifer Armijo - 08/08/00 09:20:46
My Email:corisajen@hotmail.com
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: Would love to be
Any help on adoption, we would like to start the process as soon as possible. Thank you Jen and Mike

Melanie Nunez - 07/14/00 05:42:49
My Email:funnybunny899@hotmail.com
Are You a Birthmother?: yes
I thank you for taking a child that needed a family. Being that he is not of the same ethnic/racial background as you I hope that you teach him about his ancestors culture and RELIGION. I question WHY you did not give him a japanese first name of your choice instead of an american name.

Melanie Nunez - 07/14/00 05:42:08
My Email:funnybunny899@hotmail.com
Are You a Birthmother?: yes
I thank you for taking a child that needed a family. Being that he is not of the same ethnic background as you I hope that you tach him about his ancestors culture and RELIGION. I question WHY you did not give him a japanese first name of your choice instead of an american name.

EMMANUEL K. AGYAPONG - 06/27/00 08:56:37
My URL:/agyapong/index.html
My Email:agyapong@excite.com
Other?: Just a parent
May the Good Lord richly bless you for your kind-heartedness. We are a Ghanaian family of five. We survive only by the grace of God on our income. We are therefore unble to assist by way of funds, however we shall continue to remember you in our prayers. We believe with God all things are possible.

Tsegamulat - 01/28/00 11:12:15
My Email:tsegamulata@hotmail.com
Other?: I am a student and at the same time I am working
God bless your family for what you have done for others, adoption is great love towards human beings, especially for those who have not apportunty to get care, God bless all your family. Tsega

Lena - 01/25/00 12:46:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/2518/
My Email:colena@altavista.net
Are You a Birthmother?: NO
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: YES
The photo's are very nice, and a happy family you have been blessed with 2 loving children. God bless you all. http://members.aol.com/EvannHere/WebPages/Adopted.html

- 11/27/99 08:56:26
ADD Entry Page

Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen

Ron Startzel - 11/08/99 13:18:14
My URL:http://www.58fuelie.com
My Email:rstartzel@tacc.net
Searching for information on adoptions in Okinawa Japan.

Rob Munn - 10/18/99 17:37:19
My Email:robert.munn@ns.sympatico.ca
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: Yes
GOD BLESS YOU OH SO MUCH!!!!! My wife and I adopted in 89 and are so happy and proud of our little "Ashley". I'm experiencing alot of guilt right now as I'm Canadian Military and separated from my wife Debi and Ashley by employment (2 years ago). I miss them so much that I cry just writing about them. I just don't want Ashley fostering any feelings of desertion about me. I'll pray for you. Please pray for me as my heart is in such turmoil right now. God Bless you so much. Rob

Haydon and Molly Riley - 08/13/99 13:26:46
My Email:winnie24@msa.attmil.ne.jp
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: Working on it :O)
Other?: Also Military....
Your site was really nice to look at. We just moved to Misawa, Japan with the USAF, and are starting our process to adopt. We male factor infertility which can never be cured, so we are anxious to adopt and start our own family. It has been a long road but we are finally making progress in finding out where to start. Did you have any problems adopting from Japan? I haven't seen too much info on it, and have heard it is very hard. You are the first people I have run across who are in a situation like us. Being American, and living overseas, although I know there must be alot of "us" out there. Good luck with your family, and may God bless you.

Haydon and Molly Riley - 08/13/99 13:25:01
My Email:winnie24@msa.attmil.ne.jp
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: Working on it :O)
Other?: Also Military....
Your site was really nice to look at. We just moved to Misawa, Japan with the USAF, and are starting our process to adopt. We male factor infertility which can never be cured, so we are anxious to adopt and start our own family. It has been a long road but we are finally making progress in finding out where to start. Did you have any problems adopting from Japan? I haven't seen too much info on it, and have heard it is very hard. You are the first people I have run across who are in a situation like us. Being American, and living overseas, although I know there must be alot of "us" out there. Good luck with your family, and may God bless you.

Arturo Acereto - 08/06/99 14:36:44
My Email:salas60@prodigy.net.mx
Other?: brother in law
My sister in law is pregnant and desires for a loving and responsible couple to adopt her baby. Our e-mail is salas@prodigy.net.mx Phone:011-52-42-187763. We live in Mexico.

Arturo Acereto - 08/05/99 15:59:27
My Email:salas60@prodigy.net.mx
Other?: brother in law
My sister in law is 6 months pregnant. She would like to place her child up for adoption. We live in Mexico. You can e-mail or call me. Arturo Acereto Sabinos No 101 Col. Jurica Queretaro, Qro. C.P. 76100 Mexico Phone: 011-52-42-187763 E-mail: salas60@prodigy.net.mx

joe and eileen garehime - 06/12/99 21:30:05
My Email:maranantha@yahoo.com
Are You a Birthmother?: no/nor father
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no
A wonderful home page- I could feel the warmth of your family..My wife and i have been married 11 years - and have been hoping and praying for a child of our own- have been through invitro- twice and nothing ...We long for a child to bring up in Gods ways- We will not give up hope ,but is very hard ..God will provide ,i believe ...anyway- thank you for your faith --Adoption is very exspensive here in california- so we are hoping for a "miracle" !! thank you for your home page -- In Jesus name ... Joe Oakley,Ca

glenn gipson - 05/13/99 22:27:53
My URL:http://kingdompartners.com
My Email:members@kingdompartners.com
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no
I really enjoyed the time, effort, and love that you put into your site. I would like to invite you to join Kingdom Parners. Check us out. If you are interested we could also link you with our site. God bless.

Glenda Mariner - 04/19/99 05:07:38
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~elyse
My Email:elyse@earthlink.net
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no
Lovely family; lovely homepage

T. A. white - 04/18/99 13:50:21
My Email:tuell@anet-stl.com
Are You a Birthmother?: nope
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: nope
Other?: 3 grown kids
Nice website Donna! Last time I saw you was when you were playing on your swingset in your back yard in Imperial, MO. T. A., Marilyn, David, Stephen, and Amy. David and Amy married living in Springfield, MO. Stephen married and living in Roswell, GA.

Rev. Nowyn L. Jangad - 01/28/99 21:50:42
My Email:cciwyn@cebu.pw.net.ph
Other?: I'm a Pastor who has a member that is very poor that out of poverty they are looking for someone who could possibly adopt one of their children
I praise God for families like yours whose desire is to be able to help others. I pray for more Christian families whose heart is to reach out to others. God bless your family.

Rosa Dixon - 11/10/98 23:12:01
My Email:rdixon@mail.cswnet.com
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: Yes
I am an adoptive mother of two sons. I understand the joy of finally having the children you so desparately want. I also understand the sorrow of not being able to have children of your own, but when that call comes and they tell you they have found you a child you forget about all the waiting and sorrow. I am doing a college paper on adoption vs. abortion and I ran across your home page on the web during my search. Good luck with your next adoption. Rosa Dixon

10/04/98 12:17:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

young family - 09/27/98 19:53:11
My Email:younger37@hotmial.com
Hello nice home page

- 09/05/98 16:26:18

Shan - 06/07/98 07:19:19
I am very happy to hear about your wonderful family. It makes me hopeful when I see people who do not limit love because of cultural differences. I hope you find the child you are searching for. Any child would be blessed to have you as parents. God B ess You!

Laurie Weekly - 05/23/98 14:18:11
My Email:tweekly@means.net
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: husband is
Other?: pediatric nurse
I think you have the right idea by advertising/informing a need for prayer for the right baby to be placed in your care! I will pray this happens for you, and in a reasonably short period of time. I was never blessed with the gift of a child(ren), but h ve spent all my working days with them, and enjoyed them just the same. My sister has a fertility problem, and would dearly love to be a mom; please, I ask you, pray for Julie, that she would conceive a normal healthy child. She just turned 40! My husb nd is father to 2 boys and a Korean girl, now 15. She is the apple of his eye, very motivated, talented, like your daughter; must be a genetic thing, we sometimes think, as most of our oriental friends are musical and very goal-oriented, motivated. Anyw y, God bless your family, and I'll pray for you!

Geri Marshall - 05/21/98 22:21:57
My Email:geriangel@earthlink.net
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: yes
Other?: hoping to be again
I loved your home page. You did a fantastic job!!! GERI

Steven & Heather Paiva - 02/22/98 01:22:34
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: Soon to be
We think this is agreat idea. Hope you have much success. Steve and Heather

Steven & Heather Paiva - 02/22/98 01:18:56

T. A. White - 02/17/98 23:14:25
My Email:tuell@anet-stl.com
Donna, Seems like it was not so long ago that I was watching you and Ferrell play on the swing set in your back yard in Imperial, Mo. I've been retired 3 1/2 years, having a great time. Marilyn is still teaching. Does Donnie have E-mail??? T.A.

Atsuko Milam - 01/29/98 05:08:13
My Email:attchan@tsixroads.com
Are You a Birthmother?: yes
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no
Hi! I enjoyed your home page. I was lookin in about okinawa and came across to your page. I am originaly from Okinawa. I wish your family the best. you have lots of precious pictures.

Enid - 01/23/98 10:21:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bourgaultr/index.htm
Are You a Birthmother?: Yes
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: No
I wish you the best of luck in being able to adopt a child or children. I lived in Okinawa for 5 years once. Unfortunately, I didn't have a happy ending from that experience. You have great pages. Keep up the good work. God bless you all!

Julie - 12/29/97 20:57:39
My Email:Babyboo73@aol.com
Are You a Birthmother?: yes
I really enjoyed your site.

Judy - 12/29/97 03:09:05
My Email:omary@sonet.net
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: Yes
I saw your add and will be praying for you, we adopted a little girl in 1991 and she was and still is an answered prayer and blessing. So many people don't realize how many of us christian couples want to adopt. Our prayers are with you.

Dee Dee Matthews - 12/07/97 07:36:07
Are You a Birthmother?: yes
You sound like you are very nice people. I wish you all the best wishes and I will pray for you that you will get your child.

- 11/29/97 19:48:09
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no
Good luck with your family. I am just browsing the net. Am a married mother of three sons in Denmark. Your family sounds nice. Best wishes, Allison

Anna Furr - 11/19/97 23:17:51
My Email:amdmfurr@mbay.net
I enjoyed your pictures and Hannah's piano playing very much! We miss you all and look forward to hearing from you soon! God Bless!!! The Furr's

Tina Sugimura - 11/18/97 22:42:03
My Email:famcareinc@aol.com
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no
Other?: Work/Life Referral Specialist
I just wanted to comment on your web site, I wish you and your family all the luck and continuos happiness. I came across your website by looking up adoption information, i work for a Nationwide Dependent Care Resource & Referral company based out of Cali ornia. I basically help parents find child care and other dependent care information. Adoption is one of are fairly new programs we have developed. We try and help our clients with as much information as possible on the adoption process. Thats how i came cross your information. Thank you.....

Stephen Brandon - 11/12/97 03:45:26
My URL:http://www.vvm.com/~sbrandon
My Email:sbrandon@vvm.com
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no
Other?: n/a
I liked your pages. Got here through Link Ex. May I use your Family Photo page format? 8<)

Kim Breuer - 11/02/97 19:11:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9924/
My Email:gkbreuer@minot.com
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: yes
Saw your homepage and will pray you soon add that baby to your home you so desire! We are an Air Force family, too--stationed at Minot AFB. My husband is a pilot and we have 5 children, 3 by birth, 1 from China and 1 from Korea. We are currently waiting for another referral from China.

The Music Family - 10/30/97 17:22:21
My Email:music@value-line.net
I have enjoyed your homepage and will pray for you. You have a lovely family and are very good parents.

Darla Federwitz - 10/29/97 01:31:04
Other?: friend and relative of adoptees
I pray that you have luck in your search. I hope that God hears your prayers and blesses you with a healthy child. I cried at your message because I've seen how happy my sister-in-law and college roommate (both adoptees) are with their adopted families. :)

Tracie - 10/21/97 12:09:28
My Email:tracie_bray@hotmail.com
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no

ROBIN PADOLIK - 10/15/97 14:56:08
Are You a Birthmother?: YES
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: NOT YET

Carolyn Rishton - 10/14/97 23:31:17
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: yes soon to be
just wanted to say hello and let you know that you did a excillent job, and my husband and i wish you lots of luck, and we hope you get a child real soon. We are also adopting through L.A. County and have completed home studys and are waiting for that pho e call. take care you have a lovely family. Tom, Carolyn and Nicholas Rishton

Rusty Meek - 10/07/97 00:17:55
My Email:rusty1@cheerful.com
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no
Other?: no
You have a great website Uncle Rodney! I can see that you have put much time and effort into it.

Ronny - 09/15/97 08:58:39

Billy and Jerri Palmer - 09/11/97 02:47:23
My Email:palmer42@aol.com
We enjoyed very much viewing your home page. The pictures are nice. Very good quality. Hannah's playing is very good. Tell her to keep it up. Just got off talking to Ferrell. Let us hear from you when you have time. Palmer42@aol.com Uncle Billy

Rosemary Blom - 09/02/97 14:53:31
My Email:joyful.mother@internetMCI.com
Other?: Minister
I have a ministry to barren women. I am currently writing a book on the subject. I have a friend who is about to have her 2nd child after experiencing secondary infertility. God is no respecter of persons and he will bless you with another child. I be ieved for seven years before having my first child. Three years later I was blessed with my second. Ex 23:26 says None shall be barren. That means you! Be blessed!

Angela Spencer - 08/31/97 16:54:42
Are You a Birthmother?: yes
Looking for adoptive parents to adopt my baby. I do not own a computer, so I'm using a friend. Saw your website a thought I would check it out.

- 08/31/97 16:48:53

Kay Thompson - 08/31/97 00:46:22
My Email:hikay@gte.net
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no
Other?: Yes
Parent of pregnate 16 year old daughter. She has not decided what to do as she just found out. I hope she will adopt the child.

Jim and Anne Griggs - 08/26/97 05:59:39
My Email:jamesgrigg@aol.com
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: Yes
We have 5 adopted children - 4 from Mother Theresa in India, and one from our area in Washington state. Good lock and God bless you in your efforts. IT'S WORTH IT!

Don and Linda Reasoner - 08/21/97 00:43:56
My Email:donandlinda@compuseve.com
Hey guys Great Home Page. Thanks for giving us the address. You have beautiful family. We're praying that it grows. Don and Linda

Jason Doan - 08/20/97 13:25:45
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JasonD1000/index.html
My Email:JasonD1000@aol.com
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: no
Other?: Fellow Christian
I am praying that you will find another child to adoopt, and to give the wonderful gift of having a good family. God Bless YOU!

Richard and Amanda Armstrong - 08/13/97 02:31:23
My Email:chicago@telepath.com
This is a very nice homepage. I know I only was stationed with you for 3 years, but in those three years I certainly realized that no one on earth could possibly make better parents than the two of you. Good luck and God bless.

Sue Story - 08/11/97 14:40:12
My Email:Mrsgstory@aol.com or Suebee17@juno.com
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: yes
God is a good God and he will bring that special child into your life. We were blessed with 2 beautiful children (both private adoption). All you need to do is keep your faith. If you would like to chat with me please feel free to email me. Bless you all Sue.

The Ballards - 08/08/97 06:35:25
My Email:miknsher@pacbell.net
Are You a Birthmother?: no
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: we are trying to be
We just wanted to let you know, you are in our prayers. As a family who has 2 sons and was unable to conceive again and have looked at adopting, we can really empathize with you.

The Melnychuk's - 07/30/97 18:17:11
As a Christian couple suffering with secondary infertility, we sympathize! God bless you and may he, through his grace, provide you another child.

The Pernell's - 07/22/97 23:31:32
We loved your homepage. You're always in our prayers.

Gary Hill - 07/22/97 01:01:49
Are You an Adoptive Parent?: No
Very nice Homepage!

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