Matthew 16:3... In the morning when the sky is red and lowering you say it will be foul weather....you can discern the face of the sky; but can you not discern the signs of the times? In the New Testament Jesus Christ warned, that in the last days false Christs and false prophets (preachers) would arise and show great signs and wonders....so much so, that if it were possible they would deceive the very elect. (Matthew 24;24).............

False teaching is a mixture of truth and error. Thus, people may at the same time be encouraged and nourished by some things that are true but unknowingly accept error along with it. Unfortunately, sometimes even a small amount of error may be dangerous. (Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? 1Corinthians 5;v6).........

False preachers preach titles like,"How to Write Your Own Ticket with God"; "God's Formula for Success and Prosperity"; "God's Creative Power Will Work for You"...........

In this false religion the believer uses God, whereas the truth of biblical Christianity is just the opposite: God uses the believer through the Holy Spirit to accomplish HIS WILL.

A lot of the false preachers of today believe that the human mind and tongue contain a supernatural ability or power. So much so that when a person speaks expressing his faith in divine laws, his positive thoughts and positive verbal expression allegedly produce a "divine force" that will heal, produce wealth, bring success, and in other ways influence the environment. Faith, according to the Charismatic movement, is not submissive trust in God; Their faith is a "formula" by which to manipulate the spiritual laws which they believe govern the universe. So, why pray at all if words have so much creative force?....... ...................

They turn faith into a magical formula and words into some kind of abracadabra by which one may "get things from God". (Jude 4 .....who turn the grace of our Lord into lasciviousness ­a strong desire for material things.) But the teaching from this faith serves only to justify their own lavish lifetyles and materialistic philosophies, while breeding a superstition that their words, when spoken positively, will determine their fate......

It would appear that many of the heros of faith named in Hebrews 11 did not really have strong faith after all...if the WORD OF FAITH definition of faith is valid.......Certainly those who experienced scourgings, chains, and imprisonment (v36); who went about in shabby clothes, destitute, afflicted and ill-treated (v37); who lived in the deserts, mountains, caves and holes in the ground (v.38) must not have been very adept at creating their own reality........ Yet they gained approval from God for their faith (v39). That is because Hebrews 11 teaches that real faith has to do with our obeying God....not his giving us material things.

On the other end of the spectrum there is the teaching of liberal theology that almost rejects the bible as being the divine word of God. Thus they have no guidelines for evaluating or testing the validity of their spiritual experiences. They believe ever experience is from God, even if their spiritual experience goes against the Bible. (Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God. ­­ 1John 4:1)

...........Absent is a balance of the scriptures that the bible teaches.


A lot of these false preachers can be seen on Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN).

Their sermons are so strong, if it were possible, they would almost deceive the very elect.

But read your bible:........

1st Timothy 6: verses 5-10:...............

V5..... they suppose that gain is approval from God: from such withdraw thyself.

V6....But Godliness(fruit of the spirit) with contentment is great gain.

V7.... For we have brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry noth- ing out.

V8....And having food and clothing let us be therewith content.

V9...But they that are rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lust, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

V10...For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some covet after, they have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


Why did Jesus say there would be many false prophets and false religions in the latter days?

Consider: Satans' legal control over mankind was almost complete and total, invulnerable to any human effort to breaking his bondage until the Cross. When Jesus gave up his life on the Cross it provided the ultimate sacrifice needed for our salvation, because the bible says........WITHOUT THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD THERE CAN BE NO FORGIVENESS OF SINS....(HEBREWS 9 V22).......


The wrath of God (not Satan) towards mankind and his sins was poured out upon his Son Jesus while he was on the Cross. Jesus bore our sins for us. There is no longer any need for the shedding of blood for remission of sins. Satans' once invincible power of sin is now broken, for anyone who believes on the blood of Christ. ........Jesus becomes our righteousness when we believe.

No wonder Satan mocks the Cross through false preachers; through rock music and Hollywood movies. (for example; many wear the cross as a "classy" necklace, while indulging in every sin that nailed Jesus to the Cross in the first place.)

False preachers preach the honor, glory & praise of Jesus as he entered into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday but they NEVER preach of Jesus coming outside of the walls of Jerusalem carrying his cross, suffering shame, persecution, & death. ...........In short they refuse to bear the offense of the cross......Yet Jesus said, "Pick up your cross and follow me."

For most religions a man can be saved by rituals, good works, keeping of laws, etc.; For some, even Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. are all acceptable for salvation. The world says there are many ways to God, and this sounds good, but the truth is there is only one way to God and that is through trusting in the Cross of Christ and his atoning death for our sins. And yet, this is offensive to the world.

Why? The Cross discloses the true nature of our humanity. It exposes our failure & inability to save ourselves. It unveils our human weaknesses. It openly displays mans' dark sin nature and crushes his pride. It humbles us. Most importantly: it is Gods' only plan for salvation. No wonder the world is so offended. No wonder Satan hates it so much. Jesus is the only way to God, and Satan knows it. Is it any wonder he wants to destroy the true message of the Cross?

THE TRUE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS:..........There are several reasons God came into the world. One reason was to identify himself with us. There is nothing more identifying with human life than tears, sorrow, and suffering. The common denominator in life is not riches, because so many of us are poor. It is not strength and health because so many of us are weak and sick. The broken heartedness, disappointment, the hurt and sorrow of life are very real. The tears of seperation, loneliness, old age and death sometimes brings us to despair. Jesus came saying, I understand your suffering.

Consider the life of Jesus................

He was born in a stable; a king tried to assassinate him; his earthly parents opposed his vocation; his disciples listened to his word, yet at times neither heard nor believed him; a rich man turned away from him; some thought he was a sorcerer, the religious leaders plotted against him; Judas sold him for thirty coins; Peter repudiated him; his disciples deserted him during his persecution; a crowd called for his blood; he was accused of sedition; Pilate tried to avoid him and then condemned him; the soldiers taunted him on the cross; some gambled for his clothes and skepticism greeted his resurrection. (A very human life.)

Had Jesus first come in majestic glory on a raging warhorse or as a mighty king living in a palace of splendor we would have known his great glory and power, but we would not have known his love for each of us. Gods' love is not known through his might and power but through his humility, his servanthood, his suffering, his brokenness, his pouring out of his life on the cross. (1 Peter 2 v21.....suffering is all part of the work God has given us. Christ, who suffered for you is your example. Follow in his steps).......

W.A. Criswell, describes the true message and meaning of the Cross. To paraphrase him: ............Our highest imagination can never enter into the glory, nor comprehend the exaltation from whence Jesus came. The immeasurable distance between the glory of our Lord in heaven and the shame to which he descended on earth is beyond human understanding. He was made into the form of a man and became a suffering servant, healing and ministering to all before he was sentenced to death.....

Before Jesus was crucified, he was beaten with a whip. A whip consisting of leather throngs with small iron balls and sharp pieces of bone attached to the end. This beating usually dug into the flesh and ripped it open. It was an agonizing ordeal, yet Jesus endured for our sakes. Soon afterward the jeering crowd covered him with their spit, and began to pluck out his beard. Then they crowned him with long sharp thorns. The pain and humiliation Jesus endured was horrible. Jesus was then flung down upon a cross at calvary, and nailed to it. Spikes were driven through His hands and feet to hold HIM in place upon the cross. Jesus hung there, bleeding, unable to breath, unless He pushed himself upward with the nail through His feet, His muscles cramped and contracted, sending great spasams of pain upward. The capillaries in His sweat glands began to rupture, and He literaly sweated drops of blood. A Roman solider then pierced His side with a sword. Jesus endured this torture for many hours.

It was Earth's saddest hour and humanities deepest darkest day. At 3 P.M. it was all over. The Lord of Life bowed his head and the light of the world flickered out. Whispers abounded.The Lord of Life is dead. The lips that spoke forth Lazarus from the grave are now stilled, parched and swollen in the silence of his death. His head that was anointed by Mary of Bethany is bowed, lacerated, and bleeding from the crown of thorns...........The eyes that once wept over Jerusalem are closed, dried up and swollen in his death. The innocent hands that once blessed little children and healed much suffering and disease are now penetrated by iron spikes. The blessed feet that walked on the blue waters of Galilee are now fastened to a wooden beam. The heart that went out in compassionate love and sympathy for the poor and lost of the world is now punctured by a spear.

Jesus, the sinless Son of God, is dead....


The cross has revealed mans' true nature.

The maddening mob that cried for his crucifixion gradually disperses. Rubbing their hands in self congratulation, the religious leaders go back to the city. Mary his mother and the other women are bowed in sobs and tears. The gambling, taunting and snickering of the crowds and soldiers are silenced. Only the flies, insects and the smell of blood lingers on. Most of the apostles are scattered. The centurion reports back that "Jesus is dead". The currents of iniquity have surged on, unchecked.........What was the meaning of all this madness?


The message coming from the cross upon which Jesus died is not "romantic." The cross is not a "classy" necklace worn around the neck. The cross is where the Son of God suffered great humiliation and a horrible death because of our sins. He bore our sins for us. He redeemed mankind from the curse of the law...........Jesus died for you..............

The message of the cross is not only that Jesus suffered with us and for us; but also that the judgement wrath of God toward our sins was poured out on his son Jesus, resulting in his death, and our forgiveness. For it is written; "The wages of sin is DEATH." The message of the cross is that this was not only God's redemptive plan of salvation for the ages, but also the symbol of hope in Glory. The cross is a sign of our atonement;.........The Cross is God's invitation to pardon and forgiveness. It is an invitation to LIFE. It is an assurance that God has prepared some better thing for us than what we know in the sorrow and tears of this life. If we have any hope, any forgiveness, any tomorrow, it lies in the atoning death of the SON OF GOD.

The men of Galilee stopped dead in their tracks. A message leaps from mouth to mouth like liquid fire. An angel says, "He is Alive". Mary Magdalene says, "I have seen the Lord!" Simon Peter is filling Jerusalem with the bold and courageous announcement: "He is Alive, He is Alive!" All up and down the highways of Judae, along the shores of Galilee, beyond the coasts of the great Mediterranean, on the road to Athens and Rome, in every poor man's cottage and in every rich man's palace, there is that glorious news: "HE IS ALIVE, HE IS ALIVE!"............Lift up your heads ye sorrowing ones...........and be ye glad of heart......... For earth's saddest day.........and earth's gladdest day........ Calvary's day and Easter.......... are just one day apart!...........The bitter seed of the crucifixion brought forth a beautiful and precious flower. The cross magnifies our exalted and risen Lord. The Cross itself is the symbol of the Christian faith and our hope in the world that is to come. 1st Corinthians 15 v55; O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? v57......Thanks be to God, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.............

Revelations 1 v18; I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, and I HAVE THE KEYS OF HELL AND OF DEATH........................


So many have asked,...... "If GOD is a God of Love, then how could he have created a HELL? God did not create hell for man but for Satan and all his followers. God is also God of Divine Judgement. He has passed judgement on Satan, the great destroyer, who has continuously destroyed God's creation. Hell and the lake of fire are that judgement. Both are real. Hell may be controversial & extremely unpopular, but it is also REAL.


As the bible so plainly states: you are either a follower of God or Satan. One or the other. There is no middle ground. If you are not living for Jesus then you will end up where Satan ends up.

Jesus died so you would not have to go there. In fact, if you go to hell you will have to step over Jesus to get there. You probably have already been given many opportunities to receive Jesus as your Savior.


The Pride of Satan

Pride; The state or quality of being proud or having excessive self-esteem; conceit concerning ones talents, abilities, wealth, station, etc.; disdainful behavior; The personification of this condition is the first of the seven cardinal sins; to indulge in pride is self- glory. Beginning with the fall of man in Genesis, pride is viewed as the root and essence of sin; According to the bible, God hates pride because pride destroys people spiritually...

The most profound teaching on pride comes from the life and words of Jesus Christ. Jesus condemned racial pride, social pride and spiritual pride. Jesus urged his disciples to assume an attitude of childlike humility. His example is seen in his washing the feet of his disciples. You might ask where are all the humble spiritual leaders today? Good question.

Still, the bible warns against an attitude of pride.

The values and beliefs associated with Hollywood, New Agers and Humanistic psychologist, have been nurturing the sin of pride for years.

They are luring many into altered states of consciousness, whereby arrogance, self-sufficiency and selfishness have given rise to a " me" generation. One of the dangers of "building pride" is that it can generate a quest for self-esteem that can and will take a person in the direction of eventually enclosing oneself into a dream world, in which their "I" will grow as rampant as a forest of jungle vines. This can destroy a person, and alienate him from God.The dictatorial "I" becomes a constant bombardment of "what's in it for me"; becoming priority over God.

Self is exalted over God.

Jesus did not condemn an attitude of quite self-respect and dignity. Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves, implying not only that we are permitted a reasonable expression of self-love, but that love for others is impossible until we experience a measure of self-respect. Life itself teaches that a proud person is too pompous and haughty to bow humbly before his maker, confess his sins and submit himself to a life of service to God. A proud person is hateful to his fellowman, and disregards the feelings and needs of others.....

Pride will keep you from salvation and Satan knows it. Pride is in the argument that there is nothing wrong with me. I'm basically a good person. I'm O.K. What do I need salvation from? (This is Pride).

Yet God says all have sinned, and that even our best goodness cannot get us into heaven. We must believe that Jesus came and lived the perfect life for us and received our punishment for us. This is God's plan for man's salvation. It is a free gift from God. John 3;16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Yet it is not so easily accepted. Why?

Only Satan, the Father of all lies, can take what God says is evil (Pride) and make it appear normal, acceptable and even something to be desired.

Deception is perhaps Satan's most dangerous weapon.

Look to God's word and see what he says......King James Version (most other versions have altered this meaning).......

Psalms 10; 4.........the wicked through the PRIDE of his countenance, will not seek after God. God is never in their thoughts.

Proverbs 8;13......the fear of the Lord is to hate evil; PRIDE and arrogancy and the evil way and the froward mouth, do I hate.

Proverbs 14;3...In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of PRIDE.

Mark 7;22....... thefts, covetousness, wickedness,deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, PRIDE, foolishness; all these evil things come from within and defile the man.

1 John 2;16...for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the PRIDE of life, is not of God, but of the world.

In all, there are approximately 48 verses in the bible whereby God warns a person against PRIDE.

Synonymous with PRIDE in it's adjective form is the "state of being PROUD".

Proverbs 16;5....Everyone that is PROUD in heart is an abomination.

Proverbs 21;4...A high look and a PROUD heart and the plowing of the wicked is sin.

Jeremiah 13;15..... Hear ye and give ear; be not PROUD; for the Lord has spoken.

Psalms 138;6...Thou the Lord be high yet has he respect unto the humble, but the PROUD are far from him.

James 4;6...God resists the PROUD, but gives grace unto the humble.

Romans 1;30...backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, PROUD, boasters...


There are approximately 49 verses in the bible whereby God warns against an attitude of being PROUD.


Altogether there are more than 100 verses of warning

It is a wise thing to consider the words of one who rose from the dead.

Two men went up to pray. The PROUD one said, "God, I thank thee, that I am not like other men are. " He listed all his good qualities and was quite satisfied. He had a good eye for himself, a bad eye for his brother. The humble man prayed, "God, be merciful to me a sinner". Jesus said the humble man was justified; for everyone that exalts himself shall be abased; but he that humbles himself shall be exalted. The humble man may have had the courage of a conqueror, but he realized that he lacked something which only God could supply. Poverty of spirit is a key to God's kingdom.



When first heard by his disciples, these familiar words of Jesus sounded jolting and strange, for they greatly contrasted the expectations of the whole world (as they do today). But the poor in spirit have so emptied themselves of themselves (the PRIDE of their accomplishments and the selfishness of their desires) that the Spirit of God "has come into their emptiness". God has come into their lives; giving them meaning, direction and purpose in life....


Beginning with "Blessed are the poor in spirit", Jesus preached the values and beliefs of the Kingdonm of God......

Jesus taught......blessed are those who......(verse 3)....are poor in spirit(who look to God)

The world teaches.... blessed are those who are.......self-confident,trust in self

Jesus taught......blessed are those who...(verse 4)...mourn (those who are sorry for their sins)

The world teaches.... blessed are those who are.......seekers of pleasure

Jesus taught......blessed are those who (verse 5)....are meek

The world teaches.... blessed are those who are......proud, powerful,important

Jesus taught......blessed are those who......(verse 6)......seek after righteousness

The world teaches.... blessed are those who are.....satisfied with self

Jesus taught......blessed are those who.....(verse 8)....are pure in heart

The world teaches.... blessed are those who are......sophisticated, cultured, intellectual

Jesus taught......blessed are those who.....(verse 9)....are peacemakers

The world teaches.... blessed are those who are.....competitive, aggressive

Jesus taught......blessed are those who.....(verse10)....are persecuted for righteousness sake

The world teaches.... blessed are those who are.......adaptable, popular


These values and beliefs are what God himself preached.This "sermon on the mount" is for all who choose to follow Jesus. Implicit within this sermon is a rejection of the values and beliefs which lie at the core of all human civilizations.

It is difficult to live in our world and look at men and women who live by the world's standards; and not be affected.

For example, there is a natural tendency to admire the popular, successful, and self-reliant person. The natural man will envy his power and ability to indulge in the good things this world has to offer. It's only natural to want to be like him.

We also admire the world's, "successful people". Their sophistication, looks, pleasures, and importance is mesmerizing. The whole attractive package of their values and beliefs is appealing to us because we tend to associate them with fulfillment. To be like them becomes our dream.

However, God rejects such goals and proclaims in his "sermon on the mount",

that you will find fulfillment;

V3.....NOT in having faith in yourself, but in having faith in God;

V4...NOT in constantly seeking for pleasure, but in longing to know God;

V6.....NOT in seeking satisfaction for self, but in hungering for God's compassion and righteousness to be in your heart;

V9...NOT in seeking to become popular over other people, but in helping others win their way to the peace of Jesus Christ..

The Christian life is not built overnight, but over a lifetime.......It is only through many trials and tribulations, and possibly through many failings, that we can eventually come to the TRUE FULFILLMENT, found only in serving the Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ.

The "building of Pride", which can be built, will eventually collapse; The world can give you riches, beauty, talent, power, pride and fame; but without the peace of Jesus Christ, all these things will only bring torment and an empty heart.

Only Jesus can fill your heart.

No seminar teaching in the world, that teaches you how to win friends, influence people, or how to maximize the ultimate potential that is within you, will ever replace the simplicity of truth found in the teachings of Christ. (The greatest motivator of all is the forgiveness of sin.)

Matthew 16 V26; What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?...or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

Isaiah 50 v11....Behold all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks; walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This ye have of mine hand; ye shall lie down in sorrow.




King Herod was a king who had absolute power over others, but he was powerless to control his own hatred and fears. So was Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin; enslaving others brings the ruler no peace within.

Yet as King of Kings, Jesus taught we must gain power over our prejudice and hatred (not through eastern meditation practices, but through learning from God's word, the Bible). Only through learning from God's word can we find fulfillment. The power to humble ourselves comes only from Jesus Christ.

Outward glory and PRIDE are nothing compared to having peace within. In his humility Jesus was exalted above all men. Yet Satan in all his PRIDE and glory was cast down.


Isaiah 14;11-16.....Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols; the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. V12.......How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning, how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! V13.....For thou has said in thine heart, I WILL ascend into heaven, I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God; I WILL be like the MOST HIGH. V14...I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds; V15...Yet thou shalt be brought down to HELL, to the sides of the pit. V16...They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, saying, IS THIS THE MAN THAT MADE THE EARTH TO TREMBLE, THAT DID SHAKE KINGDOMS ?


In seeking evidence of God's truth, do you look for startling, miraculous signs?...or men who are set apart from all other men, by their great glory? (Beware the leaven)

Why not look for the work of God through those who are "poor in spirit". A work of God that produces.... love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, MEEKNESS, faith, temperance.....the fruit of the Spirit

1Tim. 2:v2.....that we may lead a quiet & peaceable life in all godliness & honesty.

Only Satan, can promise you a shortcut to fulfillment. There can be no short cuts to FULFILLMENT. The peace and fulfillment of Jesus Christ lays at the foot of the CROSS. Yet, in serving the Lord, there is an inward joy that cannot be affected by outward circumstances.............

Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy,and my burden is light.{Matthew 11 v28-30}

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